1200 calories a day... I'm confused

After reading several posts here and there, I am wondering if 1200 calories a day are enough. Why does mfp set them this low if it's not healthy for weight loss? Don't get me wrong, I am exercising and all and I am trying to keep my net calories as close to 1200 as possible and logging all my foods and activities. Can someone here shed some light on this please?


  • I'm just as confused. My fiance says I'm not eating enough but that's the only way I can lose. And it has been EXTREMELY slow. I saw an equation where you have a calorie range. Do your goal weight X 100 for your low. For high, add 300 to that. Whether or not you have a high or low day depends on your workout. But if I eat that many calories I feel like I'm eating too much. Maybe that is not taking into account your workout calories... I DONT KNOW! Haha. Sorry I can't help. Looking forward to responses!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Many people want to lose weight quickly, and 1200 (net) is as low as MFP will go for anyone. If I put in "I want to lose 2 pounds per week" ... then MFP assigns 1200 (the lowest possible) .... this number works for a portion of us ... but not all.

    I could never lose 2 pounds per week (closer to goal than that) ..... but many people do have unrealistic expectations and put in the 2 pounds anyway.
  • mine is set to 1200 since I have a desk job but in all reality I tend to go by my BMR... I eat at least that a day, but with my activity level I do tend to eat about 1800 calories a day... I have to fuel my body with insanity/asylum workouts after work and then the stair run for my lunch hour...
  • I had mine set to lose 2 lbs a week and found out real quick I could not do the 1200 cal a day. Now that I've changed it to 1600 I'm doing much better.
  • kandi_apples
    kandi_apples Posts: 35 Member
    I am confused also. I to am on a 1,200 cal diet. I see everyone else talking about 1,800, 2,200 cals etc. and I wonder why mine is so low. I am not hungry at all, but I am not losing weight very fast. Looking for some help.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    I am okay with how fast I am losing. I mean, faster would be nicer but realistically, if you lose slow and consistently, it is more likely to stay off. I am set at sedentary as my activity is very unpredictable. Therefore, I just log all my activities and up my calories so I am still netting real close to the 1200. On days I work, generally 2-3 days a week, I add 30 minutes of aerobics for every 4 hours I work because I pack and stack boxes for 8 hours at a time. When I wasn't logging work, I felt light headed and slightly nauseous. Now, I am fine when I work and I am sure I burn at least as many calories that are entered by my exercise. When I hit the gym, I use machines that allow me to enter my weight/age and such and they tell me exactally how many calories I burn so I have proper entry. I am just hoping I am doing everything as well as I can be.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    My Fitness Pal uses an equation to determine how many calories a day to give you.... It will NEVER recommend anything less than 1200 calories.

    For example, you maintain at 2,400 calories a day. You select "lose 2 lbs per week". That is a 1,000 calorie deficit so your goal would be 1,400 for the day.

    For most people, this is not the case... Say MFP assumes you maintain at 1800 calories a day. You select 2lbs per week... it tries to do a 1,000 calorie deficit and goes UH OH ITS LESS THAN 1,200, we have to recommend 1,200 calories.

    This may just put it in perspective that losing 2 lbs per week MAY/MAYNOT be a reasonable goal for you. :) You'll notice that when you change your goal to a more reasonable goal you will have a significantly more calories. For most people anyway, 1,200 calories is far too low. Slow sustainable weightloss, I always say!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I am confused also. I to am on a 1,200 cal diet. I see everyone else talking about 1,800, 2,200 cals etc. and I wonder why mine is so low. I am not hungry at all, but I am not losing weight very fast. Looking for some help.

    The closer you are to goal the slower the weight will come off. Saying you want to lose X pounds per week is not going to make it happen.

    Other people - may have active lifestyles, exercise a lot, are taller than you, are big boned, the list goes on. The "1200" number comes up often because people want to lose weight as quickly as they can. It doesn't mean it's right for everyone.

    I eat (on average) 1500 calories gross ...... (I eat my exercise calories back) .... my workouts are not huge .... they never will be. I can't even expect to lose 1 pound a week, because I have about 15 pounds to lose total.
  • AlliH621
    AlliH621 Posts: 102 Member
    When I hit the gym, I use machines that allow me to enter my weight/age and such and they tell me exactally how many calories I burn so I have proper entry. I am just hoping I am doing everything as well as I can be.

    Try getting a heartrate monitor. That will be more accurate for calories burned than the machines that calculate weight and age.
    Also - I try not to eat back the calories I burn everytime I work out. If you try to eat 1200-1300, even if you still burn 300 (so that would be a net of 900-1000 calories (even though you took in 1200-1300) - that might help too. I'm not saying do it every day - because you don't want your body to go into starvation mode, but a few days a week would be ok.

