Help - 4+ weeks not losing at all

I am so frustrated. I need some advice and encouragement - about me: 44 yrs old, female, 5'6" 159 lbs - want to lose 20 lbs t get to 138 lbs. I'd even be happy with 10 lbs lost at this point because I've seen no weight loss for 5 weeks since starting this.

I've been walking 30 mins/5 days per week and sticking to 1300-1400 calories per day for almost 5 weeks and have not lost even one pound. Not one. I am so discouraged and just want to give up.

I've tried losing the 20 lbs extra leftover from pregnancy for 7 years. In the past, I've manged to lose and gain back 6 lbs but never more, but I never exercised consistently before now so I thought that might be the key and this time it would work. But now I am not even losing anything now that I've added exercise for the first time!!

I do have type 1 diabetes and use an insulin pump, which can make it harder to lose but I know it can be done. I am now trying to cut carbs down too t see if that helps but I cannot give them up completely because I have trouble with low blood sugars.

I also think I have not been drinking enough water at all - on a good day, I was drinking 5 cups but sometimes less and too much Diet Coke. Today I have drunk 8 glasses and actually feel better, less bloated, so I am going to focus on that too - but one question I have is is it true that if you are dieting and exercising and not drinking enough water, it will hinder weight loss? Meaning it will cause your body to hold onto the weight? Could that be part of my problem?

Also wondering if others experienced a big lag time from when they began a consistent exercise program and losing - does it take a while for your body to adjust and start dropping the weight? Or is that just a myth? It's hard to keep working out when I am not seeing any results after this long.

I know I have my age and my insulin working against me but surely there has to be other reasons I am not losing even 1 measly pound after this much work for this long?

Any advice is appreciated!


  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    I would add an exercise that makes you sweat like jogging or elliptical, do you have an injury that keeps you from doing that?

    Walking can be exhausting for very obese or very old people but not for a 44 year old person who only has 20 lb to lose. Actually, most people walk 30 minutes a day anyways catching trains and going to work and stuff, I know in America you drive every day but I honestly would not consider this that much exercise, or is it something that makes you sweat and tired? Do you walk like really fast?
  • Just hold on a little longer. Don't give up now. YOU CAN DO THIS. Don't give up, you will get there. The sun will shine and a new day is almost here. You can do it. Get ready to show the world the new you.
  • tikicristi
    tikicristi Posts: 7 Member

    Actually I am walking hard enough/fast enough that my heart rate is where it should be and I am sweating a lot. I also do intervals of running/jogging for 2 mins/walk 1 min but not every time. I am really, really out of shape and doing just this is hard for me. I am trying to increase my fitness level first since I was sedentary for a really long time (years). I would love to be able to jog the whole time but I am not there yet.

    I do know people that have lost weight from walking. Maybe it just takes longer.

    And no, I don't walk normally during the day - don't live in a big city, we drive everywhere and I work p/t at a desk job. So this walking routine for me is the most active I've been in a while sadly.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I plugged in your numbers here:

    And these were the results for your BMR:
    Custom BMR Calculation

    Thanks for checking your BMR here on Fat 2 Fit Radio. If you're not already subscribed to Fat 2 Fit Radio, consider doing so today. Please visit the Subscribe page to get the podcast delivered automatically to your iTunes, Juice, e-mail inbox or the podcatcher of your choice for FREE.

    Entered information: 44 year old female, 66 inches tall, weighing 159 pounds, BMI of 25.7 (Overweight).

    From the information that you entered, you'd like to weigh 139 lbs.

    Harris-Benedict Formula

    There are a few different methods to calculating yourbasal metabolic rate (BMR). One of the most popular, developed in the early 1900's is called the Harris-Benedict formula. Based on this formula, your current BMR is 1450 calories.

    You're eating 50-150 calories below your BMR currently and only doing cardio.

    Increase your calories and add strength training so you don't end up losing lean muscle mass would be my suggestion.

    I'd also highly encourage you to toss any diet soda out of your diet and stick to water instead like you did today. Diet sodas are a) superbad for diabetics and b) superbad, period.
  • Hi! I'm type 1 diabetic too. I don't use a pump, but I take Levemir and cover my carbs with Apidra. I definitely have times of "stalling" in my weight loss journey. I have A LOT of weight to lose, and my first few took quite a while to finally come off. I will tell you that I did cut way back on my diet soda (Diet Dr. Pepper is my choice) and increased my water intake significantly and saw much better results with that. It is a lot harder for people with Type I diabetes to lose weight, but don't get discouraged. In the end, your blood sugar control will be much better ... and as it gets under control and your insulin use drops, the weight comes off a little faster. When I started this journey, I was using nearly 4 x the amount of insulin I'm using now! I do heavy cardio with weight lifting 4 times a week. I'm also a nurse and walk nearly 10000 steps every shift (3 times a week). I eat 1400-1500 calories a day with a 40% carb, 40% protein, 20% fat ratio and that seems to work best for my diabetes and my weight loss. Good luck on your journey. Feel free to friend me. I'll on this journey for quite a while.....
  • tikicristi
    tikicristi Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks!! I had started out doing weights but wasn't seeing any weight loss so switched to cardio.

