Cinnamon + Honey = Weight loss? Your thoughts.

Yesterday morning I was browsing on Pintrest (instead of getting ready for work) and I found a link that piqued my interest. It claims that consuming a mixture of water, cinnamon powder, and raw/unpasteurized honey twice a day is supposed to help with weight loss. Here's the link;
I figured that I would give it a try. Has anyone heard of this before, or tried it themselves? What were your experiences? People who haven't tried it, what do you think? I'm a little nervous to try something that seems so gimmicky, but I figure at worst it'll taste gross and not work.


  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    This was on a Manswers once (an old tv show). The amount of cinammon needed to create a thermodynamic difference is in the cups/day amount. I like cinammon, but not that much. Cinammon and honey is good on toast or in oatmeal though.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Yesterday morning I was browsing on Pintrest (instead of getting ready for work) and I found a link that piqued my interest. It claims that consuming a mixture of water, cinnamon powder, and raw/unpasteurized honey twice a day is supposed to help with weight loss. Here's the link;
    I figured that I would give it a try. Has anyone heard of this before, or tried it themselves? What were your experiences? People who haven't tried it, what do you think? I'm a little nervous to try something that seems so gimmicky, but I figure at worst it'll taste gross and not work.

    If you do it whilst maintaining a calorie defict, then yes it may work, but if you are not at a defict, then no gimmicks are going to work.

    As you have said yourself - this is just a gimmick.
  • BlithesomeOne
    If you do it whilst maintaining a calorie defict, then yes it may work, but if you are not at a defict, then no gimmicks are going to work.

    As you have said yourself - this is just a gimmick.

    My plan was to use this in addition to working out and watching my calorie intake. No easy-fix miracle pills for this girl!