Help! Am I sedentary or lightly active??

I don't know which category I should use to calculate my TDEE accurately.
I study at home from my computer, always walk to the grocery store etc. I also do a mix of cardio and strength training for 50 min 5-6 times a week. But when I'm not walking somewhere or working out, I'm sitting by the computer.
Before I thought that made me moderately active but now I think that's for those who have active jobs?
So am I sedentary or lightly active?


  • weiward
    weiward Posts: 2 Member
    I'd love to know the answer to this too!

    I have a very sedentary job. This I know. I sit at a desk all day, 40 hours a week, in front of a computer. On weekends and during free hours, I'm pretty lightly active--usually moving around cleaning, running errands, or shopping etc.

    But I workout for 60-90 minutes 6 days a week...And my workouts typically consist of high-intensity cardio and plyometric circuits.

    So since MFP let's you calculate in your exercise separately, does that mean I should still consider myself sedentary based on my job and non-workout parts of my day alone?

    I've always been quite confused by this...
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    If you never logged that specific exercise you could be moderately active or lightly active. I'd probably go with sedentary and log all of your exercise.