The Way Things USED to Be...

Sometimes, for me, the most motivating thoughts come from the way daily activities USED to be for me compared to how they are now... what I did in my spare time, how I ate, thoughts I had, etc.

I just wrote on a friend's status update about how way back when, my husband and I used to buy a LOAF of homemade bread and a POUND of deli American cheese and make grilled cheese sandwiches and fried bread (used ALL the bread and cheese) and this was a night time SNACK:noway: . The thought of that today completely grosses me out. Do I still eat grilled cheese? Yup. But these days TWO sandwiches is my max and that would be for a DINNER, on rare occasion... not a snack. (see the pic of me in the school lunch room sitting on the bench in my profile pics!!! YIKES!)

So, looking back on WHERE YOU ONCE WERE and comparing it to WHERE YOU ARE NOW what are things that you used to do that make you shake your head and think "WHAT was I THINKING?"

I know that I will NEVER be the girl I once was again... that is a pretty awesome feeling :drinker:


  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Haha, yes actually I have been doing this a lot lately!
    I look back and think that I used to get ridiculously large plates of pasta 3-4 nights a week, I'd go 4-5 days without any vegetables/fruit and not think anything of it, I'd buy a large chocolate bar/pack of cookies and either split it with my ex or eat it all to myself. Just ridiculously bad food choices. And I would never dream of going running or put on an exercise DVD or choose to walk 30 minutes instead of drive or take the bus.

    It's crazy how a little motivation can completely change your perspective! Don't get me wrong, it took me about 2 months of exercising to realise I needed to assess my diet and general lifestyle choices, but once I hit that point I have never looked back and I feel so much better for it!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Bad, bad bread. *Hoards* I'll take care of it for you.

    I used to be able to sit through an entire pack of Oreos while watching TV. I am sad to say I had a recent sugar binge and I couldn't even SLEEP because of it. I felt so sick and I had the shakes something awful. I don't think I'm ever going to subject my body to that kind of torment again!
  • SailorSarah311
    SailorSarah311 Posts: 172 Member
    Wow, I'm glad that you decided to make the change to be healthier. I remember when I was a lot younger I would come home from school and eat a whole Tombstone pizza. I was that hungry...yikes! I would never eat a whole pizza like that ever again. It disgusts me to think that I could even attempt that feat. Now, I push it when I eat 2 slices of regular pizza.
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    I remember when I was a lot younger I would come home from school and eat a whole Tombstone pizza.

    If by "a lot younger," you mean "last month," then I did the same thing when I was "a lot younger." And I probably could still do it. But I don't, because I've got other goals that are more important to me than gorging myself on pizza.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I used to take a bowl of potato chips for a I snack on almonds or a cutie.
    I don't even want to tell you how much regular pop I consumed before switching to diet and then drinking my weight of that...and now all I drink is flavored half and half water. ...well that and coffee....and I drink coffee because killing stupid people is still illegal.

    2 plates was a serving size I have 1 small plate that equals my "helping".

    walking to the cupboard for the above mentioned chips used to be "exercise" in my when it's nice out I walk 4 miles and zumba once a week.

    I've made DRASTIC lifestyle changes...and feeling pretty damn good about them :) thanks for the thinker Amber ;)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I used to wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I was literally dying of thirst. No wonder! I'd think back and realize that I'd had maybe 1 mug of coffee the whole day and nothing else to drink.

    Now I drink plenty of water and wake up in the middle of the night dying to pee (2-5 times per night actually). The more things change, the more they stay the same!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    . ...well that and coffee....and I drink coffee because killing stupid people is still illegal.

    I'm glad that you drink coffee Lyssa... I have enough to worry about without worrying about the people in your area :laugh:
  • sylwheat
    sylwheat Posts: 125
    I find myself reading labels. I used to never read labels - pick up anything and everything. Now I don't pick up anything - especially a new food - without reading the label and even better, putting it back if it is not healthy and good for me
    And water - I HATE WATER - but now I drink at least 128ozs a day.

    Thanks Amber ;-)
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    I find myself reading labels. I used to never read labels - pick up anything and everything. Now I don't pick up anything - especially a new food - without reading the label and even better, putting it back if it is not healthy and good for me
    And water - I HATE WATER - but now I drink at least 128ozs a day.

    Thanks Amber ;-)

    Exactly the same for me:smile: