5K or 10K

I am having a hard time deciding which race to sign up for. It's not until May so I have time regardless.

I have run a 10K before (1:17) very slowly! and it was a very flat course! I haven't run in almost 4 months. I could give you all kinds of excuses (we got a puppy, christmas, got sick, etc) but in reality they are excuses. This particular race the 10K is extremely hilly and challenging.

I like the 5K distance in some ways I could work on speed and form more.

There is a part of me that wants to do the 10K but I'm worried I won't be able to finish strong (obviously I will be able to finish it but not sure how much I'll have to walk it with those hills!)

I also don't know if it's a realitic goal to set considering how long I haven't been running. I went for a quick treadmill run on Monday and after 3K I was toast and sore and my lungs hurt!

Any input/advise is much appreciated.


  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    When you ran your last 10K what was your weekly mileage like? Which distance do you like better? I personally found that the longer distances are my thing. It takes my body 3 miles to realize that I am really going to do a run today. After 3 miles I just settle in.
  • I am sort of in the same boat, except I havent run in years. There is a 5K and a 10K the last weekend of April, so I have signed up for the 5K, and if I am feeling up to it, i can change it to the 10K. Maybe you can do the same?
  • MaritaD
    MaritaD Posts: 178 Member
    Well I enjoy the 5K distance better. Feel like I can mentally get through it easier, it's a good distance for me. But I feel more pride in finishing a 10K. There is more training needed and it pushes me more, just don't know if it pushes me too far right now, especially with how hilly it is.

    I think if I sign up for the 10K I can downgrade to the 5K (if it isn't sold out) but it's a really popular race so I'd be taking a chance. Also there is a price difference so when I sign up I want to commit to one or the other. I just can't decide!!
  • smiffy645
    smiffy645 Posts: 167 Member
    Run the 10k, you have done it before and the 5k is in your comfort zone, step out of it and train for the 10k, you have time!
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    I would say the 10K as well. Find some hills and train on them. A challenge is always good!
  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    I think it's always good to challenge yourself! I am wondering if there is a 5K that you can sign up for in late March or April that will get you back on track with training and then still have time to increase the runs to prep for your 10K? I just committed to a half marathon in October (never done one, yikes!) and plan to do a couple 5Ks this spring and then a couple 10Ks over the summer to help me stay motivated for the half marathon training!
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    I would say do the 5k. Set yourself a time goal and work on your speed. (Shoot for 30 minutes?) Then later on you can do a 10k and let your newly found speed take you to a faster time than you did before. Ultimately, maybe you'll be running 10ks in around 60 minutes.