argh fell right off track :(

Ever since ive hit my stone ive fell right off track!
i was doing so well and now ive just got back to my old eating ways and its really getting me down
Ive already put on 2lbs and im so scared about putting on anymore!
How can i get my mind back into the correct mindset?
I stopped 30 day shred three days before i finished level 2 which i am soooo guttted about now


  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    I just wrote something on this yesterday. For most of us this is a lifetime plan. So you lost 14 lbs ( I think thats a stone) and gained back a couple. We are going to slip once in awhile, don't beat your self up over it. Just get back on track. Go back to healthy eating and don't weigh yourself for a few days to a week. Get back to working out if you let that slack off. You lost 14 and gained back 2. Do that again and you will have lost almost 2 stones!!! Pretty good right?

    Add me to your friend list and keep in touch!!!

  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    Garrh! It happens. The good thing is that you want to get back on track, and you've already noticed a difference. So just get back on the horse. You can do it! Start from the begining of level 2 (sorry) and you'll soon feel as good as you did before. Keep positive. As you said you lost a stone, does that mean you're english? Me too! Feel free to add me as a friend
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    First, relax. Try and get out of this "all or nothing" mindset. 2 lbs in the grand scheme of things is not a big deal, and you don't have to gain it all back unless you decide to stop trying.

    Have you been logging consistently? Looking at your diary over the past week or two, you've undereaten on a lot of days, and on the days you've gone over, it's not by much, and probably hasn't taken you over your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). So - if those logs are accurate, then you've likely gained water weight for some reason. Could be an increase in sodium and/or carbs, could be the exercise you're doing, could be hormonal. Also, hitting your goal more consistently would probably stop you feeling the need to go over on other days. Also, if you're following MFP's calorie goal, and you're exercising, you should be eating those exercise calories back - that's how MFP was designed to work, otherwise it would have given you a higher calorie goal to start with.

    If your logs are not accurate - then that's the first step you need to take. Get back into logging everything.

    I'm curious as to what the difference is between your "old" eating ways and the way you ate to lose that stone, It's possible that you made your diet so restrictive that you felt the need to go off track. That often happens if people cut out a lot of the food they like to eat. You don't have to do that to lose weight. Maybe this time make smaller, more gradual changes that you can live with long-term. Start by hitting your calorie goal, and then focus on macronutrients. Your diet doen't have to be "prefect" - just try to get a good nutritional balance while maintaining a moderate calorie deficit.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Pick yourself up and carry on. Don't dwell on past mistakes, they're in the past. Go right back to 30DS where you left off and carry on. You'll only not finish it if you give up now. Get right back into it and progress up to level 3 and finish it. Go right back to how you were eating to lose that stone.

    Slip ups happen to everyone, the most important thing is to get back on track again.

    Well done at losing a stone already :) you did that, you can keep going :)

    It's also helpful (if you don't do this already) to have planned treats in your eating plan, so you're not actually giving up any food you really like, you're just having less of it, and keeping it within your calories. This can really help with staying on track in the long term. If you deprive yourself too much, then it's much harder to stay on track and get back on track if you slip up.
  • Zoejohnse91
    Zoejohnse91 Posts: 227 Member
    Jump back on the track! Revisit your calorie daily allowance if your finding it too hard and just set it at a 1lb.
    Get that 30 day shred DVD back on! :flowerforyou:
    I do 30 day shred every other day, and take a rest day. Its ok :)
  • cheshire1865
    The thing about falling off the track, is that you can get straight back on it :) we all have bad days, where we let go too much. Do not kick yourself for not doing it. Just remind yourself that tomorrow is another, and better, day. :)

    Feel free to add me if you want support :)
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Just start again!

    Today is a new day. Start logging....
  • crichardson1962
    I've been going through the same. I'm not even going back to my "old ways" but if I slip up just a little, if I let my foot off the gas just a little, I gain weight. Am I going to have to eat basically nothing but 1200 calories a day, exercise 3-4 days per week or gain weight?
    Also, I can't even enjoy a treat anymore because all I do is think about how many calories I am consuming.
    A treat for me now is some chips and salsa, a piece of birthday cake, or some fries. Not all three at once, just maybe some every now and then.
    I just had a birthday and instead of my favorite Five Guys and cake, my co-workers and I had salads and they got me a Smart Water with balloons tied to it. I'm getting support, it's me who seems to have no willpower.
  • New_Keeley
    New_Keeley Posts: 170 Member
    Face it.... this is a journey and there are bumps in the road.

    You've realised you've slipped a bit and that's OK. Don't beat yourself up. Decide that today is the day you get back on track and start now!!! Go on.... get going! :)
  • lambchoplewis
    I have done the same thing. Had a Mardi Gras Party two weeks ago - over drank and ate. Felt like crap for 2 days. But, I got right back on track with food and exercise. I am in maintenance mode now but find this hard. Get back to it. Saw this quote and it makes sense:

    If you're heading somewhere in the car and wanted to get there by 5, but realized you were going to be a few minutes late, would you just give up and swerve into a bridge abutment?
  • KayteeB07
    Thankyou everyone!
    You've really given me the push I need. I'm going to weigh myself today and record it and then get right back on track tommorrow
  • rladd6421
    don't be so hard on yourself, i had lost 40lbs by christmas took the holidays off figured i'd get back on track when work started again (i use the gym at work) ended up with the flu at the beginning of the year and when i started feeling better ended up fainting and face planted my hard wood floors giving myself a concussion and fractured cheek. I've put on 10 maybe 12lbs in that time span :sad: but the dr said i can go back to the gym next week as long as i start out light and easy. so to put it in a happy way we didn't "fall off" the track we simply detoured a little :smile: and if you did it once you can easily do it again.