LATE night snacking....

I dont get off work till 9:00 pm....I've gotten into the HORRIBLE habit of snacking...snacking...snacking...after work. Has anyone else had this issue? If so...what did you do that helped?


  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    Just snack on healthy foods like fruits n veggies
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I work 2-10pm a few nights a week. I eat lunch before I go, have a serving of almonds around 4-5pm, keeps me full for hours, eat a healthy dinner (usually leftovers) around 8pm and then come home at 10pm and have one snack item, ice cream, or English muffin with PB are my usual snacks, sometimes cereal. I make sure I don't come home hungry or I eat too much too.
  • Yeah, I have the same problem. I have no idea what to do but I'm always trying to find something to eat 9pm+ and even as I write this I'm so hungery but I know I can't go over my calorie intake by way to much.
  • Gum is a big help for me, it might be for you. Also, yeah, alot of vegetables are barely any calories.
  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    If I work late, I try to plan ahead and eat my meals at weird times that day - lunch at 2, dinner at 6:30 or 7, something like that. If I am absolutely dying, I make a protein shake with almond milk & a scoop of protein powder and maybe a little fruit. I try not to eat a lot then go to bed.

    Tonight I taught a Zumba class and didn't eat til 9:30, but I'm going to stay up for a few hours to make sure I mostly digest my food. That's the only other thing you could do - eat a small meal then go to bed later, like 1 a.m.
  • glynda66
    glynda66 Posts: 184 Member
    Wouldnt salad be a good choice? Its SO filling..and low in calories (as long as it isnt floating in salad dressing,lol)
  • First, figure out why you're snacking, snacking, snacking... Are you eating because you're bored? or hungry? or trying to meet your calorie goal?. Once you figure that out I think you'll be able to start to fix the problem. If you're eating out of bordem- maybe you can modify your nighttime activities. I know it helps me, if I'm watching TV, to occupy my hands as well. With things like crochet, sudoku puzzles, etc. That way I don't feel the need to shovel a bunch of junk into my mouth. I also like to have hot tea at night to curb my appetite. If you're eating a lot at night bc you're hungry though- its all about making the right food choices. Especially before you head to bed. Once you establish a good nighttime routine- you'll be good to go! Good Luck to You!
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    I am a snacker and a grazer. My number 1 go to late night snack has become an apple! So simple, but so filling. If I am extra hungry, I add a tablespoon of peanut butter. But I have to measure that out or I will eat the whole jar lol
  • janbez
    janbez Posts: 37 Member
    Late nights are awful for me. I can be on track all day and just fall off the wagon in a big way late at night, especially after a marathon work day. No matter how bad it gets, I am impeccable with tracking. It does not diminish the calorie count but it is keeping me honest.
  • No eating past a certain time helps. Also, eating later in the day isn't so great because you are less likely to burn off the calories. Io if you are going to snack, make sure it's negative calorie foods. :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Save some of your calories for later in the day.
  • juggler78
    juggler78 Posts: 5 Member
    As someone who used to finish work at 11pm i feel your pain, although if you go to bed later then late night snacking is not as bad as for "regular folk." make it part of your regular scheduled meals and make sure it's something healthy. i don't know your family situation but the easiest way is not to buy the bad stuff in the first place, hopefully family members will be supportive.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    No eating past a certain time helps. Also, eating later in the day isn't so great because you are less likely to burn off the calories. Io if you are going to snack, make sure it's negative calorie foods. :)

    She's kidding, of course.

    Just save some of your calories for your late snack.
  • I snack right up until I go to bed most days, but I'm not much of a breakfast person....So I always have the calories to play with at night when I'm hungry. I plan it that way.
  • PakiBoom
    PakiBoom Posts: 21 Member
    My fav late night snack is canned beats ! It fills my sugar craving and fills me up with only 35 cal per can..... Cheap easy solution....
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    No eating past a certain time helps. Also, eating later in the day isn't so great because you are less likely to burn off the calories. Io if you are going to snack, make sure it's negative calorie foods. :)

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I wouldn't call it an "issue". I love late night eating.
  • You could always just accept that you're going to eat late and count it as a meal.
    Personally i'd suggest a quick workout and a high protien meal, like an omlette or something.
  • LadieTink
    LadieTink Posts: 91 Member
    Gum is a big help for me, it might be for you. Also, yeah, alot of vegetables are barely any calories.
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    I work 3rd shift 11Pm - 7AM and finally after 7 yrs I have my meals figured out! Breakfast at 7:30AM watch TV then go to bed. Dinner between 5-6PM, nap at 7:30PM and wake at 10PM for a quick protein smoothie. At work I eat an apple, 3T raw almonds and chew gum. It's working great. Now if I could just figure out how to eat on my nights off I'd be set?! lol