Ladies 5'4"!! How did you set your goal weight?

I have always been on the higher end of my BMI. Even at my "goal weight" of 140lbs, my BMI would still be 24 which is in the healthy range, but barely. My lowest weight that I can remember (where I felt really good, solid, and strong) was in high school. I danced everyday and I was 138lbs.

Based on my BMI, I question myself on whether I've made my goal weight too easy? Or is it where I know I might be able to maintain OK? Or if this really is the best weight for me to be at? Just some of the things that went through my head while reading some other goal weights. I realize this is nothing you can answer.

I have a pear body shape, so my height to waist ratio is healthy (even where I am now) at 5'4" and 149lbs.

So I ask, how did you come up with your goal weight? No right or wrong answers of course!


  • Jazzyashes84
    Jazzyashes84 Posts: 19 Member
    bump. Anyone??
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    general rule of thumb only suggest at 5' tall a woman should be 100lbs and add 5lbs/inch of height. So at 5'4" that would be 120lbs, for larger frame or if you carry more muscles add 10% to that... So 132lbs (120*1.10)
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I'm only 5'2". But I set my goal weight as just at the high end of 'healthy' bmi, so... 130 lbs. I plan to re-assess when I get there. At that point it will be more about reducing body fat % and not so much about the weight.

    Nothing wrong with setting a goal, reaching it, and setting a new goal.
  • Alcoria
    Alcoria Posts: 167 Member
    my ultimate goal weight is my pre-pregnancy weight of 125 i was happy at that weight im 5'2 (im close) and currently weigh in at 194 (uggg) it just doesnt want to come back down..
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    I set mine at 140 cause I felt it was a goal I could reach. Goals should be attainable. I fully intend to reevaluate at that time but the most important thing is how you feel and look. We are all different sizes and shapes. You choice of workout makes a huge difference too. I am strength training this go around and I'm wearing a pant size that in the past I had to be 20 lbs lighter to get into. Due to this I may be happy over 140. We'll see. Good Luck.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    anything in the healthy BMI is good with me. I'd like 120ish but yeah, anything <145 i'm good with.
  • I am 5'3 and went from 184 to 107. I stopped when I liked what I saw.I would prefer to be 5 pds heavier but want to gain healthy instead of soda and whata burger fat again:)
  • Librariangetsfit
    Librariangetsfit Posts: 71 Member
    I am quite a bit taller than that, but I would also get your body fat measured and see if that is in line too.
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
  • Goals should be attainable. but the most important thing is how you feel and look. We are all different sizes and shapes. You choice of workout makes a huge difference too.

    ^^^this....good luck
  • heatherk0908
    heatherk0908 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm 5'4" also and have a goal of 140 as well. I might want to get to 135 but not any lower. But I know when I first get to that weight I still probably won't be happy with how I look but at that point I want to just really work on turning fat to muscle and toning up.

    In high school I was 115-120 but my body changed SO drastically after having kids and I just don't think I would look good at all being that small again. Or maybe it just seems so far out of reach that I can't imagine it.

    about 5 years ago I was weighing between 135-140 and I was happy with how I looked then so that is where I hope to get back to. But hopefully a lot mroe toned even than I was then.
  • bbubble5
    bbubble5 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5'4" also, I never set a goal I just kept losing weight until I reached 130 lbs and loved the look in the mirror and looked good in pictures. Now I gained weight back due to ankle problems. I'm modifying my workout and planning to go back to 130lbs. Good Luck!!!
  • msmoxie68
    msmoxie68 Posts: 15 Member
    I personally remember how good I felt and was satisfied with my shape and size when I was around 150-160 pounds. That is above the target weight for my height which is recommended that I be more at 124-145 pounds. I began here last May at 238 pounds and now I'm only at 214.... it's been a long plateau and I recently figured out how to break it. I simply chose to reach a goal weight where i would be happy at. When I was at 160 pounds I was a size 10 and my goal this time around is to reach a size 8-10, right now I am a size 15/16. Our bodies change in time, after kids, etc.
  • katelynpelerson
    katelynpelerson Posts: 99 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I set mine at 140. I think that it's a healthy weight, but it really does depend on how you carry the weight. I used to be around 132 and I was WAY too skinny, I was also 16 (am now 20). So, I think that since I have more of a figure now, 140 is an acceptable weight.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I haven't set a goal weight, I have set a goal BMI. I want a BMI of 18%. What weight that is, I don't really care.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I am also 5'4" with a curvy shape. I set my goal at 145 but plan to get down to 140. That's as low as I like to go because I have an athletic build. Goal weight is personal and unique to you.
  • jennynewbury
    jennynewbury Posts: 48 Member
    I picked 140lb out of the air as a figure to aim for. Got there and decided there was definitely room for some improvement but still not sure what to! In the meantime, I was working on some fitness goals and took the advice of a trainer and started lifting alongside running. Since then, the scale has moved about 3lbs in 4 months but I've dropped a jean size (never been a uk size 10 in my life!) so now I'm less concerned about what the scale says and more about how I feel and how I look.
  • August_1958
    August_1958 Posts: 110 Member
    I think age has something to do with it too. When I was in my 20's, I kept my weight about 120-125 and that was good for me.

    I find now, that if I would weigh that now, I'd be a size zero. I fit in size 10 pants easily and am far, far away from 120.

    My goal now is 140.

    Just a thought.....
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I think much depends on the body frame size. You can use google to find a body frame calculator. I have a medium-large frame so I know that 120 lbs will not look good on me. Last time I weight that much I was a teenager and I had a few people ask if I'd been sick.
    So to answer the question, I haven't really set a goal weight. The goal weight in my ticker will get me to one pound lower than my lowest weight since having babies. Once I reach that (19 lbs to go!) I will reassess. I imagine I may feel comfortable in the 145-150 range but I won't know until I get there. To help me stay focused I also have a size 8-10 as a goal, too. Gotta keep in mind that it's not all about what the scale says. Again, I'll see how I feel when I get there.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    I figured out my current weight and body fat percentage. Using the below calculation and my goal of 20% BF, this is how I came up with it:

    145 @ 24% BF (current)

    From there:
    145 X .24 = 34.8 lbs. of fat
    145 - 34.8 = 110.2 lbs of lean body mass
    110.2 / (1 - .20) = 137.5

    At 20% Body Fat I'd weight 137.5 pounds. I rounded down to 135 for good measure! :)