6 weeks of no workouts...what will happen to my hard work?

I'm having a sugery in 12 days that will result in me stopping my workouts for around 6 weeks (walking (for exercise) can presume after about 2 weeks). I've worked so hard to get definition in my back and arms; I'm dreading the idea of losing that. I won't be able to use my arms or back for any type of exercise during that time period.

Has anyone had to cease their workouts for 6+ weeks? What effects did it have on your body?

I'm so scared I"ll go soft after so much hard work. I'm not too worried about gaining, since I'm going to try hard to watch my calorie intake. Maintaining during this time is my goal. But I dont' want to lose muscle.


  • lrodriguez83
    I really don't think in 6 weeks you will lose all of your definition. You may notice a little less definition but as long as you rest alot and fuel your body properly, your body could probably use the break well and come back stronger than before once you start hitting the gym again. As the doctor allows, low weight high reps maybe and just do what you can. 6 weeks won't set you back much.
  • DojoMaster888
    DojoMaster888 Posts: 61 Member
    Visibly I doubt you will notice much difference given that you will be watching your calorie intake. However, when you do resume you will notice the difference and will feel like you've lost alot of strength (know from experience) but I was able to get back into the swing of things. I seemed to get back to par fairly fast considering how long it took to build the strength from scratch. Biggest concern should be not rushing the healing process and making sure you dont resume before being fully healed.

    Best of luck!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    it's not going to be that bad. you will have a few differences you can see and when you return you'll be slightly weaker and your stamina will be crap.

    But it bounces back almost immediately. 2nd week you'll feel much better, 3rd week you'll be normal. I want to stress that if whatever procedure you have is going to physically limit your lifts, then take great caution and care to realize your new limitations. if you think 6 weeks off is bad, a reinjury can lead to 6 months off and that's not a good time.
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    I'm having work done on my breasts. So I need to avoid upper body strength training as well as running and jumping around. I plan to walk, use the stationary bike, and do lower body workouts (lunches, etc..) as soon as possible. My doctor is in Florida and I'll be in Wisconsin, so I really need to take it easy since if I have issues...it won't be easy to seek help.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Your body may enjoy the break from all the weight lifting. I think as long as you continue to eat clean and start walkin for exercise once you get the okay from the doctor you should be just fine, wont gain and will keep most if not all definition. Like one above poster said, you may seem as though you have lost some strength but once you get back into the swing of things your muscles will remember what they can do.