    I know it does come off slow. It's taking me a while too. I was losing about 1.5 pounds/week in August, then I slipped for 2 weeks and gained 3-4 pounds in 2 weeks. What the heck! Now I'm trying to get back on track again.

    Good luck!
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    The machines I use at the YMCA has the heart trackers built right in so that is how it is calculating my calories burned. :)
  • I am on 1200 cals a day, and I find it quite easy to stick to. I have lost 13lbs in 6 weeks doing it this way. I agree though that what works for one person, wont always work for another.

    I just tend to have my breakfast at 8am, a peice of fruit at 10am, my lunch at 12noon, a snack at 3pm and my dinner before 6pm and I eat a yogurt straight after my dinner. I dont snack after that as I feel full until bedtime. I tend to drink squash throughout the day, and diet lemonade mixed with squash through the evenings as this bloats me for the evening so I dont get hungry until I wake up again.

    I do exercise 3 times a week, mainly on days when i'm feeling fat as this makes me walk quicker.

    I dont recommend that you do this as a long term eating plan. I am only doing it until August when I get married and then I will move the daily cals to 1600 to maintain.

    You do have to have something to motivate you, but you have to try all sorts of different ways until you find the right one for you. I love using this app, as when I eat something naughty, and it goes into negative figures, I go and exercise until its back into positive figures. If I just had to track it myself, I wouldnt be as precise so would probably under-estimate calorie intake anyway.

    Hope this helps someone :)
  • I have found your post a real inspiration, I've only started using this app in the last month and although my weight loss has been fairly slow, it has been steady enough and I could be exercising more.

    Will definitely be trying to introduce a routine like you have to my eating habits as I think eating erratically and eating when my bf eats has helped bring me to this weight in the first place! Good tip as well about being more motivated to exercise when you're having a 'fat day', just trying to motivate myself for the outdoors.

    Good luck with your goal and your wedding, you don't look like you have too much to lose from your photo! :)
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    The machines I use at the YMCA has the heart trackers built right in so that is how it is calculating my calories burned. :)

    only if you are able to put in your own weight and gender etc. Otherwise they are just random guestimates. As others have said MFP suggests calories based on your stats and goals you enter. Once the calorie are given you are suppose to log your exercise and eat back those calories as a deficit has already been factored in. If you do not eat back your exercise calories your deficit could be too large and therefore be counter productive.
  • brenda4life
    brenda4life Posts: 65 Member
    1200 plus what you earn exercising equals what you should eat. The 1200 like everyone says is about average if your goal is 2 lb a week. But if you exercise you should be eating your additional calories.
  • shelbysp8
    shelbysp8 Posts: 131 Member
    I think 1200 calories is too low that's why I changed mine. Here's a link that will explain it all :


    Don't give up!
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    I wear a HR monitor & find that on some of the machines at the gym the calories sometimes match my reading on my HR monitor but usually they are way off. My HR monitor has my age, height, weight etc that the machines don't. But hey, if you are happy with it that's all that matters.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    You guys are disturbing.
    1200 calories is a lot.
    Go to Asia, kids.
    See a true diet.

    Disturbing is a goal weight of 77 pounds. 1200 calories is not a lot.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    You guys are disturbing.
    1200 calories is a lot.
    Go to Asia, kids.
    See a true diet.

    Pro ana diets are not encouraged around here.
  • oliviaboston
    oliviaboston Posts: 27 Member
    Ive recently put mine down manually to 1100 calories. im eating less than that a day, not including the exercise i do every day. my family say its not enough but i dont feel like im under eating. I do give myself the weekend off which means i gain weight durig the weekend, but am not getting the results i want. Ive lost 10 pounds, but have been at a stand still for the last 2 weeks. my BMI is overweight so its not as tho ive hit my wall where its harder to lose weight. any advice?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Ive recently put mine down manually to 1100 calories. im eating less than that a day, not including the exercise i do every day. my family say its not enough but i dont feel like im under eating. I do give myself the weekend off which means i gain weight durig the weekend, but am not getting the results i want. Ive lost 10 pounds, but have been at a stand still for the last 2 weeks. my BMI is overweight so its not as tho ive hit my wall where its harder to lose weight. any advice?

    Your daily calories are less than your BMR (basal metabolic rate) ..... this is why your weight loss stalled


    ..... Your BMR are the calories your body would use if you stayed in bed all day....Those eating less than their BMR are likely to lose muscle as well as fat. Moderate weight loss goals (plus exercise) ... help preserve muscle. Sometimes when you are close to goal, a 1/2 pound a week loss would be good progress.