Losing while on birth control



  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    The pill has not been conclusively proven to cause weight gain, so it shouldn't hinder weight loss.
    I went on the pill when I was 16, partly in hopes it would make me fill out.
    <<no such luck.

    That being said, here's an interesting article:
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    I gained a ton of weight on Yaz. Some, but not all, of that weight just FELL off afterwards without me consciously changing anything. A few years later on Apri I was able to slowwwwwwllllyyyyy lose some weight (and I don't blame the pill for the slow loss.) Just switched to Aviane (due to other Apri side effects) and it remains to be seen how I will do on it. Now, my doctor told me that weightloss is one of the listed side effects of Aviane which I found very discouraging. However, when I gained tons of weight on Yaz it was indirectly from the pill- Yaz gave me intense anxiety and mild depression (shockingly common on this particular pill). Both of these conditions turned me from a routine jogger to a sedentary and miserable person. Additionally, it gave me an INTENSE appetite- I was SO hungry all the time and I just KEPT ON EATING! About a month after I'd been off it (and was on no pill) I had my normal, pretty average appetite. I hate to say it but the roughly 30 pounds I put on in 6 months on Yaz is the weight I am still trying to get off. For the rest of college I lived an unhealthy college lifestyle and slowly LOST from my maximum Yaz weight.

    So to answer your question, the pill absolutely can effect weight, but I believe it is usually "indirectly" because messing with pregnancy hormones can really screw with your appetite.

    And to those criticizing use of the pill, please don't. Its a very personal medical choice and you shouldn't judge why someone might choose to be on it.
  • jillwhite12
    jillwhite12 Posts: 102 Member
    The pill doesn't cause weight gain... But it does increase your appetite which in turn can make you gain. If you keep your calories under your goal and exercise the weigh will come off. Just keep at it! :)
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Oddly enough I made an appointment with a nutritionist because I have found myself in the same situation. I've gained 30lbs since starting taking the pills (over a period of 6 years). The pills aren't ENTIRELY to blame as my food intake was a bit much over the same amount of time. OR I wasn't eating enough and the fat was just stored..
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I didn't gain any weight like I had until I went on the pill. I was always over weight, but never like this. In high school and up until my boyfriend I got together I maintained my with between 180-190 then after I had started the pill, before I knew it I gained over 50 lbs.

    Just spotted this. My weight went up too after meeting my other half. Yes, it coincided with going on the pill but it also coincided with me getting happy, cooking lots of lovely food for him, serving myself the same size portions as him, eating out more, less partying and dancing with friends etc etc. In the last few weeks I've started cooking more healthily for both of us and make a point of giving myself a third less than I give him. 7lbs down in 7 weeks, so I must be doing something right :)

    Yes--the weight problems can be dealt with but the health problems that come with artificially jacking up your hormones are still there.

    It's not an option for me to come off the pill. I'm on it due to a hormonal imbalance (back-to-back Cerazette to stop my periods, otherwise I have them for three weeks out of every four - I've had every test under the sun, was prescribed it by a gynae and had the choice of the pill or a hysterectomy). I'll take the risks of being on the pill over constant anaemia, mood swings and ill health any day of the week. And the fact that I am completely in control of whether or not I get pregnant is a nice bonus!

    Sorry if you took it personally, I think there are lots of reasons why someone might be on the pill. It is something that a woman needs to decide for herself, weighing the risks vs. the benefits. What bothers me is that I don't think the pharmaceutical companies are being entirely honest with women about the risks. It is well known that they suppress negative data from their clinical trials.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I didn't gain any weight like I had until I went on the pill. I was always over weight, but never like this. In high school and up until my boyfriend I got together I maintained my with between 180-190 then after I had started the pill, before I knew it I gained over 50 lbs.

    Just spotted this. My weight went up too after meeting my other half. Yes, it coincided with going on the pill but it also coincided with me getting happy, cooking lots of lovely food for him, serving myself the same size portions as him, eating out more, less partying and dancing with friends etc etc. In the last few weeks I've started cooking more healthily for both of us and make a point of giving myself a third less than I give him. 7lbs down in 7 weeks, so I must be doing something right :)

    Yes--the weight problems can be dealt with but the health problems that come with artificially jacking up your hormones are still there.

