3 weeks running terrible knee pain what do i do?

I am 24 and started the c25k 3 weeks ago. Everything was fine, I've been running on my treadmill since its winter and we have had lots of snow and ice. I just wanted to drop 15 pounds and become more toned/fit. I've had the treadmill 2 years and it seems everytime I get into running its just a matter of weeks before something happens with my knees. I've done the getting new shoes, working on form, taking it slow. I made sure to not go over an hour at any time this time to try and keep this from happening.

It was after my last run on week 2 I felt fine during, just some problems with chest congestion during week 2 that messed with my breathing. Toward the last 20 min I noticed my knees were bothering me. Shortly after I got off the pain increased and has stayed ever since. They hurt when I'm sitting, walking, and I can't run for more than half a minute before its just too much. I dealt with it and iced them hoping it would go away, they look somewhat swollen. I had some left over loratabs from an old ear infection a doc gave me they still hurt even after taking them. Tuesday I got back on hoping if I just pushed myself it would go away, thought maybe it was something that needed to be walk/runned on to get back in the groove. Wrong, hurt the entire time could not run on more than twice during the hour for very briefly. It still hurts to walk and they hurt almost constantly, bent, straight.

This happens every time I get into running it seems its just a matter of when. I did the 30 day shred a year ago and also ended up with the same issue eventually. What is going on, any ideas what I can do to get this gone asap? What can I do to heal them? How can I prevent it? Is this common, should I just push through and do what I can running wise


  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    See a doctor. If you can't do that, perhaps rest a few days, then start out walking again, don't run until the pain is gone.
  • pplf2001
    pplf2001 Posts: 133 Member
    Where does it hurt around your knee? It can mean a lot of different things. You probably should go see a doctor, I'm having some knee pain myself and have an appointment for Monday.

    Stretching helps a lot, depending on what it is. You also might not be wearing proper shoes for what you're doing - have you been fit tested? Do you have any foot issues? You might need orthotics...

    This might help you some: http://www.knee-pain-explained.com/knee-pain-from-running.html
  • kellyes86
    kellyes86 Posts: 21 Member
    I've been experiencing knee and back pain off and on during and after a run. I looked it up and barring an actual knee injury, it could be a case of weak hips. Weak hips apparently affect back, knees and ankles especially during higher impact or stability exercises. If you search weak hips causing knee pain you'll find a few articles from running sites. Here's a medical study I found that was done on the subject as well: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2953297/

    Another thing I read was that strengthening the hips can reduce the risk of IT band injuries, which are another cause of knee pain.

    If the pain continues, I'd get it checked out by a professional to make sure you haven't damaged anything. And use the RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) method to see if it helps, as well. Good luck!