Really hungry but running out of calories

I'm really hungry, I haven't had dinner yet but only have 301 calories left for today so I don't want to eat not and go over. I don't know what to do though, because I need to eat something. Is it really bad if I go over? I'll be eating with my family in about an hour.


  • karen8873
    karen8873 Posts: 100 Member
    If your hungry you need to eat regardless if you go over. What are your calories set at? Maybe your daily goal is too low? Are you working out ? As this could make your appetite increase too.
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    Everyone goes over now and then, as long as this is not a regular occurrence. Choose healthy options of vegetables (that will fill you up with little calories) and lean proteins, drink plenty of water and you'll be fine! Don't stress
  • Ayunaskam
    Ayunaskam Posts: 32 Member
    If you go over, it's not the end of the world. Remember that you'd have to eat 3500 EXTRA calories to gain 1 pound. Plus, your calorie amount for the day is a cut down from what you need to eat to maintain your weight. Going over a day or two happens to all of us. If your body is hungry, listen to it. As long as you aren't filling it with junk food.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Caloric intake should really be a range. When a professional calculates your calories they will never say, or should not, you have to eat this one number. Usually they give you a range of about 200-300 calories. Look at the average of calories you are grossing over the week that is really what gives you the best picture. Dont worry if you go over today. You technically arent over you are in range! So figure you have about 500-600 calories for dinner and enjoy!
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    If it's that bad, I'd do about 20 minutes of vigorous calisthenics to earn a few more calories. Drink water with your meal and eat a large portion of the healthiest thing on your plate (veggies, etc.) If it's that bad, you might just have to go to bed early. I have gone to bed early to avoid late-night dessert impulses.
  • Crystallee79
    Crystallee79 Posts: 6 Member
    try drinking water and eating veggies. AND don't beat yourself up if you go over every once in awhile. The important thing is that you're making healthy choices. Good luck, and enjoy! :)
  • pandagirlshonerd
    pandagirlshonerd Posts: 50 Member
    I did a good workout last night, I haven't done anything today because I got up late and didn't have time.
    And okay, thanks guys
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    With out your diary being open it's hard to give advice. You may need to chose foods that fill you up longer. A workout will also get you extra calories to eat. But don't go hungry. Even going over, you need to eat if your body is sending these signals.
  • richUK
    richUK Posts: 13 Member
    first things first, drink a glass of water..

    then wait 20 minutes to see if you're still hungry..
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 229 Member
    I had chicken and stirfried veg for dinner last night (really nice) and that came in at around 300 calories!
  • blippers
    blippers Posts: 11 Member
    Eat what you need to and do a bit of extra exercise later or tomorrow :-)
  • Wade406
    Wade406 Posts: 269 Member
    I can relate. Before I switched to a whole foods, plant based diet that happened to me all the time.

    Fruits and vegetables have lot's of fiber that takes up more stomach space when you eat. Instead of being calorie dense, plant foods are nutrient dense (in general, excepting things like processed oils and nuts).

    Calorie dense foods tend to satisfy the palate, but don't provide as much satisfaction overall when compared to nutrient dense foods.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    When this happens to me I just go for a 20-30 minute walk, pop in a 20 minute workout dvd OR make sure I balance myself out for the week but eating foods less calorie dense over the next few days.

    There are plenty of ways to earn yourself some more calories. Don't go hungry!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    If you go over, it's not the end of the world. Remember that you'd have to eat 3500 EXTRA calories to gain 1 pound. Plus, your calorie amount for the day is a cut down from what you need to eat to maintain your weight. Going over a day or two happens to all of us. If your body is hungry, listen to it. As long as you aren't filling it with junk food.

    Just to clarify, that's 3,500 calories over you maintenance level of calories. MFP's calorie goals are not maintenance, they are deficit...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm really hungry, I haven't had dinner yet but only have 301 calories left for today so I don't want to eat not and go over. I don't know what to do though, because I need to eat something. Is it really bad if I go over? I'll be eating with my family in about an hour.

    Do you eat back exercise calories. If you are using the MFP method, and I assume you are, you're supposed to eat back exercise calories. I'd suggest eating back 80% of your exercise calories. MFP's calorie goal already has a substantial weight loss calorie deficit baked in. One of the most common things I see around here is a lack of understanding that MFP gives you a baked in deficit and MFP expects you to eat back your exercise as that activity is extra curricular.
  • pandagirlshonerd
    pandagirlshonerd Posts: 50 Member
    Wow okay, thanks for all that, it was actually quite interesting! Anyone know anything further on this dense vs plants stuff, or at least where I can look it up?
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    I did a good workout last night, I haven't done anything today because I got up late and didn't have time.
    And okay, thanks guys

    I always feel hungrier the day after a good workout! If you are hungry, eat! I'm having this same dilemma today as I missed breakfast, I have had a few snacks but am now saving myself for dinner!! x
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    It's not going to help you right now, but I always plan out a rough idea of my entire day's food in the morning that I alter as I go along to save myself from running out at dinner time.
  • mamadolce6499
    mamadolce6499 Posts: 20 Member
    Lettuce *not iceburg* will fill your tummy and an entire head of it is approx 60 calories. Not that you need to eat an entire head of lettuce lol but it should fill you up till dinner and you cant feel guilty about it, even if you go over on your calories.
  • Wade406
    Wade406 Posts: 269 Member
    Wow okay, thanks for all that, it was actually quite interesting! Anyone know anything further on this dense vs plants stuff, or at least where I can look it up?

    Check out this:

    The last question, concerning oils, talks a little about it. This is a good place to learn more about what I'm doing.

    Six months ago, if you would have told me that "you won't be eating meat, cheese, or adding cooking oil to your foods", I would have told you that you're a lunatic. Now, I get how vegans say that can't stand the thought of meat. It's actually shocking to me that my viewpoint has done a 180 degree switch.

    But having actually tried it gives me the freedom of speech that others who haven't tried it just don't have. The biggest changes are in the way I feel. That's after 8 weeks.