Messed up so baaaaaaaad!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday night we had a reunion and I over did it so bad. Well Saturday my daughter won her first beauty pageant so we took her to Chuck e Cheese. Sunday I just blew the whole day!!!! Monday was my bday so I double blew it!!! Now I have messed myself up so bad I can't get back on track!!! Please help I was doing so good!!!!


  • andysmom
    andysmom Posts: 61 Member
    I'm new here at MFP, but after years of battlng my weight, and battling myself, I now know that I deserve forgiveness and as many second chances as I need - so do you. Consider it a blip in the road and get back in the game. You don't want to undo all the good you've done so far.

    Good luck!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    It's all in the past! Tomorrow is a new day with new calories and exercise opportunities. Just keep logging - no matter how bad you think it is. That's what keeps us accountable and on track! Here's to a better tomorrow!
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    When I go off the wagon, I tell myself that sometimes we need to do it. There is some evidence that going off your diet can actually help jump start weight loss if you reach a plateau. Regardless of whether that's really true for me or not, at least it makes me feel better when I blow it.

    It's just 2 days. It didn't take you 2 days to gain the weight and it didn't take only 2 days to lose what you've lost so far. You just need to get back on the wagon and not beat yourself up for splurging. Life is not about being "good" all the time. You will have times when you splurge and there's NOTHING wrong with that.

    Just celebrate what you've done already and get back to doing what you were doing to get this far.
    Good luck!
  • mom2mykiddos
    mom2mykiddos Posts: 50 Member
    lovmykids, you CAN get back on track. Don't beat yourself up....I bet you had a great time!

    Tomorrow is a new day...drink tons of water, go for a walk and eat very well.

    I mean, look how much you've lost already, you know what to do, now DO it!:flowerforyou:
  • lyndsloo
    lyndsloo Posts: 242
    Start fresh! I really try to think of this as a lifestyle change. You can't really think you are going to eat perfectly well balanced meals each day for the rest of your life, right? If you think that way you will quickly become frustrated with yourself and feel like giving up. Think about it like this...there will be moments or even days when you don't make great food choices, but just remember that each day you are given a new chance.

    Each calorie taken in can be taken out.
  • wendylady123
    wendylady123 Posts: 24 Member
    Don't fret! I did that and, thought..."Oh, I got to my goal of 138 so I can afford to go out drinking, eat a ton of fried food...I still work out" Well, I let my mind go. And it got to the point that I was still eating that way and gained back ALL the 30 lbs I lost and even stopped working out as much.

    I wish I had reevaluated earlier, I wish I had someone say this to me.

    Don't fret. If you need to take it one step at a time, the important thing is that you take a step. Don't push yourself back into your original healthy eating routine again. Otherwise you'll freak when you hit the Chuck E Cheese again. I say, remember ONE thing that you enjoyed doing while being on track. Start there and add to it. If you have to go to Chuck E Cheese, or any restaurant pre plan what you are going to eat, look at the menu and see what you can add to 1 piece of pizza (salad bar, dressing on the side, lite crutons...LOTS OF VEGGIES!) You'll be fine.

    Unfortunately it took me about a year to realize it. And I have ALL that weight to work off again. But I'm determined and already off to a good start.
  • laurenpence
    laurenpence Posts: 147
    I have done that before and its ok to have a cheat meal or a cheat day once a week. So if you over did it so bad go for an extra walk with your dog or your family at night. It will make you feel better about the mess up, just try and not making the same mistake over and over again. Good luck....get back in the game!
  • 4507
    4507 Posts: 5
    Please don't let discouragement take hold. Yesterday's failure cannot prevent you from succeeding today, or tomorrow! Let this setback be an opportunity to recommit to your goals. When you reflect on what has happened, do so with the viewpoint of learning what to do next time you're tempted.
  • AmiKayser
    AmiKayser Posts: 32 Member
    hApPy BiRtHdAy!!!! And now that you are a bit more mature (aka older) and wiser right….start over! It’s the perfect new starting point. Pick 1-2 reachable goals for the next few days and your confidence will be right back up there again. :bigsmile:
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    Most of us have those days, your not alone, just jump back on the band wagon! We CAN do this!!
  • shimaclan
    shimaclan Posts: 5
    Wednesday is my weekly start/weigh day's in the middle of the week so that I can do a little damage control if I mess up a little on the weekend ssssssooooo let's start a new week together!!!!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    First off: YOU. WILL. BE. FINE. You may gain a lb at the most, but really you'll probably just retain a lot of water from extra sodium and lack of water (which is usually what pigging usually consists of for most people). Drink a lot of water, get back on and eat very healthy and work out. You'll get it gone in no time. It's all about your attitude and your outlook. If you admit defeat, you will be defeated. Claim this as a MINOR setback and just get back on the horse and ride it, girl! And happy birthday. :happy:
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    You are doing so well so don't be so hard on yourself. I don't think the problem is falling off the wagon, the problem is getting back on the wagon. I find the best thing I can do when I fall is to do a BIG workout. I force myself to do it. The soreness afterwards is usually enough to push myself to jump back on.

    This journey is like a book, just keep turning the pages :smile: