Ladies 5'4"!! How did you set your goal weight?



  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    I set mine to where I remember feeling the best about myself – I also have a clothing size in mind - because sometimes weight loss shows more in inches than lbs.

    I think it’s okay for your goal to be personal - - - BMI is flawed anyway – because it doesn’t take into account body fat/muscle.
    Muscle doesn’t weight more than fat 5lbs is 5lbs no matter what it is made of but muscle takes up much less space.

    It might also help you to use a range for a goal I say 125 to 130 I’ll be happy with anything in that area…or a size 6-8.

    I’m right there with you on the pear shape :)
  • kf4vkp
    kf4vkp Posts: 164 Member
    I'm 5'3", my goal leaves me in the over weight area for my height.

    I have previously been every weight (at current height) from 115 to 230 lbs. and every size from 0-18.

    I'm on my way back down, and set my goal for the weight I remember being most happy with myself. I'm a hour glass shape and remember feeling out of proportion at a smaller weight. I will re-evaluate when I get there....
  • Jazzyashes84
    Jazzyashes84 Posts: 19 Member
    I like all of your answers :o)

    I weighed 150lbs before I got pregnant and now that I'm back to that weight (148 today woo) my body has changed so tummy isn't flat like it was before! I'm hoping more lbs lost will help my tummy, but I keep working out as well!

    I'd love to get my body fat calculated
  • GlutesthatSalute
    GlutesthatSalute Posts: 460 Member
    I'm 5'4 136 lbs... I prefer to track my Body fat % with hand held calipers.. BMI can be somewhat inaccurate bc it goes by height and weight ratio. In my opinion the best way to set your goal is by getting your body fat tested.. You want to aim below 20% for female.. :wink:
  • daniellegwilliam
    daniellegwilliam Posts: 122 Member
    My goal is 135..where I was on my wedding day. However as good as I felt at that weight, Id like to be much more toned and tight! So that could mean 140lbs?!?

    i have changed my goal to a 20-22% body fat, and size 6 goal.
  • robin949598
    robin949598 Posts: 86 Member
    I am 5'4" and I would be happy to get down to 145 pounds. I tend to be more muscular than some women, so getting any lower would be almost sickly for me.
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    I am also 5'4" I weigh right now 120 my goal weight is 117 and I would like to get down to 114 so I have room to gain. My highest weight was 156 after I had my son.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I figured out my current weight and body fat percentage. Using the below calculation and my goal of 20% BF, this is how I came up with it:

    145 @ 24% BF (current)

    From there:
    145 X .24 = 34.8 lbs. of fat
    145 - 34.8 = 110.2 lbs of lean body mass
    110.2 / (1 - .20) = 137.5

    At 20% Body Fat I'd weight 137.5 pounds. I rounded down to 135 for good measure! :)

    The only thing missing from this calculation is that as you lose weight you will be losing some lean body mass. the more protein you get, smaller your deficit, and heavy lifting as part of your routine will reduce the amount of LBM you lose. Most likely at 137.5 you will be in the 21% BF% range, prob have to get down between 130 and 135 to hit 20%.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I asked my doctor.
  • bbubble5
    bbubble5 Posts: 15 Member
    general rule of thumb only suggest at 5' tall a woman should be 100lbs and add 5lbs/inch of height. So at 5'4" that would be 120lbs, for larger frame or if you carry more muscles add 10% to that... So 132lbs (120*1.10)

    Agree 130-133 is best look for me. I'm also 5'4" You have to decide based on how you look and feel.