Cardio/Strength Training but NOT loosing the Belly!! HELP!!

I do about 30-45 a day in cardio (elliptical, treadmill, or stationary bike) then also work out (strength training) after. I mainly do light weight and high reps (atleast 15 reps per set). However I am still struggling to wipe out my belly fat. My pants fit better, which tells me my waist and thighs are shrinking, but the belly is still there. Does anyone have any other tips on cutting fat?

228lbs Currently
210 Goal
MFP Calorie Goal = 1670 caloris (usually stay under)
Burning 350-500 calories in cardio (per cardio machines)


  • crunches or maybe try running?
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Please stop messing around with light weights and lots of reps and start lifting heavy - and lose more bodyfat....And start eating more - you are 50lbs heavier than I am, 6 inches taller, and a male - and you eat the same amount I do.....Lots of protein, strengh training with heavy weights...
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Need to start lifting heavy and less reps, also figure out your BF%, for guys to get abs your aiming for under 15%
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    This is normal. I don't see the problem. You said your waist and thighs are shrinking. This topic is beat over the head repeatedly - you need to exercise patience as well, you need to bring variety to your workouts.

    Try 30 day shred - planks help A LOT. so does Plyometric training - burns more calories = burning more fat.

    This will not happen overnight. My stomach is finally FINALLY starting to shrink after 3 years!

    Abs are made in the kitchen and by the sounds of it, you're not eating enough.

    Good luck :)
  • Sounds like you need to eat more.
  • eating a clean diet helps with loosing the belly & toning that area.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    If your waist and thighs are shrinking then you are losing weight. Which means you are doing just fine. Belly is probably going to be the last thing to go. It's just the way it is. Have patience.

    You might want to consider not starving yourself so much btw. Your calorie goal seems extremely low for a man your size. I am roughly the same size, 6'3" 216lbs and I eat 2300-2400 a day to lose weight. At your size and activity level you probably need 3000 a day to maintain, eating 1600 is a significant deficit for only needing to lose 18lbs.
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    Men don't have abs at 15% body fat. Some women don't... It's genetics. I'm a female and have to be at about 16% BF before I get abs. A man would need to be udner 10, possibly at 8 to have really defined 6 pack.

    You can't spot reduce. Be happy that the area is shrinking for now, and work on building more muscle in all areas.
  • carlom18
    carlom18 Posts: 174 Member
    As above said. Lift heavy. And for guys, I thinks they can start seeing abs at around 10% give or take a few. BTW, whats your resting days like becasue I read that you are doing 45 mins of cardio everyday?
  • Work out Monday-Friday. Should have clarified that. Rest Saturday and Sundays.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You can't spot reduce. When you lose weight...i.e. burn fat, you body takes it from everywhere and anywhere it wants to. The belly is usually the last to go for men because it is primary storage...first place you put it on, last place to come off.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Lift heavy. Heavy, heavy, heavy. Shoot for the 6-10 rep range. Slowly increase your calories until you're at a 250/day deficit - you don't have much to lose, and you want to retain as much muscle as possible while you lose fat. Add in more protein. You don't need to do cardio every day - if you want to still do cardio at all, switch to 3 days cardio and 3 days full body weights. Good luck!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    A man your size should be eating more than 1600 calories. That's insane.

    And lift heavy.
  • hang in there, I've been doing it for 2 years and wend from size 16 to size 12. It takes time but it's worth it. I can't lose pounds so now I added the 1200 calorie a day diet and am sticking with it completely. I'm beginning to lose the weight on the diet and the muscle base is great.
  • carlom18
    carlom18 Posts: 174 Member
    Work out Monday-Friday. Should have clarified that. Rest Saturday and Sundays.

    Ah ok. By the sounds of it your reaching your goal. I think (quote me if I am wrong) as you lose more and more weight your body tends to hold on to as much fat as possible, making it harder as you remove body fat. It just takes a little longer that's all.
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    lift heavy. Try to aim for 8 to 10 reps max. You should be feeling the burn after 6 reps.
  • Eat more and lift heavier is what i am gathering from all this. Thanks for the posts. Will take anything else someone may have.
  • carlom18
    carlom18 Posts: 174 Member
    Eat more and lift heavier is what i am gathering from all this. Thanks for the posts. Will take anything else someone may have.

    The other thing you can use is a fat burner. Don't take my word for it becasue I have never used one and don't know a good one but, i know some people swear by them and see results from them. It could help, or it could do nothing. Good luck! :smile:
  • Thanks! I started Insanity yesterday. Did about 30 days last year and saw good results. Hoping for the same!