    If I do both, what's the best way to do that? Timewise - I work p/t and have a 7-year-old daughter - I cannot do both 5-6 days per week and physically, I am too out of shape to do that yet! I'd need to alternate - so should I shoot for 3 days cardio/2 days weights or something like that?
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    Totally agree with the diet soda. aspartam and caffeine are really a deadly combination. if you want sg flavoured to drink make you own lemonade - water, lemons, lime, I put 2 teaspoons of honey (counting them into the daily allowance), mint leaves, it looks amazing and tastes great. I love it. It's a bit of work, but weight loss is work.

    Aspartam causes cancer and burns your stomach out. Don't do it. plus It tricks your body into craving more sugar. Bad, bad, bad. (I am sure your doc already told you.)

    What you are saying about your exercise sounds good, you might really need to take up weight lifting and eat a bit more. I did not see your diary but I hope it is full of lean meat, vegetables and not preprocessed food and spaghetti and cakes. :)
  • Well first off I would cutt the diet coke for a couple of weeks to see if this helps you dont need it, next get some lemons cut them in half squeeze 1/2 in a glass of water first thing in the morning or whenever you can after that I would drink at least 10 glasses of water a day do this for two weeks to flush your liver. Guarantee you lose weight well retained water weight. Nevertheless this will overall help lose weight continuesly over time DRINK WATER it's FDA Approved. Add me as a friend if you like we can motivate eachother I'm cutting from a bulk right now.
  • Krysannis
    Krysannis Posts: 17 Member
    When you're doing your cardio just push yourself to your limit and then push harder. I know that you keep saying that you're too out of shape to do something but imagine how great you'll feel if you actually do a routine that you think you might be too out of shape for. I have a 3 year old, a desk job, and I knee that needs to be replaced in the next few years. I make sure I do at least 1 hour of cardio/strength a day with the exception of my off day. If your day looks too busy for a workout then throw little workouts in where you can. Google search "desk job workouts." Also, get your child to workout with you. Go to a soccer field or an open field and run with your kiddo. Tell them that you're trying to lose weight so that you can be around and healthy for a long time. Just push yourself, don't make excuses. Keep working and you'll achieve your goal of 20 pounds! Good luck!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Thanks!! I had started out doing weights but wasn't seeing any weight loss so switched to cardio.

    If I do both, what's the best way to do that? Timewise - I work p/t and have a 7-year-old daughter - I cannot do both 5-6 days per week and physically, I am too out of shape to do that yet! I'd need to alternate - so should I shoot for 3 days cardio/2 days weights or something like that?

    I switch off cardio and lifting days to give my muscles time to rest and rebuild, so yes definitely alternate would be my suggestion.

    If you're not sure where to start with weights, check out something like New Rules of Lifting For Women or some other reputable beginner strength training program. It's really not about weight loss, but about excess fat loss while maintaining and building lean muscle mass. That's going to give you the best results in the long term and keeps you from yo-yoing.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Try free exercise videos on youtube, either zumba, or Jillian Michaels 30 days Shred. You can use water bottles or cans, instead of weights. In the beginning you can do the exercises without any weights until you develop endurance.
  • I know how you feel. I am about your height & weight & I am doing the same things you’re doing i.e. tracking my calories & doing cardio (walking). For someone who eats anything and everything at her whims and fancies and who does a sedentary desk job, it’s a big change in lifestyle for me.

    I was so excited to weight myself to see the progress after 2 weeks, but when the scales stayed the same, I was really disappointed. Perhaps a part of me needed the numbers to continue to motivate myself for to continue this healthy living. I went into the self-pity mode that I will never be slim (was always on the chubby side), but knocked myself out of it and promised myself to put in more effort.

    I am also currently doing a little bit of weights (trying to follow all the moves of Jillian’s 30 Days Shred) and continuously monitor my calorie intake. I’m going to weigh myself soon, so hopefully, the numbers do show.

    I would like to encourage you (and also myself in the process) not to give up so soon. You owe it to yourself! :)