Not losing ANY weight!



  • And I do agree with others, open up your diary and we could look specifically at your calories and exercise to help more.
  • tropicpalm
    tropicpalm Posts: 39 Member
    I feel your pain. If you are not doing this with the help of a doctor who can check your blood levels (esp. glucose and thyroid) and a nutritionist's guidance, you may not see the success you are looking for no matter what you do. Others who do not have underlying causes for their extra weight don't understand. For the majority, it's a simple "calories in, calories used" formula that works for them. You may be eating things that you are sensitive to that cause inflammation and that will inhibit weight loss. I know from experience. Don't be discouraged. It takes time for your body to adjust to a new way of eating.
  • you need to make your calorie intake different.
    bad way to learn this but it confuses your body so it WONT go into a plateau like state (apparently i used the term starvation mode wrong ^^; sorry about that.)
    so say you eat 1200 calories every day (give or take) up it to 1500 for a little (and i mean 1500 calories of GOOD food. lean protein and green salads.) or vice versa.
    you can drop it back down in a week or so.
    your body just hit a plateau, and you need to kind of shock it out of it :P
    make sure you are drinking enough water as well. ~
    hopefully this helps
  • mmmyotwnz
    mmmyotwnz Posts: 119 Member
    You have to give your body time, we are all here because we didn't treat it so well. It will start to react to what you are doing soon. A safe weight loss is about 1 pound a week for a slow, steady and hopefully permanent loss.

    You still have time to see your body wow you. Now if it had been a whole month and you only lost 1 lb, I would talk to a professional.

    In a perfect world at 301 day logged in, I should have lost the 120 I wanted to lose, not the 41. It is what it is at this point, I am not a friend of it at this point, however, I have never felt better with the all the internal changes that have happened in me. I have lost a lot of inches, so that gives me hope when I want to throw the scale.

    Start today in logging all of the measurements you want and keep up with it, It is nice to see when the scale refuses to drop.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Please stop throwing starvation mode into the theory. Someone who is obese is not going into starvation mode even on 1200 calories or less a day (which she says she isn't doing). More likely your food intake is higher than you think it is unless you are weighing and measuring your food. Most of us are horrible at estimating portions.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Please stop throwing starvation mode into the theory. Someone who is obese is not going into starvation mode even on 1200 calories or less a day (which she says she isn't doing). More likely your food intake is higher than you think it is unless you are weighing and measuring your food. Most of us are horrible at estimating portions.

  • popo0509
    popo0509 Posts: 48 Member
    It's been 16 days... chances are the problem is your expectations, not your method.

    ^^ agreed^^ it will take time, based on what you say your calorie intake is you are on schedule so be patient. Plus, you should also go by how you feel. I've been at a stand still for a few weeks but my body has felt SO much better when I really started taking care of it even though the weight is coming off slowly. If I've been feeling this good lately then that's progress for me too.
  • WifeyMaterial
    WifeyMaterial Posts: 2 Member
    thats how it is for me i only 1 pld nd almost two months my weight isnt moving and its crazy.....i just want the scale to move imma go to the gym after class and atleast burn all the calories i ate today which is gonna be 180+250 and 2 beef sticks i dont no the calories buts it proli like 10 2 30 calories so wish me luck....
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Please stop throwing starvation mode into the theory. Someone who is obese is not going into starvation mode even on 1200 calories or less a day (which she says she isn't doing). More likely your food intake is higher than you think it is unless you are weighing and measuring your food. Most of us are horrible at estimating portions.

    Yup, as this rather famous study clearly indicates (and the obese participants were actually eating 1,200 calories per day...)

    and I quote:
    The failure of some obese subjects to lose weight while eating a diet they report as low in calories is due to an energy intake substantially higher than reported and an overestimation of physical activity, not to an abnormality in thermogenesis. (N Engl J Med 1992; 327:1893–8.)
  • daniellegwilliam
    daniellegwilliam Posts: 122 Member


    And like everyone else said. IOt takes time. You just started a cope weeks ago, perhaps your body is just thinking WTF is going on!
    I agree with all other PP, Weigh and measure your food, be honest with yourself, and seeing your diary would help alot.
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    Please stop throwing starvation mode into the theory. Someone who is obese is not going into starvation mode even on 1200 calories or less a day (which she says she isn't doing). More likely your food intake is higher than you think it is unless you are weighing and measuring your food. Most of us are horrible at estimating portions.

    This probably more than anything else screws people up. Are you eating 100 calories when you eat food X, or are you eating 100 calories per serving, and that tiny container contains three servings.

    Do you assume your cereal bowl is "about a cup?" Use a measuring cup, and make marks in your cereal bowl to show what 1/2, 3/4, and 1 cup actually are. (Oh, and again, back to the label on the product -- almost every breakfast cereal tweaks the amount of "one serving" to get the calories to what a consumer might consider acceptable. Sometimes it is as much as a cup, sometimes it is as low as 1/3 cup. And don't forget that the milk you add to your cereal needs to be added separately.

