
I dont remember the last time i lasted without binging more than 3 frustrated and unhappy I just wish i had the willpower and strength to fight eating when I'm unhappy or bored or craving something. I really need help on this... I hate myself for binging because thats something I should be able to control and because of it I can't lose weight. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.


  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    You should talk to someone about this other than a forum. There might be a psychological root to the problem a trained professional can help you work through. Most peoples issues with food are psychological.
  • prinmalik
    prinmalik Posts: 9 Member
    totally agree
  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    Maybe you're restricting your calories too low?

    I know that when I initially started MFP a year ago, I chose to lose 2lbs/week, so obviously I was allotted 1200 calories/day. But I would work out for like 60-70 minutes/day so my NET calories would be anywhere from 400-600, I was so dumb that I didn't realize I was harming myself more than I was doing good.

    I would eventually binge every 4-5 days because I was so starved and overstressed from the cardio. I quickly lost 25lbs within 3 months (including those days when I pigged out on just about everything). After a while I could no longer maintain that insane cycle of restricting and binging. So I re-gained the 25lbs I lost after binging on everything for about a good 2 months.

    Now I eat around 2300-2500 calories/day, I work out almost everyday, so I usually NET around 1800-1900 calories. I don't feel restricted. I no longer have urges to binge, and I honestly feel so much more energized and generally good.

    Try increasing the amount of food that you're eating; I know it may be scary if you have been eating superlow calories for a long time, but think about it in the long term. Do you want to lose weight quickly, and possibly develop an eating disorder a long the way; as well as damaging your metabolism and general health? Or do you want to improve your health by providing the proper nutrition your body needs, and slowly losing weight that will be easier to maintain in the future?

    I know that I would rather choose the latter. But anyways, sorry for the long post; I just know how you feel and can completely relate to what you're going through.

    I'm not a doctor or anything, so if you feel that you can't control the urges to binge, then maybe you should seek support from your family, or a therapist. Either way, I wish you all the best, and just know that you can overcome this! :) Stay strong.

    P.S. If you'd rather not see a psychologist or psychiatrist, I HIGHLY recommend this book called "brain over binge". It really helped me see 'binging' in a true light. Most people say that binging usually has 'deep rooted psychological causes' but honestly, (and the book talks about it), binging becomes a habit after you do it several times. And then you get self doubt in your head telling you "oh what's the point of eating properly when you know you're going to cave in eventually" and I think that's what messes you up. In the book, the author talks about how she just stopped binging. She literally stopped doing it, and stopped thinking negatively and only positively. She had been going to psychologists for several years prior to that and they all told her the same thing, that she does it because she has psychological problems. But one day she just decided she would end it, and she did. So yeah, check that book out! You can get it on your iPhone/smartphone as well.
  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    Thats actually a good idea....Im currently eating around 1350 calories a day.....maybe I'll raise my calories to 2000 2 or 3 days a week so that my cheats actually fit in and then I won't say "oh I cheated I ruined the day and may as well binge" THANKS!