I would like some friends please!

I was really motivated this summer and lost 20 pounds from willpower and have gained back half of what i lost. I really want to get back on track but find myself saying ill start tomorrow again and again. help me stay motivated!

ps, in my 20s and a college student so im pretty social and like to drink on weekends which makes things more tough!


  • Rames221
    Rames221 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, my name's Richie and I am also in college attending ASU. I did the same thing too last summer! :D I lost about 20 lbs and then gained it back when school started up again. lol I just started keeping track of what I eat and how much I exercise so that I am ready for spring break! Feel free to add me! So far, this website has been extremely motivating for me and I hope it will be for you too. :)
  • Kenshia
    Kenshia Posts: 9 Member
    Hello. I am new to fitness pal and am interested in knowing how long others have been apart of it and how is it working for u