    Even something that seems tiny -- like cream in your coffee. First, it has to be counted. Second, if you are just pouring it in instead of measuring, how do you know how many calories you are getting. 2 cups of coffee with 2 tablespoons of cream each is 200 calories!
  • bymyslf892
    bymyslf892 Posts: 114 Member
    Unless your thyroid is a problem now then I doubt that's the issue. Stay consistent and get some movement in. I didn't really lose any weight until after the first 3 weeks. Your body needs time to get used to this new lifestyle and once it does you will probably lose weight a lot faster. Just stay focused!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Unless your thyroid is a problem now then I doubt that's the issue. Stay consistent and get some movement in. I didn't really lose any weight until after the first 3 weeks. Your body needs time to get used to this new lifestyle and once it does you will probably lose weight a lot faster. Just stay focused!
    THIS! Check/track your sodium too...that can really hinder losses...

  • KristineW78
    KristineW78 Posts: 42 Member
    Your body could be toxic. Once I started taking supplements, I started losing. Be careful about which ones you take though because not all of them are safe or work...
  • linda0372
    linda0372 Posts: 27 Member
    what exercises are you doing??? in order to burn fat, you must do cardio (according to my supervisor and he's a health nut). walking, stationary bike, elliptical, stairmaster, take your pick. I started with walking. I live in nyc, so i have a lot of places where i can walk. i chose the brooklyn bridge. when i first started, it took me nearly 45 minutes to walk the bridge. now it takes me 25 minutes, on a good day (with little pedestrian traffic). I also walk the treadmill, i do the stationary bike and elliptical. I do at least 45 minutes cardio (that's up from 15 minutes 11 months ago). next month I am going to start running (that's after my birthday though) you could do it. I know you can
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    1650 sounds like a decent amount. Try doing some exercise every day, doesn't have to be killer... 30 mins walking! It may be you need to speed up your metabolism, look at some super foods, strawberries, blueberries etc or like everyone else says, just give your body time to adapt??

    I don't mean to patronise but as I can't see your diary do you log everything? At first I used to log everything at night and used to forget the odd thing and then be like damn it!! I esp used to forget to log drinks, butter, oil used in cooking and this could add 300-400 cals. Now I use the phone app and add as I have stuff. I also log everything in the morning that I plan to eat so I don't snack on something and amend my dinner to accommodate the calories left.

    Good luck xx
  • You said you have halved your calorie intake. How many calories are you eating exactly? Are you putting your body into starvation mode instead of weight loss mode?

    Eating less doesn't mean losing more. Eating healthy and getting up and moving is the right way to go! Starvation tells your body " Oh crap, where is our energy?!! Halt all burning and slow the body down" So get eating right with a good fair calorie count and get moving ;-) Godpseed
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    1650 is a decent number. Are you weighing and measuring everything?
    Make sure count liquid calories too (I drink 3L of water a day, but it's 100% my choice, there isn't a magic number to drink)

    Keep an eye on sodium levels, whether or not it's TOM, your bowel movements, if your muscles are sore, and that you're weighing in the same circumstances each time (naked/same clothes, same scale, same time of day)

    Any one of those factors can throw off numbers.

    In all, give it time, it's frustrating at times, yes, BUT you will lose weight. Some weeks you may have a huge loss, some weeks you may have no loss, some weeks you could go up, just keep in mind you are changing your life, for life!!
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    Ack, that can be discouraging. First off, congrats on taking this step towards a healthier lifestyle. Keep at it until you find the right balance for you.

    I agree with the poster providing the link to In Place of a Road Map that has resources listed to help calculate your BMR and TDEE. It does sound like you're at a decent calorie goal so that may not be the issue.

    Not being able to see your diary I can only offer general suggestions.
    -Weigh and measure your food so you're logging calories accurately.
    -Try cutting down or out sugary and diet drinks (soda - diet & regular, bottled juices, etc.) and drink lots of water. Google "water infusion recipes" for tips on adding fruits and herbs to your water to modify the taste if you don't like drinking plain water.
    -Watch your sodium which is inherently high in processed foods and restaurant foods.
    -If you like them, up your fruit and veggie intake. If you don't like them, find ways to hide them in the food you make. This is a big issue with me and I'm still working on ways to hide them in my food.
    -Unless it's going to triger a "binge" or a setback, don't deny yourself anything. One of the biggest downfalls in my previous attempts to lose weight was denying myself "bad" foods. I'd deny myself icecream until I got to the point I'd eat a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's and then feel awful. Now I take the approach of, if it fits into my calorie budget, I can have it. So if you look at my diary, you'll see I have Oreo's or icecream almost every night. The 2 or 4 oreos or the cup of ice cream keeps me from eating 15+ cookies or a whole pint.
    -Don't go by the scale alone. Also take body measurements and pay attention to how your clothes are fitting. Some weeks you waon't drop an ounce but those jeans that were tight are not so much any more. This happened to me this week - Didn't lose a single pound and the jeans and shirt fit better.
    -Move more. You can incorporate movement into your day even if you don't have access to a gym. Take a walk around the neighborhood or go to a park. Walk around your home while talking on the phone. Set out an "exercise game" for commercials - car commercial do crunches, food commercials do squats, toy commercial jog in place, bank commercial do push-ups, etc. Whatever exercise program you do you'll want both cardio and weight training. Cardio helps with the endurance and buring calories, weight training (including body weight exercises like push-ups or lunges) help preserve muscle mass.

    If you feel that there's something up with your health that my be preventing weight loss - like thyroid or insulin resistance, by all means get checked out by a doctor.

    Good luck!!!