Anyone else work from home?



  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I've worked from home for well over a decade. I'm a remote employee, so I do have to keep to normal office hours.

    Sometimes I'll go for a bike ride at lunch, but usually I wait until after work to exercise.

    Like one of the earlier posters, I also find it helpful to have access to my kitchen. I'm not so tempted to go out to lunch everyday, and if I want a snack I can get real food and not just whatever I can scrounge up in the breakroom. I log everything as I eat it, so I can make sure I stay on track.

    Feel free to send me a request!
  • hattonrw
    hattonrw Posts: 18 Member
    I am a work-from-home as well.. I started 'working from home' full time when I had back surgery nearly 3 years ago and never realized how much weight I was gaining!
    I find the freedom of working from home gives me more time to exercise or do what needs doing at home. My days start at 6am, so there's really no time for an early morning workout. I got a commercial treadmill, so when I find free time I'll set my laptop next to the treadmill and just run. To avoid eating constantly I try to keep doing other things like laundry and other projects that I can do as a 'quick hit'. What I mean by that is stuff like today... I've been working on my motorcycle, so every once in a while I run oout to the garage and throw a coat of paint on the part I just got done repairing. So stuff that I can do in quick spurts that don't need hours of focus.
    I get done with work at 3pm and took up karate with my 2 sons (started as soon as my physcial therapist gave the all-clear).
    If I do eat, I try to keep is smple and small... like a bowl of baby carrots or maybe some cereal (frosted mini wheats are good).
    Lots of water. Diet soda or coffee when I need something other than water.

    When I did work at an office - I brought my bicycle to work along with a tuna sandwich... at linch time I'd get changed real quick and do 15 miles on my bike and have lunch at my desk.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    I just shifted my career to a work from home position with the same company. It's amazing to have the flexibility...but there are pros and cons that come with it! How do you stay motivated throughout the day to stay away from the kitchen.

    Intermittent Fasting.
  • sophiek1964
    sophiek1964 Posts: 79 Member
    I've been working full-time from home for about 10 years. I don't have a problem staying away from the kitchen. I have my breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack during my workday and input what I'm going to eat first thing in the morning. As for exercise, noon is my time to go downstairs and workout. When it's not winter, I also often go for an early morning walk with my dog before starting work.

    It does take some discipline and there are some great articles online that helped me figure out how to productively work from home. Essentially, treat your work area like you would your office space at work. You have to get in the mindset that you are "going to work" every day.

    Feel free to friend me if you would like some support :)

  • Katey911
    Katey911 Posts: 80 Member
    I've been a home-based worker for almost 2 years. I am unable to work out much during the day because I am tied to the computer - conference calls, emails, IMs, almost non-stop from 8:30ish til 5ish. Even getting up and walking around while I'm on a call is sometimes difficult.

    I do my working out once I'm off the clock (almost immediately after - if I sit down I'm done for!). I manage to get about 1300 steps in during the workday by making frequent trips to the kitchen for water, to take my dishes back (I eat breakfast & lunch in my office), to the bathroom, etc.

    As another poster said, I find it easier to manage my food while WFH because I don't have the temptations there are in the office. No leftover Halloween candy, no Valentine's cupcakes, etc. I do the majority of the grocery shopping for the household and so I know exactly what's in the house (and what's not!). If there's no "junk" food in the house, I can't eat it!

    I try to make sure, every Sunday, that I have items planned for breakfast and lunch for each day. And snacks, if I don't have anything (can be an apple, some almonds, a rice cake - something "snacky!") in the house for an afternoon nosh I don't do well. My meals are when I'm hungry - that may mean lunch is before 11am. Depending on my day, breakfast may be around 8 or 9, so I don't box myself in to set meal times, I just try to listen to my body. And I track EVERYTHING.
  • thaphatdiva
    thaphatdiva Posts: 60 Member
    I currently work from home. Because I work a set shift (8:30AM-7:30PM), I try to walk either the neighborhood or the treadill during my lunch break. It does take sheer willpower to not snack as I sit, but I have found that it has gotten easier. I try to have a snack such as a boiled egg or baby carrots every 2 hours or so.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    As for the kitchen, I eat when I'm hungry and I stay within my calories. Working from home is actually making it easy for me as far as sticking to things goes because I have full access to my kitchen and dishes at all times and don't have to work around some office mini fridge or microwave, or be tempted by the constant takeouts or restaurant visits at lunch time.

    Agreed. I definitely think that working at home makes it easier for me eat better, track properly and keep some variety and options in my day. I'm not forced to eat whatever I brought to the office but can decide what I feel like or make a decision based on macro needs. As for staying out of the kitchen, I have an office upstairs so it's not a problem. For exercise, I get up and do it at 5am just like I would if I had an office to go to. I work normal "office" hours so I treat my day just like that.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I work at home and I find it's been really beneficial to exercising because I can just do it when I feel like doing it. Also, I stay away from the kitchen by making sure I make good food choices throughout the day for breakfast, lunch and dinner so I don't get hungry. And if I want a snack I make sure I have some fruit sat next to me so if I get hungry I eat that instead of going through the cupboards!
  • mrsappleblossom77
    mrsappleblossom77 Posts: 48 Member
    I've been working from home full time for almost 12 years. That's part of the reason why I'm here on MFP, you don't need quarters to get a snack or pop at home! I've hard to get rid of the junk food. I also exercise first thing in the morning. That insures that I will shower and get dressed for the day. A few months ago my husband built me a cheap desk to go over our treadmill, so now in addition to my daily workout (P90) I also walk and work at the same time. It keeps me active and burns a few more calories a day.