Food and skin

Hi, I finally decided to start my diet, however I wonder if anyone knows the type of foor that has good impact on the skin quality and doesn't ruin my diet.


  • kaylaknight4247
    kaylaknight4247 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello and welcome! :)

    Lemons are amazing for your skin, and despite their sweet/tart flavor, they are very low in calories and sugar, and very high in nutrition. They actually very detoxing for your liver/kidneys, which help to remove toxins and therefore clear up skin, since one of your skin's main processes it to detox. I'm also a fan of having about a tablespoon of Organic Apple Cider Vineger in my water each day -- some people don't like it but I personally don't mind the flavor. Apples in general are awesome too. Try to eat at much organic food as you can afford, not only is it beneficial to both health and weight loss, but also great for the skin to avoid toxins.

    Also, drink your 2 liters of water a day, probably the best thing you can do for a diet and your skin! Fairly obvious, but keep that in mind and make it a top priority!
  • MereExtraordinaire
    MereExtraordinaire Posts: 143 Member
    Hello and welcome! :)

    Lemons are amazing for your skin, and despite their sweet/tart flavor, they are very low in calories and sugar, and very high in nutrition. They actually very detoxing for your liver/kidneys, which help to remove toxins and therefore clear up skin, since one of your skin's main processes it to detox. I'm also a fan of having about a tablespoon of Organic Apple Cider Vineger in my water each day -- some people don't like it but I personally don't mind the flavor. Apples in general are awesome too. Try to eat at much organic food as you can afford, not only is it beneficial to both health and weight loss, but also great for the skin to avoid toxins.

    Also, drink your 2 liters of water a day, probably the best thing you can do for a diet and your skin! Fairly obvious, but keep that in mind and make it a top priority!
    Wow, I actually didn't know this, thank you!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    water does help a lot, also avoid greasy foods in general. I was reccomended by my dermatologist to take a daily multivitamin to help keep my skin clear, and I think that really works.
  • Thank you for the valuable information.. actually i eat an apple a day at noon... I will also try to add lime juice to the water.. again thank you..
  • I take daily multi vitamins.. but do you think that extra vitamin E is good?
  • stephanieroses
    stephanieroses Posts: 53 Member
    I myself am very concerned with the appearance of my skin and have significantly reduced/eliminated my long term acne issues through diet and supplementation.I have also done much research on the matter. If you are really interested in this I would recommend reading The Clear Skin Diet. It's an excellent book that details the best kind of diet for clear skin. Assuming that you don't have any food allergies (and if you arent sure, get checked) In a nutshell here are the recommendations and what I do:

    Eat an "anti-inflammatory" diet. Google the term if you want to learn more but basically:

    AVOID white breads/refined carbs/excess sugar, candy, junk/ high fructose corn syrup at ALL COSTS

    AVOID or minimize dairy consumption (at least don't drink milk/eat dairy daily. I find I can tolerate cheese a few times a week but for many people dairy is a huge trigger for skin issues)

    Eat whole grains like rye, oatmeal, ezekial breads (dark breads are good)

    Eat as many vegetables as possible, aim for 5+ servings per day (especially veggies high in Vit A such as sweet potatoes and carrots)

    Steer clear of high sugar fruits (bananas, grapes etc) and choose BERRIES (blueberries) and/or Apples (but not in excess because these contain sugar too). If you want to avoid acne limit fruit consumption to 1-2 per day max

    Salmon (for the Omega 3s) twice a week if you can

    For meats choose lean as often as possible

    Eggs (also for Omega 3s) but try to get cage free/non dyed

    Nuts in moderation (walnuts are high in O3, almonds high in Vit E and Zinc)

    Healthy fats like Avocados, Olive Oil etc

    Tomatoes/Tomato juices are high in lycopene a great antioxidant for skin

    Green Tea is high in skin friendly antioxidants as well

    Get plenty of fiber in your diet (semi TMI but you want to eliminate waste DAILY)

    I take multivitamins that I think have been essential becuase they have excellent formulations, they are Genuine Health brand Multi + Daily Glow and Perfect Skin (which is an Omega 3 supplement with added ingredients)

    Good luck! :)
  • I just read your comment.. thank you very much for this valuable information.. I can follow all this instructions except for the milk... i have to drink it with my coffee twice a day... I can't live without my coffee..