Constantly wanting to eat!

I am looking for some advise/ tips from others who feel a constant hunger :happy: I don't eat big meals so I stay under my 1200 calroies per day but I am always hungry. I am looking for any tips on eating like 4 or more small meals a day or eating 3 meals with snacks- is one better than another?
Right now I'm trying the slimfast shakes so I'm having one in the morning with a yogurt cup. Then about 9:30 I have another yogurt cup or fruit cup, then I eat at 11, have another slimfast shake around 1, another low calorie snack around 3, dinner 5:30 or 6 and then a small snack around 8 or 9. I just feel like I'm always eating and never getting full.
Looking for some help and direction on the best way I should be eating.

Also I am trying to lose like 20 lbs by the end of July or the most lbs I can by then to fit into a wedding dress so I am staying under or just at my 1200 calories a day and then working off 300 or more calroies almost everyday with workouts, is this the best way to do this? Or is this maybe why I'm so hungry? should I be eating my calories I work off?

Need some guidance as this is the first time I am actually dieting by watching calories and working out and tracking it.
Thanks! :flowerforyou:


  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    I would be starving too if I was eating what you are eating. Take a look at my food diary. I've lost 76 lbs since october.
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    Congrats fellow bride-to-be! Your hunger is almost assuredly related to the workout cals you are not eating! MFP builds in a deficit when it gives you a calorie goal, so the exercise you do on top of it is above and beyond, so you should definitely be eating those calories, or else your body will go into starvation mode, and you won't lose anything. There's a good link here about the topic of eating exercise calories:

    And one here about starvation mode:

    So, if you really want to lose, add in those 300 exercise calories. I tend to eat all day. Basically, whenever I am hungry, I eat. My fiance and I eat meals, too, but even if I just ate breakfast an hour ago, if I get hungry, I eat a pear. If an hour later I'm hungry again, I'll eat a clementine. Then if it's almost lunch time, and I'm starving, I'll go for lunch. I follow my body's cues.

    One thing I noticed you mentioned was slim fast shakes. Watch the sugar content of those. And be sure that you are getting enough of what your body needs in other ways (protein, iron, carbs, etc). Those shakes probably aren't filling you up in the best possible way - so maybe you can make some other snacks/foods available to yourself, that would be just as convenient. What about almonds, fruits, carrot sticks, broccoli florets and ranch. (I was just reading a post with snack suggestions on it, maybe you can hunt that down, too).

    Hope this helps! Congrats again!
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Personally you would be better off eating real whole foods instead of those shakes. That is probably why you are always hungry. You aren't eating anything that will take longer to digest and keep your blood sugar constant. Also, it doesn't sound like you are getting any real protein, which can also keep you fuller longer. Being hungry all the time will derail your efforts quite easily and once you go back to your regular eating habits, the weight will just pile back on.
  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    What kind of snacks are you eating? It sounds like you're probably not eating enough. Are you accounting for exercise? Maybe you could try adding some lean protein to your meals, chicken, fish, Greek yogurt (not the sugary yogurt). Also be sure you are getting some fiber which will make you feel full, and plenty of water.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    First, stop with the shakes!

    Secondly, how much protein are you eating a day???

    My fitness pal automatically sets protein to 35 grams, which is extremely low. You need about 60-80 grams of protein a day. Eat real meals. Try roasted chicken breast, baked salmon fillet, roasted vegetables, seared tuna... there are so many low fat, lower calorie options to eat that will keep you satisfied if you give up those shakes and bars.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Congrats on your wedding! I second what lots of others have sounds like you are getting plenty of sugar/carbs--I think more protein is a good way to go for you. Lean meats, nuts, etc. They have made such a difference in me not being hungry constantly! Best wishes!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Congrats on your wedding! I second what lots of others have sounds like you are getting plenty of sugar/carbs--I think more protein is a good way to go for you. Lean meats, nuts, etc. They have made such a difference in me not being hungry constantly! Best wishes!
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    My hubby has me on the 3 hour diet where I eat every 2-3 hours. I just started this Monday and I am loving it.
    I find that going his route I am not hungry all the time because I eat every 2-3 hours.


    Bfast: 1/2 cup of egg beaters, with low fat cheese and low sodium bacon

    11 AM- Protein Shake ( ONE of these 3 Brands- Atkins, Special K or Diet Muscle Milk)

    Lunch: 4oz of Chicken and 1 cup of veggies

    3PM- Protein Shake ( ONE of these 3 Brands- Atkins, Special K or Diet Muscle Milk)

    Dinner: 4oz of Salmon and 1 cup of veggies

    Snack: Protein Shake and a Banana ( ONE of these 3 Brands- Atkins, Special K or Diet Muscle Milk)
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Try subbing a can of tuna on a tomato for the shake once in a while. You're hungry 'cause you're not eating - you're drinking. Fill up on high-bulk/lo-cal foods. Green veggies, salad stuff, lean meats. You'll feel better.
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    I concur with the other replies and want to touch on something no one else has.

