Anti Anxiety Meds & weight loss



  • samsamnojam
    samsamnojam Posts: 34 Member
    I don't understand some people's attitudes toward anti anxiety or anti depressants. Anxiety and depression can be debilatating. Just because YOU may have been able to get off meds by exercising and eating differently, doesn't mean everyone can. I find it irresponsible to even advise that, especially if you don't even know the person.

    We have such great medications available to us now, that people don't need to suffer with anxiety and depression any longer. There should be no stigma attached to it.

    Just wanted to add that I totally agree. It's really detrimental to people who are suffering with anxiety/depression but are feeling stigmaitized about getting themselves medicated for you to say things like this. Pls remember that these conditions are clinical and can't always be beaten by healthy eating, exercise and the power of positive thinking.
  • samsamnojam
    samsamnojam Posts: 34 Member
    I have been on anti-anxiety/panic attack/depression meds for 16 years. There have been times that I thought I could ween myself off and have tried, but haven't been anxiety is very bad.

    I have been on zoloft, paxil, lexapro, celexa, wellbutrin, prozac, seroquel, xanax, clonazapam and effexor. With all of these meds I have gained weight.

    I walk every single day and do zumba 2 times a week also. As with every single medicine that I have been on, the longer that I am on it, the more weight that I gain. This might not be true for everyone, but it's what has happened to me.

    I have been on celexa for about 6 years...I'm headed to my doctor next week to see about changing it out and maybe try something else. I get most of the side effects when I try new medicine, so that is why I have been on celexa for so long. It's working and I feel ok, but the weight gain is horrific.

    I really feel for you. My anxiety became really crippling the last couple of years. The side effects of the meds are very annoying, but some of us know that we just need to live with this to make life bearable. I hope that maybe you can find some meds that you get on with a little better. Best wishes.
  • I take Valium as needed. I also don't want to take a pill everyday. They put me on anti-depressants a couple times and all it did was depress me. I like what I have now, it helps when needed.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Before you go on anti-anxiety meds make sure you educate yourself thoroughly about them. They are very serious drugs. Research SSRI withdrawal/SSRI discontinuation syndrome. And, if you do decide to use them, have a psychiatrist (not an MD) monitor you, and make sure they taper you VERY slowly, for your own sake.

    Sometimes, anxiety is the result of poor diet, lack of stress management, or health issues (e.g. low vitamin d, thyroid issues, hormone issues, heart disease, etc.) Make sure your MD checks you out physically first.

    And yes, you do gain weight on them.

    Here is just one site that talks about someone's experiences with one of the anti-anxiety meds:

    Sorry, I didn't see your other posts until I read through the thread some more. I will leave this info here in case anyone needs it. Here is my new response:

    Benzodiazapines are the occasional drugs for anxiety. However, you can be stuck with your body CRAVING the drug/feeling even when it is out of your system. Also, benzos tend to have a rebound affect. In other words, you could take them for one panic attack, but because the body misses the drug, it will have another panic attack so it can get its fix. If you are not aware of that, you could end up in a cycle.

    As someone said, benzos can make you have the munchies. I think another side effect is memory loss (have to check on this one though).

    You have to be careful with bi-polar. Some of those psych meds can make you manic instead of helping your bi-polar.

    If I were you, since you only have anxiety issues a few times a year, e.g. dental chair, I would go to a therapist and see about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It teaches you how to reprogram your thought process to deal with anxious situations.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I don't understand some people's attitudes toward anti anxiety or anti depressants. Anxiety and depression can be debilatating. Just because YOU may have been able to get off meds by exercising and eating differently, doesn't mean everyone can. I find it irresponsible to even advise that, especially if you don't even know the person.

    We have such great medications available to us now, that people don't need to suffer with anxiety and depression any longer. There should be no stigma attached to it.

    Just wanted to add that I totally agree. It's really detrimental to people who are suffering with anxiety/depression but are feeling stigmaitized about getting themselves medicated for you to say things like this. Pls remember that these conditions are clinical and can't always be beaten by healthy eating, exercise and the power of positive thinking.

  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Your right Healthy eating and working out has not worked for me! i have tried so hard to do things "naturally" I'm physically the healthiest i have ever been but mentally I'm the worse I'v ever been, Im actually starting 3 hour a week treatment again this week!
  • I hope you find something that works! As someone who is familiar with your struggles I can only suggest you make sure your pdoc understands you.
    I don't understand some people's attitudes toward anti anxiety or anti depressants. Anxiety and depression can be debilatating. Just because YOU may have been able to get off meds by exercising and eating differently, doesn't mean everyone can. I find it irresponsible to even advise that, especially if you don't even know the person.

    We have such great medications available to us now, that people don't need to suffer with anxiety and depression any longer. There should be no stigma attached to it.

    Just wanted to add that I totally agree. It's really detrimental to people who are suffering with anxiety/depression but are feeling stigmaitized about getting themselves medicated for you to say things like this. Pls remember that these conditions are clinical and can't always be beaten by healthy eating, exercise and the power of positive thinking.

  • People are so quick to jump to conclusions regarding a persons weight gain or lack of weight loss when they have no clue what is going on with the entire person. You get the help YOU need & Continue to live as healthy as possible. Everything else will fall into place.
  • Here is a good website with lotsa info

    I was going to post that!

    To the OP: You won't really know how your body will react to a medication before you try it. SOME have a tendency to make people gain weight or reduce your ability to lose weight, but that doesn't mean that your body will react that way. In general, anti-psychotic medication (used a lot for anxiety these days) are notorious for weight gain.

    How severe is your anxiety? For mild to moderate anxiety, high-intensity cardiovascular exercise (I love HIIT) is one of the best treatments out there, as is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. You may still need to combine them with meds in the short term.

    Good luck!
  • doneatfour
    doneatfour Posts: 120 Member
    I don't understand some people's attitudes toward anti anxiety or anti depressants. Anxiety and depression can be debilatating. Just because YOU may have been able to get off meds by exercising and eating differently, doesn't mean everyone can. I find it irresponsible to even advise that, especially if you don't even know the person.

    We have such great medications available to us now, that people don't need to suffer with anxiety and depression any longer. There should be no stigma attached to it.

    Just wanted to add that I totally agree. It's really detrimental to people who are suffering with anxiety/depression but are feeling stigmaitized about getting themselves medicated for you to say things like this. Pls remember that these conditions are clinical and can't always be beaten by healthy eating, exercise and the power of positive thinking.

    My psychiatrist told me that bipolar people tend to have an issue with noncompliance with regards to meds. Sometimes there is such a long time between episodes that they think they are cured...until the next episode hits. There is a stigma associated with mental health issues and medications to help them. It can make someone feel like a failure if they can't do without them. It has taken me a long time to accept I will be taking drugs for the rest of my life. My mom, whom I love dearly, is always urging me to take the "natural" path. It just makes it even more difficult for me each time I take a pill.

    For my anxiety, I take clonazapam (Klonopin). I tried lorazepam (Ativan), but it didn't work fast enough for me. Both are benzos (tranquilizers), as is Xanax. They have a sedative effect. They are addictive, but if you need them...There is nothing wrong with appropriate use of medications. For me, they all increase my quality of life.

    Seroquel is an anti-psychotic which has been approved for the treatment of bipolar disorder. I couldn't take it because it made me a zombie most of the day.

    Natural remedies have their place, too. But I would caution anyone on meds to discuss things with their doctor before stopping medications.
  • I am on Lexapro, as well. My doctor said that the only thing that will make you gain weight is the HAND TO MOUTH syndrome. Use self control and you will succeed in your weight loss goals! Best of luck!!

    That's actually incorrect. A couple of meds I was on caused me to gain 6kg in 5wks despite NO increase in caloric consumption and an insane amount of exercise. Had I eaten any less I would have been a candidate for malnutrition. I used to have anorexia nervosa. Anorexia is not a choice, but I mention it to say that I can be very freaking 'good' at not eating and avoiding temptation, especially when that biological predisposition kicks in, as it did when I found myself gaining weight uncontrollably due to the medication.

    Some psychiatric meds change the way your body metabolises food. This is well documented. But I don't blame your doctor for thinking that way, especiallg if he or she is not a specialist. I probably wouldn't have believed it had it not happened to me. I shudder to think of how much weight I'd have gained if I didn't have iron-clad self control.

    NB: OP, please do not be freaked out by this. None of the first or second-line medications that are used for anxiety and depression caused any weight gain for me. It's only been a couple of heavy-duty meds notorious for cardiometabolic side effects which have done it. Your mileage may vary.
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    I am being treated for severe anxiety, depression, and PTSD that came as a result of surviving Hurricane Katrina. I can say with absolute certainty that without treatment, I would be dead.