    It's not an option for me to come off the pill. I'm on it due to a hormonal imbalance (back-to-back Cerazette to stop my periods, otherwise I have them for three weeks out of every four - I've had every test under the sun, was prescribed it by a gynae and had the choice of the pill or a hysterectomy). I'll take the risks of being on the pill over constant anaemia, mood swings and ill health any day of the week. And the fact that I am completely in control of whether or not I get pregnant is a nice bonus!

    Sorry if you took it personally, I think there are lots of reasons why someone might be on the pill. It is something that a woman needs to decide for herself, weighing the risks vs. the benefits. What bothers me is that I don't think the pharmaceutical companies are being entirely honest with women about the risks. It is well known that they suppress negative data from their clinical trials.

    No worries :smile:
  • anie8989
    anie8989 Posts: 50 Member
    I gained a ton of weight on Yaz. Some, but not all, of that weight just FELL off afterwards without me consciously changing anything. A few years later on Apri I was able to slowwwwwwllllyyyyy lose some weight (and I don't blame the pill for the slow loss.) Just switched to Aviane (due to other Apri side effects) and it remains to be seen how I will do on it. Now, my doctor told me that weightloss is one of the listed side effects of Aviane which I found very discouraging. However, when I gained tons of weight on Yaz it was indirectly from the pill- Yaz gave me intense anxiety and mild depression (shockingly common on this particular pill). Both of these conditions turned me from a routine jogger to a sedentary and miserable person. Additionally, it gave me an INTENSE appetite- I was SO hungry all the time and I just KEPT ON EATING! About a month after I'd been off it (and was on no pill) I had my normal, pretty average appetite. I hate to say it but the roughly 30 pounds I put on in 6 months on Yaz is the weight I am still trying to get off. For the rest of college I lived an unhealthy college lifestyle and slowly LOST from my maximum Yaz weight.

    So to answer your question, the pill absolutely can effect weight, but I believe it is usually "indirectly" because messing with pregnancy hormones can really screw with your appetite.

    And to those criticizing use of the pill, please don't. Its a very personal medical choice and you shouldn't judge why someone might choose to be on it.

    Thanks for not letting my be the only one who feels like that. I've changed my pill a few times, but it's all the same.
  • zhvah18
    zhvah18 Posts: 158 Member
    I didn't gain any weight like I had until I went on the pill. I was always over weight, but never like this. In high school and up until my boyfriend I got together I maintained my with between 180-190 then after I had started the pill, before I knew it I gained over 50 lbs.

    Just spotted this. My weight went up too after meeting my other half. Yes, it coincided with going on the pill but it also coincided with me getting happy, cooking lots of lovely food for him, serving myself the same size portions as him, eating out more, less partying and dancing with friends etc etc. In the last few weeks I've started cooking more healthily for both of us and make a point of giving myself a third less than I give him. 7lbs down in 7 weeks, so I must be doing something right :)

    It is so easy to get "comfortable" while in a relationship.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    i had to get off it
    and its the best dam thing i have ever done!
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I've truly never had trouble losing weight while on the pill. I've had trouble with weight-gain when I was off for a few months though. Maybe time to change what pill you're on.
  • jessmart83
    jessmart83 Posts: 283 Member
    I havent had "the pill" in years, but I do get depo, just because I am not good at remembering to take pills. I have never had a proble with weight because of birth control. Mine was mostly due to being comfortable with my bf, making huge comfort food meals, and slacking on my workouts.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    I gained a ton of weight on Yaz. Some, but not all, of that weight just FELL off afterwards without me consciously changing anything. A few years later on Apri I was able to slowwwwwwllllyyyyy lose some weight (and I don't blame the pill for the slow loss.) Just switched to Aviane (due to other Apri side effects) and it remains to be seen how I will do on it. Now, my doctor told me that weightloss is one of the listed side effects of Aviane which I found very discouraging. However, when I gained tons of weight on Yaz it was indirectly from the pill- Yaz gave me intense anxiety and mild depression (shockingly common on this particular pill). Both of these conditions turned me from a routine jogger to a sedentary and miserable person. Additionally, it gave me an INTENSE appetite- I was SO hungry all the time and I just KEPT ON EATING! About a month after I'd been off it (and was on no pill) I had my normal, pretty average appetite. I hate to say it but the roughly 30 pounds I put on in 6 months on Yaz is the weight I am still trying to get off. For the rest of college I lived an unhealthy college lifestyle and slowly LOST from my maximum Yaz weight.

    So to answer your question, the pill absolutely can effect weight, but I believe it is usually "indirectly" because messing with pregnancy hormones can really screw with your appetite.

    And to those criticizing use of the pill, please don't. Its a very personal medical choice and you shouldn't judge why someone might choose to be on it.

    Thanks for not letting my be the only one who feels like that. I've changed my pill a few times, but it's all the same.

    You're definitely not the only one! Make sure you voice those problems to your doctor (and make sure your doctor knows what they're talking about....the person who first prescribed me Yaz was a dermatologist and not an OBGYN and when I did see an OBGYN she was much more helpful.) Good luck!!
  • I'm on the depo shot too. Started when I met my partner alomost 6 years ago. I have gained ALOT of weight over the last 5-6 years. I think that it is because I am overly comfortable with my relationship. Obviously eating horribly and not exercizing is mostly to blame.

    Everyone kept telling me "come off the injection and you'll lose weight" and so I stopped for a year. And nothing. So it is definitely not the injection that has kept the weight on.

    But now, staying under my daily calorie intake, excercizing daily etc and I am still not losing weight. There could be a number of factors contributing to that though. So will try other things and see how it all goes!
  • tamikia87
    tamikia87 Posts: 66 Member
    I actually am just the opposite, When I am on the pill I don't get cravings and I'm a lot less hungry than off of it! I've been off and on it several times, when I'm on it I loose around 15 lbs, each time I came off it I gained the 15 lbs and then some! I get a lot more cravings now to, but I've chose to stay off it because I feel it's a healthier choice for my body. I just need to learn not to be hungry all the time!
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    I've been on the pill for nearly 5 years and it's done nothing to stop me losing weight, nor did it make me gain any. I gained because I ate too much and was lazy, and I've lost coz I got off my butt and exercised, and ate healthily :p
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    I gained when I went on the pill, only because my hormones went crazy and I craved junk all the time. Swapped pills and no problems, lost most of my weight while on birth control ;)
  • I'm on the depo shot too. Started when I met my partner alomost 6 years ago. I have gained ALOT of weight over the last 5-6 years. I think that it is because I am overly comfortable with my relationship. Obviously eating horribly and not exercizing is mostly to blame.

    Everyone kept telling me "come off the injection and you'll lose weight" and so I stopped for a year. And nothing. So it is definitely not the injection that has kept the weight on.

    But now, staying under my daily calorie intake, excercizing daily etc and I am still not losing weight. There could be a number of factors contributing to that though. So will try other things and see how it all goes!

    i was on depo for 1 year about 13 years ago and gained 60 lbs in that year! depo is laboratory created progesterone and it causes women to go into pre-menopause. i was a college kid in a relationship and i thought wow, this is great, i won't have to remind myself to take a pill everyday and have the fear if i slip up. and since i won't have a period, the cost between the shot and spending money on tampons was even more economical. then i gained weight, hair fell out, mood swings, depression, hot flashes, lack of sex drive (they inject sex offenders with this drug to reduce their sex drive). i was 19 and had the side effects of a 55 year old, menopausal woman. if you're on it, i highly HIGHLY recommend getting off of it. i've done my research on the drug and it's totally bad news bears. just research it, even wikipedia can give a brief overview. i don't want to cause fear, but just trying to help my fellow females out.

    since then i've never gone back on any hormonal birth control. condoms are my bff.
  • Currently on the pill and have lost 7lbs (half a stone) since the new year... I don't think the pill can actually cause weight gain or make any harder to lose weight. If anything, its the hormone changes that will make you feel a bit binge-y but there are ways to tackle that like drinking lots of water or going for a walk if you feel like you will binge on food.
    Good luck! :)
  • Tubtui
    Tubtui Posts: 53
    When I started taking the pill my doctor told me that weight gain can be one of the side effects.* But he also said it's normally up to 5 lbs because of water retention and I should see him again if I gain more weight than that, to try another pill. I didn't gain any weight back then, I only put on the pounds when I started eating more and moving less than I used to.

    * According to the information leaflet in my pill package (Levomin) getting headaches (1 in 10 women) is a more common side effect than gaining weight.
  • When I was on the shot I gained so much weight! The pills I haven't had as much trouble but I know they can be hard to lose weight while on them. It's a side effect. I have been single a long time so I quit taking them for now. Just stay motivated and working hard. You may have just hit a plateau and it's not really the medicine. If you want help staying motivated and/or want to chat add me as a friend :) Good luck!