I need friend

Hi everybody,
I am new.I need friends to support me.


  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Friend me if you wish. Just began my journey.
  • I'm new too! And also just 'properly' started!
  • Add mee! (:
    We'll all help each other out!
  • You can add me, I've been doing this since August and managed to lose a few lbs.
  • thank you,^^
    me too!
  • simmonsfisher
    simmonsfisher Posts: 4 Member
    Add me as this is 3wk:smile:
  • Feel free to add me, we're similar ages and can try to help each other out!
  • dstevens19
    dstevens19 Posts: 233 Member
    Hi. Also looking for support from those on a similar journey. I just turned 50, have a very hard time losing fat despite being active. Best of luck to all of us!
  • leoniemaree
    leoniemaree Posts: 23 Member
    can people please feel free to add my as friends I am new as well thanks heaps
  • shade0343
    shade0343 Posts: 59 Member
    Happy to share what I've learned. Just add me. I had to start at 50 if that makes a difference. Good Luck and great success!
  • hiya !! I'm new too - this is day 2 !!lol !!
    I am 46 - nearly 47 - so at an age where it is very difficult to lose weight I'm finiding - and I have an underactive thyroid - which doesnt help I dont think.
    I had a baby at 40 and its really since then that I have noticced a weight gain. Hoping to lose about a stone and a half to 2 stone. Have just joined a gym - done the induction - cant go this week as its half term and have little one at home all day, and hubby working away - I also work nites so this plays havoc with ya diet !!

    Would be happy to be your friend if anyone wants to add me - !!!
  • sp7991
    sp7991 Posts: 20 Member
    you add me too. will try to motivate..
  • whitesox1111
    whitesox1111 Posts: 1 Member
    I've just began too so need all the support I can get :smile:
  • Feel free to add me iv only just started, today is day 3 :)
  • Jacqualynne
    Jacqualynne Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there add me if you like, I'm trying to lose a similar amount of weight. I log in daily & keep an open diary, helps keep me honest :) good luck
  • Hi
    I am new
    please add me
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm new as well - just started yesterday.
    Everyone feel free to add me! I could use some motivation and can help motivate you too!
  • You can add me :) I log on everyday and have an open diary.
  • Energiegal
    Energiegal Posts: 9 Member
    I'm new, only 2nd day... friend me for support.
  • 19 and fat . Let share our burdens lol