5'2 looking to lose 30 pounds any help? or same goals

hi, my names diana

age: 18
height: 5'1 1/2
BF %:33

if anyone has ANY advice on how they lost 30 pounds or more, please feel free to respond i'd like to know.
is my goal realistic to reach by the end of JULY? has anyone done this before??


-how many minutes a day/per week (excerise)
-how many calories you ate per day, and did you eat the ones you worked off?
-how long did it take you to lose ____ pounds?
-did you have cheat days? what did you eat that boosted your metabolism?
-strength training or weightlifing involved?



  • Hi Diana. I may look heavy but I lost over 50 lbs in a little less than 4-5 months once. I gained it all back because I stopped working out but thats besides the point. Do 30 minutes of cardio, and 15 minutes of weights/aerobics/pushups/crunches. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner all proportional, and then have a snack in between each one (this will boost your metabolism to go faster because it will constantly be burning things..i was told this by my trainer who helped me lose the 50+ lbs) , cut your carbs in half, and find a calculator online that shows you how many calories you should be eating. i didn't have cheat days because i didn't cut out ALL junk food, i'd allow myself to sometimes treat myself to something nice here and there, therefore I wouldn't have a day where I would just binge and lose my progress. Strength training AND weightlifting should be combined. Hope I was a help =]
  • Hi Diana,

    I'm Jeni. I'm also 5'2 with the same goal weight as you...but I'm starting out about 10 pounds heavier. I've been much thinner and much heavier.

    What worked for me before...and what I'm doing again now:

    I exercise 3x a week at a minimum. 30 mins cardio (i like the eliptical), 30 mins weights/body weight/machines
    How many calories I eat per day varies based on the weight I'm losing. I've found that this website is pretty accurate for the goal it gives you when you plug in your information. Be honest with yourself about your activity level. For example I work retail...but it isn't as physical as other retail jobs so I don't say that I'm consistently moving I say that it is standing with some movement.
    I do not let myself have cheat days...one turns into two...turns into a week...turns in to me gaining weight. Instead I calorie budget when I want something bad for me. It works...I actually got an Auntie Ann's pretzel last week without going over calories. Veggies were my friend before and after my splurge that day. :)
    I do strength training and weight lifting. I don't just want to lose weight, I also want to be tone.

    Good luck!! :)
  • Browneyedbeff
    Browneyedbeff Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'2" and lost 46 lbs in about 4 months last spring doing P90X and using myfitnesspal. My calories were set to 1200 or less, and the workouts were anywhere from 45 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the day. I worked out 6 days per week. I've maintained all of that weight loss and feel great. Best of luck to you!
  • My best advice to someone looking to lose that kind of weight at that size is to pig out on protein. Try to cut out red meats for the most part and eat things like grilled chicken, fish, cottage cheese, oats, or greek yogurt. There are plenty of other things that would help but those are all foods that people tend to enjoy. Also remember to make breakfast your biggest meal of the day, it kick starts your metabolism. Drinking coffee for breakfast or eating a grapefruit are also very helpful to that boost in metabolism. I would personally tell you that you need to do some type of exercise for 60 minutes a day (if you're really that serious). You could even trade off doing light lifting with high reps one day with doing full cardio on the others.

    The most important thing is that you stick to it because the longer you keep your body in a routine for reaching your goal the more it will cooperate in the long run.