Help with my journey

Amanda6980 Posts: 11
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
My weight flutuates so much. I have always had a problem with my weight. But when I was younger I was into sports more, so I was able to maintain the weight a little better. As soon as I got out of high school I stated packing on the pounds. My journey started about 6 years ago when at that time I had reahed my all time high then at 268 but I had lost alot of the weight getting down to 173 in a matter of 9 months. But then put it back on and then some over the years. I do loose weight but gain it right back. I've lost about 70-80 pounds in the last 7 months but gained it back. I need help. I'll lose 10-15 pounds at a time then, you know what happens I gain it back. My old doctor told me that I need to see a specialist because she thinks I might have Thyroid problem. Plus I am on the verge of having Diabetes but with no health insurance its hard.
My starting weight now is my all time highest at 285 and my goal weight is 140 pounds. I am down 20 so far. I am now 265. I would like to be down to 215 at least by the time I go to Miami with my friends at the end of September or early October. I am tired of being overweight and unhealthy. I know that I will never be skinny and really don't want to be. I just want to be healthy and happy with myself. So if anyone have any advice please feel free to give some I am opens to all healthy suggestions.

I don't have too many friends or family on here so I am reaching out to others that I don't know yet that would like to befriend someone on the same journey as they are. Please feel free to look me up and do a friend request I need all the support I can get and vise a versa. Thanks bunch Amanda.


  • colyarkid
    colyarkid Posts: 2
    Hi Amanda,
    I share a very similar history with you. I was 120lbs in high school (bulimia), then a few years later after my son was born premature I packed on the pounds. I litteraly did not recognize myself in the mirror when I got home after spending 2 months in the hosital with him. Spent the next 6 years being fat (and getting fatter) until I broke my leg and tried the Atkins Diet. That worked well enough but that is no way to live!!! At this point I'm done dieting. I need to learn how to eat healthy, and yummy, so that I don't have to worry about weight going up or down, I'm hoping to just develop a new lifestyle.
    If it helps, last week I weighed 245lbs (not my heaviest but good enough) and today, after a week using myfitnesspal, was weigh in day.... I lost 14lbs. I am now at 231.3. I am dang proud of myself. It was easier than I thought it would be. I just had to get used to portion size instead of plate size.
    I found a LOT of helpfull recipes at I went through the "Healthified" recipes and found some really good ones. The sausage stuffed shells are unbelievable for only 290 calories a serving and a serving is 2 shells. With some steamed brocolli, that's not a bad meal.
    Hope it helps. I wish you well. Let me know if I can help.
  • AmiKayser
    AmiKayser Posts: 32 Member
    Friend requested :smile:
  • Amanda6980
    Amanda6980 Posts: 11
    Thanks. I will surely check out that website. I apreciate the support.
  • Glad to see you joined... I just joined today but something that I found very helpful is using the Nuwave Oven and also the NuWave Twister which I can use to emulsify all veggies. For example I love to fix a piece of chicken in its own juices ( i freeze it and then place in a pan and let it thaw and cook in its own juices).

    Then I take plenty of onion, garlic, tomatoe, green peppers, cilantro,celery etc.. and grind it all up in my NuWave Twister and cook my chicken in it or use it as a sauce over it and brown rice and it is a great meal with no fat at all.

    Just change the way you eat and also some great exercise places that are free online are: and . They both offer great exercises. This one is with a broom stick ... very easy but helpful.

    Paul Eugene is so up beat you will love his exercises ....try them all. Also look up any other exercises at and this will help you with the exercise. I also love Leslie Sansones Walk Away programs. She too is on youtube for free. Just double click it on the screen for it to be a full screen on your pc... to better health.

