Do you eat back your exercise calories?

Hi All,

I have a pretty ambitious goal of losing about 17lbs in 2 months so I can ride mules down the Grand Canyon with my dad. Reason: there is a weight restriction of 200lbs and I am at about 210lbs now.... without clothes. I have to weight 200lbs fully dressed so I am overshooting here a little to account for scale differences etc. My dad and I have been working pretty hard but I need to step it up to get on that mule.

My question is, do you only eat 1200 calories or is 1200 your net balance after you've finished your work out? Are you eating back your exercise calories? Why or why not? Are you seeing results? I have really stepped up my workouts and feeling like I need more fuel. I have started protein shakes as well which seem to help curb my appetite a little. I just don't think I can manage such low calories with this intense of a workout regime. Any suggestions on fuel and what has worked for you is greatly appreciated.



  • I eat my 1200 or under if I don't work out but if I workout hard, then my body need more food to keep going, I try to stick to the healthy stuff like avocados, nuts and veggies. Some times I go over but since I try to stay under my calories, then it al balance it self out at the end of the week and still be under my calorie intake. So far am still loosing pounds. I hope this helps!
  • You should be eating back your calories. When you set your weight loss goal, MFP automatically builds a calorie deficit into your target -- for example, I'm trying to lose 1 pound per week, so my deficit is 500 calories -- that means that MFP subtracts 500 calories from the total I would need to maintain my weight, and that's what it tells me I should eat.