Master Cleanse Diet

Just wondering if anyone has had experience with the master cleanse diet? I think it basically involves ten days on some sort of mixture of lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. It interests me purely because the whole 'removing toxins' from your body as I'm starting a new diet cutting out almost all meat and trying (as much as possible) to stick to organic. Apparently your energy levels get a major boost too and I need that. Does it work? Is it difficult? Has anyone experienced bad side effects after completing the diet?



  • cmugirl33
    Hey! So, I haven't tried the one you are talking about, but I did do a Jillian Michaels detox earlier this year and thought it worked well. I was just starving the majority of the time, but if you have the willpower to finish it it works well. Good luck!
  • sasha187
    I have done it for 3 days..felt naseous at times and
    sometimes shaky. Lost pound per day. Be careful to
    start eating bland small amounts when you reintroduce
    food or you will get sick!
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    You do a sea salt flush every morning, only consume a mix of lemon juice, maple syrup, water, and cayenne pepper, then you drink a herbal laxative tea at night. Then they suggest after, you drink orange juice, and eat soup for four days before you can eat "normally" again. Think about it.

    Why don't you just go straight to eat organic and cut out meats if that's what you really want to do?

    And, to answer your questions, girls at the salon did it, and only one lasted for 10 days. She lost 10 pounds, and after eating "normally" she gained her weight back. All the girls were cranky, and rude during the diet. They complained about head aches and feeling sick to their stomachs.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    If you want to cleanse your body do a 3 day juicing cleanse or get a colonic. If you want to do this for quick weight loss don't do it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    Cleanses aren't necessary since you have a natural cleansing system that works consistently (liver and kidneys). If they didn't then you'd die from toxic poisoning.
    Basically most cleanses are nothing more than a deprivation of calories with some removing essential protein and fats from the diet.
    Don't waste your money or time on them. Just start eating better, reduce your calorie intake and possibly increase your water intake.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • raiderzara
    raiderzara Posts: 55 Member
    Oh Lord. I cannot believe that BS is still around.

    Read this, and then get on with your healthy diet. Your body doesn't need help cleansing or detoxifying itself. That's what your kidneys are for.
  • aprilmonkey
    I'm doing a detox right now but not the master cleanse...

    Basically I'm not having any caffeine, booze, unnatural sugar, meat, most dairy (but yogurt in the morning), and most forms of grains.

    It's day three and I feel AWESOME and I'm already down 3 pounds.

    I also got a cool little supplement kit for $12.99 from Whole Foods, a 2 week body cleanse.

    You can read about my detox beginning here:
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    I did it about 2 years ago. I lost about 4 kilos over the period, I was so excited......till I realized it was all water weight and I'd basically starved for nothing. Don't bother with it.
  • bugando
    bugando Posts: 3 Member
    i tried it oce , and didn't last 12 hours!!
    why bother all the stress...
  • reneemareedes
    Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your advice. Its never been something I've wanted to do for weight issues, I just want my body to be at its best and this intrigued me. I think I will stick to my healthy diet and exercise, its all about finding balance at the moment. Find whatever works for you!