    Perhaps situational depression and axiety issues can be treated with suppliments and sunshine, but true clinical depression and chemically based anxiety disorders can not.

    After years of trial and error, I am a cocktail of wellbutrin, celexa, trazadone, abilify, and xanax. It is the only thing that has kept me from the brink of suicide. Also, I have found that with this treatment regimen, I no longer overeat out of anxiety and depression. I am now losing weight in spite of being on these meds, some of which have the side effect of weight gain.

    Depression is not weakness, it is not self-pity, and it is not a person having a negative attitude. It is treatable with therapy and medication.

    Everyone has different brain chemistry and will require different treatment accordingly. I personally feel criticized on the occasions I have been told to take vitamin C, exercize more, or get more sunshine. Believe me when I say that I took herbal tablets, tinctures, and teas long before I finally admitted my problem was more than I could handle on my own. My meds have helped me to live again and quit stuffing my face to depress my anxiety.

    OP, I hope you get the help and relief you need.
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    I'm not sure if they're commonly marketed as anti-anxiety, but Seroquel, Zyprexa, and Saphris made it incredibly hard for me to lose weight and I gained a ton on them (I'm not sure if it made me hungrier or if some other junk was going on, but it was awful.) Trazodone was also pretty bad.

    I was given a low dose of Xanax to take as needed, and that's helped (I used to get so stressed and anxious that it felt like I was having a heart attack, sending me to the ER multiple times.) I didn't have negative side-effects and it's not nearly as addictive as things like Klonopin (I believe it's a benzo, not something I want to have to take and in fact many doctor will refuse to prescribe) or Thorazine.

    Seroquel was awful for me. I gained like 20lbs in 2 weeks and I didn't realize it was making me gain weight for several more weeks. I stopped taking it immediately after, but the damage had been done and I found myself on the wrong side of the scale (in the 200's).

    I take Klonopin for rare instances of anxiety. I rarely take it, so I haven't experienced any addictive side-effects. But Ativan is something I've taken that is very mild that I had good experience with in the past.
  • Try rescue remedy it's a natural stress relief and works great I have been off my meds for a year and a half since trying it. It's drops u can either put in your drink or under your tongue and works instantly I carry it around with me everywhere.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I am going into the doc tomorrow and asking for some Anti Anxiety meds. Not sure if there is such a kind but I want the ones that you take when you are having anxiety and not everyday

    . Question: Do they or a certain brand stall weight loss or cause weight gain?

    I've been on and off medication for years. For awhile I tried to deal with it on my own with breathing techniques, herbal supplements, etc...none of them worked. I am on Effexor XR for depression/anxiety with Xanax added to the fray when needed. A 30-pill supply of Xanax lasts me approximately 6 months to a year if that tells you anything about how the Effexor helps me. I tried Lexapro too, but for me it was like taking a placebo - it did nothing. I've had no weight gain or loss as a result of the meds, just as a result of my own bad habits (and now better ones).

    Good luck hon and if you need anything, don't be afraid to message me or add me!
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    I gained 30 lbs taking anti anxiety medication.

    My best advice would be to track. every. bite. here on mfp to make sure you know exactly what is going into your body.

    If you start gaining weight show printouts of the last month to your dr. They might be able to help you more if they know you are on top of your diet.

    At first I lost 15-20 lbs in about a month on the medication because all I could stomach was apple sauce and maybe a piece of bread & butter.
  • I am bi polar and on effexor and abilify. They have both worked well for my anxiety and bi polar issues
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    I want to add that I felt way better while on them and I am going to go back to my dr to try this again with lots of effort exercising and dieting. They improved my life a TON aside from weight gain. I felt happy, fun, lively, felt like dancing all day, and could answer phones and go outside. I am starting to feel suicidal off the meds again. I would suggest giving it a try, keep track of what you eat and keep talking to your doc.
  • I take lexapro for depression, but it's also for anxiety and I'm losing just fine.
  • Jelaine56
    Jelaine56 Posts: 88 Member
    I take Celexa for anxiety and depression, and I take vallium at night if I'm feel anxious.. I gained a little over 30 lbs. but some of it was bad choices in food.. I have almost lost the weight I gain and I am still taking the drugs.. I am 57 yro and if I can lose the weight I think anyone can.. I also have fibromyalgia and I feel better from losing that weight.. I have read so much about people who take theses drugs saying that they can't get rid of the weight they gained.. It is possible...