    EB a Texas Lady
  • Amanda6980
    Amanda6980 Posts: 11
    Thanks commit2Change I wille check out them websites. Every little bit helps. I started back on my workouts again today and changing the way that I eat I know that I cn get the weight off with some help I can maintain and keep it off this time. Thanks a bunch to evryone that took the time to read this post and responded.
  • mamakat61
    mamakat61 Posts: 3
    I know what you are going through. I too am at my all time high weight of 160. I have family members that are as heavy as you and I try not get there but we can't fight genetics we can only do the best we can. I am a firm believer in a good healthy diet and exercise although I fall by the wayside A LOT. It always helps to have friends to get you through times of weakness. I also find that God is the strength I need. Phillipians 4:13 says..... I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This verse has got me through many hard times and I hope you will apply it as well. Feel free to add me to your friends if you want to. I have only been here for a few days. I find that keeping a food diary and exercise log has helped me a lot. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND FEEL FREE TO TALK TO ME ANY TIME AND I NEED YOU AS WELL........Sincerely yours, Kathy from Tennessee
  • Amanda6980
    Amanda6980 Posts: 11
    Thanks mamakat61. When I was younger I use to always say oh I'm never gonna let myself get that big and I just got bigger and bigger. I do have over weight people in my family and some at their ideal weight. So I use think that it does some to do with genetics but for the most part its what we eat. It's hard I love junk food and soda. I just keep praying and try to stick to it if I slip I get back on track. I know through Christ I can and will succeed with getting this weight off and keeping it off this time. I don't want to diet I need a life style change.
  • Amanda6980
    Amanda6980 Posts: 11
    My journey is good so far. I got a great number this week I guess since I'm just getting back into my routine. I hope that I can contine to loose double digets each week, but I know that's not likely. Hay every little bit helps though. Lost 13 this week. Hope I loose about the same next week.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    My journey is good so far. I got a great number this week I guess since I'm just getting back into my routine. I hope that I can contine to loose double digets each week, but I know that's not likely. Hay every little bit helps though. Lost 13 this week. Hope I loose about the same next week.
    What an awesome weight loss this weight, sounds like you're off to a good start Amanda =)

  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Amanda

    I hope that this journey is a good one for you. Please please please, do not get discouraged if you dont see the double digit numbers next week on the scale or even ever again. It is VERY unlikely and not very healthy to lose that much weight in a week. Probably all water. What IS healthy to lose is 1-2lbs a week, if you want to KEEP the weight off for life. Eating healthy is NOT a quicky diet and will not get you to your goal in a matter of a couple of months. You really have to go into this with the mind set that you WILL do this and you WILL get there, BUT probably not as quickly as you want. (We ALL want a quicky fix) If you lose the weight at a healthy rate, you are MUCH MORE likely to keep the weight off. I know that this journey seems like it will take forever to get to your goal, but it will happen if you are ready to start taking control of your health. Get the JUNK out of your house if you dont have the control not to eat it. (Outa site outa mind) Go through all your cupboards and purge purge purge.

    I did not have as much weight to lose. My heaviest was when I was pregnant with my first daughter. But not pregnant, I got to 197lbs. And that day when I got on the scale, I said to myself that I WILL NOT get over 200lbs and I didnt. I started my journey. I started with Weight Watchers, and I follow their philosophy. I just switched over to MFP, mainly because its free and pretty much the same as Weight Watchers. I only have about 7 more lbs to lose, but I will be a lifetime member because I need the discipline and I need to track everything I eat. I have tried to do it in my head, but I need to see it on paper (computer), or I ALWAYS go over my daily calorie intake.

    You must not let bad days get you down either, we all have them. We just need to jump back on that bandwagon, and not let that one bad day turn into two bad days, or a bad week. Get as much support as you can. With WW we did weekly and sometimes monthly challenges for accountability and they really motivated me to stay on track. Im not sure if they have something like that on these boards or not (havent navigated around that much yet).

    You can friend request me if you want as well

    I hope you have MUCH success!!!

    (Sorry for the long post)
  • onyxlibra7
    onyxlibra7 Posts: 93
    13lbs!?!? GET IT GIRL!!! U are the BIZNESS! I'm proud and I don't know I'm new here and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the support system. I was a chubby girl throughout most of my childhood. I was around 178 entering middle school, starting eating once a day, walking to and from school, playing basketball and ran track and in three months I was down to 130. Yeah..SOOOO NOT HEALTHY. But of course I ddn't care..I wanted to be IT by the time I got to I gained alot back when I first went to college, got ALL THE WAY up to 260 and had no idea I was so big till I saw a pic of myself at my sis's bday party. Lost 60 of that in 7mths so I was down to 200 and I was in a 12/14 girl! Idk WHAT was going on. Met my exhusband got pregnant and GAINED ALL OF IT BACK AND THEN ABOUT 40 MORE. I've yo yo'd for a minute bc I was set on a quick fix. There is none. I KNEW that, but I was in I'm focused on a lifestyle change now and I love it. I'm more determined and sure now that I have ever been. YOU CAN DO THIS. We're all here for the same reason and to support each other. It's ALL LOVE girl! =D
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Hey there Amanda :flowerforyou:

    Sent you a friend request if you're looking to add supportive peeps, always looking for friends that really want to work hard and are fun to be around on the newsfeed! I lost 1/2 my body weight (started out in 2007 and have taken it slow and healthy) and am on the final tail end and toning down. When I get down to the this 10lb drop I'll likely try for another 15-25 really all depending on how my body reacts and feels I need to be at.

    I don't really go by goal weights on charts as it seems so many ppl get exasperated on that last 10 and after a year of them trying to drop it I wonder sometimes if maybe their body is trying to tell them, 'hey, we're right where we need to be'

    hahah hope you all remind me of that as the process goes on? :bigsmile: :sad: :tongue:

    Time to keep listening to my body and continuing to tone, strengthen and keep up the cardio.

    Have a terrific weekend Amanda, sounds like you've really got a great start from the sound of your post, a great attitude is what it takes to keep it up. I think this IS your TIME AMANDA!!!:heart::heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

  • Amanda6980
    Amanda6980 Posts: 11
    Thanks. I undertand fully. I was pretty much the same way up and down up and down but now I decided tht I can no longer do the quick fixes I have to make a lifestyle change the diets don't work long. No matter what happens because I know I will more than likely slip from time to time I mean I'm only human but as long as I get right back on track and don't let it discourage me to the point that I stop again. I know I will get this weight off this time and for good. I thank you to everyone that has read and posted something back to me. I need all the encouragement that I can get and I will give as much as I can. May GOD bless everyone on their journey.
  • kittypuff
    kittypuff Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Amanda ,
    This is the place to be!...You will have a bunch of friends and support in no time...wish you well ..I know you can do it!...kittypuff
  • Amanda6980
    Amanda6980 Posts: 11
    I want to do a challenge for the month of June and I welcome everyone to join if they like, I challenge myself and anyone else who would like to do this, to loose 10-15 pound for the month of June. If you are in let me know. My starting for the month is 253 I'm trying to get down to 238 or less by June 30.
  • Amanda6980
    Amanda6980 Posts: 11
    Well I messured my inches this morning and I am happy to say I have lost almost 2 inches from my hips and almost 1 inch from my mid section I hope to continue to loose the pounds and the inches. well I'll keep you all posted. I guess no one want to join my challenge it's find I'm just challenge myself to loose the 10-15 pounds by the end of the month. I know I can do it if i stay on track I am down 1.5 pounds since I last weighted in. Good luck to all on their journey.
  • kscarlett24
    kscarlett24 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Amanda, like many others I am also at an all time high weight. After 2 kids and having no time for working out or paying attention to what I am eating, here I am. I recently joined this site as well and find it helps to track everything, even when I fall off the wagon. Just stay positive and keep looking ahead. It's hard, but with the support of the people here we all can get to our goal. Add me as a friend if you like, we can keep each other on track.
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