Weight Loss Issues

Okay, I know I'm not eating enough. Most peoples problems on here are about not being able to control their hunger, but have you ever thought of us who are just the opposite? I'm 5'1 and 85lbs. Never been a big eater most of my life. Do I think I'm still fat? Honestly, a little but never enough to actually starve myself. When I'm hungry I eat, and when I am not I do not eat (it hurts to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry). I'm tired of people saying I have an eating disorder because at the end of the day I do not have that mind set. My goal: Be healthy, fit, no bones sticking out, and still have a womanly figure. I would love to have some support and ideas of ways I could eat more food! :)


  • Lexi507
    Lexi507 Posts: 79 Member
    You might want to look at more calorie-dense food. When I'm short on calories (because at my age depressing my metabolism is a bad idea), I tend to eat peanut butter or nuts. A 1/4 cup of cashews is 160 calories and walnuts 180-200. So in a few bites you get good food and a bunch of calories. I also like Quaker Breakfast Cookies (~200 calories) and chocolate milk (8 ounces/150? calories). There are probably other foods you like that also have a good calorie/nutrition balance.

    You may also want to post something in the Food & Nutrition section to get other suggestions. But, be warned a lot of people on this site are very sensitive to any suggestions of eating disorders so ignore the half of the responses that aren't supportive. Good luck with your journey!
  • Sboobs96
    Oh, and Im allergic to dairy, gluten, and whey. Soo...I cant eat most of what you said :'(