Is anyone doing the 30ds in the morning? My first day was yesterday and I did it after work. It was hard, but I pushed through it. I was sore after and still this morning but I got up before work to do day two because if I do it in the morning then I will have no excuses at night about other things I have to do. But today was even harder for me. I knew the push-ups etc would be because I am sore but the cardio was worse and I felt like I had no energy. Will this get easier or should I move it back to evenings? For anyone that does do mornings, do you eat before or after? Thank you!


  • charllo
    I have been doing 30 day shred off and on for a while now and yes the first phew days are brutel! I'm like your self, it works better for me to work out in the am. :-) About eatting before or after, I think it depends on how quick you can get to it from when you wake up. I've read that to help with your metabolism its best to eat with in 30 minutes from waking up. So if you can't get it in before that 30 minute window, I would just keep it light untill your done with the workout. :-) Hope I could help a little. Have a great day!!
  • Gettinyoung
    I have to workout in the AM otherwise I may never get to it. Its best to eat some protein before a workout (30 mins or so before). But not too much otherwise, with a full breakfast you may need an hour or so. I will have some non-fat plain greek yogurt with a few chopped walnuts, cinnamon and a tad bit of vanilla - Yum! and just right before my workout.

    If you are tired you may want to check your calorie intake...it's important to eat enough and even better if you can stay within the macro guidelines depending on body type. For me, I need less carbs - I corrected to 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein.

    If you eat just carbs (say, cereal) before your workout, without enough protein, you may burn through your energy too fast.
  • xxjoellexx
    xxjoellexx Posts: 78 Member
    I do it about 10am. Make sure you have had your breakfast. It is still a struggle for me, but im making it through it.
  • JCM1969
    JCM1969 Posts: 141 Member
    I work out at 5:30 am so I do not eat before.... It just depends on what time you are working out and what time you get up. The first few days of anything are going to be tough no matter what you do! Just hang in there.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    It was really difficult for me when I first began no matter what time of day I did it. My muscles ached, I felt like I didn't want to do on, I began to hate Jillian. But then, I got to day 5/6 and suddenly it was easier and I found I was going for longer periods of the workout without sweating/getting out of breath. By days 7/8 I was doing the harder moves and feeling really good about my progress.

    I did 30DS at all different times of the day depending on my schedule and whilst I found mornings were easier because then it was out of the way, I also enjoyed doing it in the evenings because it meant that after I was tired, could have a nice shower and get into my pyjamas feeling like I'd really worked my body and ended my day well.

    Also, I fell in love with Jillian when I realised my clothes were to big for me and I needed to go a size down after completing the program.

    Basically, stick at it and if you don't feel like doing it in the morning, skip it knowing you have to make up for it later or vice versa. Do not give up! Trust me, after you have pushed through the initial hard days and seen results in your fitness you will be motivated and even almost want to do it!
  • geralynhoerauf
    geralynhoerauf Posts: 73 Member
    I'm doing it within about 10 minutes of rolling out of bed at 5:30am. Only on day 8 of level 1 so far, but I think that this works for me because I have the rest of the day's activity to keep moving and stretch everything out. I usually eat breakfast after the work-out and showering and getting ready for the day. On weekends, I sleep in later but still work-out in the morning before other planned activities. Stick with it whenever you choose do it -- I found that my endurance in all components improved significantly after the first 5 days. You can do it!