Trying to lose 30 pounds.



  • melissa221979
    melissa221979 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi there

    Im a mummy of a 7 month year old baby boy, im on a mission to lose my baby weight in time for my wedding in Sept, ive been on here since the beginning of the year, my original loss goal was 32lbs and im nearly half way there already. Good luck with all your journeys and feel free to add me as a friend! xx
  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    i'm a little older than y'all but i've still got about 30ish pounds to lose as daughter will be 22 next month and will graduate from college in may...i turn 45 in may and i'd like to be the best me i can be! i joined a gym in mid-january and workout 4x a week and walk/run with 2 of my GF's wed and sat morning...i signed up for a 5k in april and would love to do a 10k in the fall!

    i've finally decided that it was time for me...i am a single mom and have been for 20+ it's my turn!

    i'd love some friends too...i hate to capitilize and i use (...) and (!) all the time!! (-:

    add me if you'd like!
  • I am up for a challenge too. Count me in!
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Wow, I am completely inspired by so many people with the same weight loss goal.

    How about a 3-month challenge, starting tomorrow, March 1 through June 1, the beginning of summer.
    If I lose 15 pounds by June 1 (a very reasonable goal), and another 15 pounds by August 1, I will have accomplished my final goal while it's still boating/bathing suit season. I can do that. Who else is in?

    I'm not good with spreadsheets, but if anyone would care to create one for this group it would be a helpful way to keep each other motivated.

    Another option is to start a group, but I haven't seen much success with those.

  • You all sound very similar to me. I am 39 and a mom of two. I am trying to loose 30 lbs. I have been doing this for about 2 -3 weeks now. Keeping it up, especially when you are so busy and have alot going on can be tricky. I keep reading posts so i can learn from everyone.
  • Yep sounds a lot like me... I just turned 40 and I'm the mom of one, Id love to lose right at 30 lbs before July. Any and all support is welcome...Lets Do This!!!
  • Butterfly_1
    Butterfly_1 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 30 years old, mom of a 8mth old and 4yr old. Trying to lose 20lbs. Lost 8lbs already by watching my calories. I am currently doing the 30 Day shred and although my scale hasn't moved as much (it keeps fluctuating so I don't bother with weighing myself anymore), I have lost 3 inches from my belly after doing 11 days of the shred. I strongly recommend the shred cause it's only 20mins long, and you really get results.
    Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • We are about the same weight and age. I just had my first child last April and I have had a hard time losing the weight since then. Feel free to friend me if you would like, and good luck!
  • I am also in the same boat. I am 170lbs after having my son and would like to be be back at my pre baby weight of 140.
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    Hi! I'm 28 (turning 29 this summer) and am also trying to get back to my fightin' weight of 135, from about 5 years ago. I'm at 160 right now, and lost 5 lbs. last month doing that stupid HCG diet (though I only stuck with it for a week). Getting married this August has made me realize I need to get my butt in shape! Good luck to you all!
  • Lisapayne76
    Lisapayne76 Posts: 157 Member
    Im going on a trip May 16 too and am looking to lose as much as possible by then. Friend request sent
  • melw2910
    melw2910 Posts: 73 Member
    Same here 12lb down so far with another 27lb to go.

    Feel free to add me.