
I'm Melissa! I'm 20years old and have just finished theatre school where I studied musical theatre! I'm new to this website and was introduced to it by my cousin so I am excited to discover how it all works, and so far I think it's a brilliant idea and way of helping me loose weight! Lets hope it works!


  • mamalacroix
    mamalacroix Posts: 12
    I'm hoping with you. I also joined because my cousin is/was using this site and has been doing great. So far I've done good today, eating surprisingly healthy and found some yummy sounding recipes I plan to try tonight. :happy:
  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    hello there all well i am also very new to all this, my name is emma and i am a mother of 2 boys one whom is 9 and the other boy whom is 2 well will be 3 in july ,

    i have decided its time to sort my self out and loose some weight, but i am finding it really hard as i love choc and swet things thats my big problem, andi only started yesterday ,

    i hope i can be a great support to all you guys as much as you will be to me thank you xx
    look forward to meeting you all soon xx