    A goal to lose 20 lbs is great. But to fit into the dress is where my eyebrow goes up. I take it the dress is ordered already and you bought one a size you would like to wear. I hope that works out for you, but I have seen friends and others have problems when the dress doesn't fit right when it comes it.

    If you have haven't ordered the dress yet, get it the size you are now. It is easier to alter down than up. If the dress is ordered, please give yourself ample time for alterations and consider a slimmer or other body garment.

    Best of luck,

  • lovebrittnie
    i definitely would recomend you to not substitute 2 meals for the shakes, i do like to have them for those days where i'm constanly running or i don't have time to sit down and have a breakfast, i use either the shake or a kashi protien plus fiber bar, and for me just the shake will hold me over for that ONE meal, after that i need something a bit more substantial.
    there are 3 things i can think of that will also help 1. getting in enough protien and fiber (helps you feel satified longer) 2. water consumption, regularly drinking the near 8 cups does make a difference.
    One suggestion that i can think of for a low cal lunch or breakfast (assuming yours are about 280-320 w/ shake and yogurt)
    Breakfast- i like to have two eggo waffles (no syrup) with a serving of strawberris (about a handful) sliced and a cup or two of water(about 240 cals) another item i like to make is a veggie omlelette. 2 medium eggs and a list of precooked vegges (bell pepper, onions, mushrooms, potatoes etc.) and half slice of swiss cheese (depending on whats added 200-250 cals) and then i'll add a serving of raw vegetables on the side

    for lunch, i like to make a sandwhich, and i use the orowheat thins(100cal) presliced delimeat (6slices= 80) sub out mayo with tablesppon of cream cheese, half a slice of swiss cheese, and lots of veggies (red onions, 1/2 cup spinach, cucumbers) and then i may have a cup of sliced cucumbers on the side (total around 300 cals )

    snacks: banana, fiber one bars, 100 cal popcorn...

    so there are ways to have healthy meals and lower cals with out being hungary, and if you are still hungary throw on some extra veggies... but do note that in gerneral it takes the body 15 minutes to send the message to the brain that you are no longer hungry...
  • dangerjones
    Drink lots of water with high-fiber foods that expand in your stomach, like unbleached rice or oatmeal (I mix oats in with my yogurt) and fresh produce instead of fruit cups. Maybe try replacing your Slim Fast shakes with something solid comparable in calorie count. I love Odwalla Food Bars--made with fruit and whole cereal grains, they are high in protein and fiber, and pretty filling because they're dense.

    By the way, your body adjusts to the lower calories eventually and you won't feel so hungry, but it takes time.
  • wendylady123
    wendylady123 Posts: 24 Member
    You can eat as many fruits and veggies AS YOU WANT! Well, without exploding. Basically, til you are full. Just recognize when you are full. Don't go overboard. Eat slowly and chew your food so you can digest it easier.

    I don't usually accurately track my intake of fruits & veggies because they are such an efficient food, you are not going to hurt your goals if you throw in a whole cup of strawberries or eat a bunch of asparagus. I ate 3 grilled with olive oil yesterday and thought it was going to be a huge caloric intake. Turns out Asparagus is super low in calories. Olive oil is the best thing you can use in place of margerine. Good for you fats! Almonds are also a godsend to add to a snack of fruits.

    My personal feelings on shakes are that I would rather put actual food equal in calories in my body than have a shake replacement. They can get tiring and easy to not want to use after a while. Just remember that there are plenty of equal easy to make things that you can have instead. And besides, you want to know what foods ARE good for you so if you have to go out to eat, and the restaurant doesn't have shakes, what would be the best alternative? Put sauces on the side, ask for half portions, ask for lots of veggies in place of bread or pasta.

    Congrats on your wedding!
  • aapye
    aapye Posts: 9
    Please stop the shakes. They are very bad for you. Try eating more protein in the morning. Thats what helped me.
  • charny164
    charny164 Posts: 175 Member
    I don't want to tell you how you should diet. You will know what works and doesn't work for you. Some people have gotten great success and met their goal on the shakes - I am not one of those people. I like food! :)
    First I would ask if you are wanting to eat or are you hungry?
    Second, if you add a fibre powder to your shakes, they will help fill you up and make it last longer. That or increasing your water with the fibre powder in it. I would recommend that if you do try the fibre powder in your drinks that you determine what amount works well for you so that you aren't bloated or have the runs :sick: :sick: :sick:
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    I agree, the shakes are not filling.... and you could have much more filling food for the 200 calories in the shakes!! I combine a protien and carb for all meals... like oatmeal, egg whites, fruits, yogurts, cheese, broccoli, veggies, chicken, etc. Its very satisfying for about 200-300 calories per meal.
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    Gosh thanks for all the tips! I would say my first thing I will be doing is stopping the shakes! :smile: I will be looking into some good protein meals and more filling meals. I don't do eggs so that might be a problem but I'm sure I will find many other things I can have for breakfast.
    And yes it's definatly hunger not just wanting to eat something. I will definatly eat most or all of my workout calories that I get each day too so that I'm not starving myself in the end.
    There are so many good ideas here that I think is going to help me alot!! but you have my promise I will stop the shakes starting today! :wink: