Necessary dietary changes during TOM? ...sorry guys

Hey everybody,

I know that is necessary to increase your water intake and decrease your sodium, to help reduce the rentention. But is there anything else we should be doing, or paying more attention to, during this time to help with the temporary gain? Especially for those of us that it isn't always "temporary" for.

What do you do when you want to eat everything in sight?? ...especially if it's made out of chocolate...


  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    Eat chocolate pudding. No pudge brownies. I let myself have 1 meal at my fav Mexican place. Thats enough to get me through the week. I used to crave salt now I just want Mexican. Have what you want just in little bits.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I had this problem. I had to just come up with an alternative sweet for those cravings. I avoided chocolate like crazy but really loved the Fiber one caramel and oat bars for my crunchy sweet craving. I also replaced my craving for chips with popcorn. I had to resign myself to the fact that no matter how low my sodium was or how much water I drank, I was going to hold an extra few pounds during that time. Once I accepted that fact, it was easier to deal with.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Yes, up that water and have some chocolate....just log it! There are sugar free chocolate pudding cups. I have a little bit of dark chocolate almost daily. I just log the cals. If I deprive myself then I may binge.
  • rspeelman123
    I definitely drink a lot of water but it's so hard to resist chocolate during my TOM that I bought some Dove promises and those worked like a charm! I would have one or two if I really needed it. Also working out really seems to help and just drinking more water like you said.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    A little bit won't kill ya! If you deprive yourself all the time, you will eventually binge. I too have wicked chocolate salt cravings, so I eat a few of my favorite dark chocolate covered macadamia nuts...oh so fattening, but it does the trick. Remember, log log log and if you need extra calories do a bit more exercise:-)
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Forget the sugar free stuff. I actually believe that will cause more problems in the long run. Clean out your kitchen of all junk. Even if you have kids that like it. Make a new rule, outside they can have treats, but at home everything is healthy and nutritious.

    When you have a real craving (once a week, not every day), go and buy yourself a small bar of dark chocolate at starbucks. They are individual servings. Eat the bar at starbucks with a cup of NON FLAVORED coffee or a latte. Enter it in your food diary. That is your snack for the day. You can even make it your 'me time' as well. Turn off your phone and give yourself 15 indulgent minutes somewhere with your chocolate bar and coffee.

    And won't it feel good to have the real thing?????

    If you need a treat every week, by a chocolate flavored cereal, like chocolate cheerios or special k chocolaty delight. measure out one serving and have that as your daily treat. It also has some crunch, so if you are a night time muncher, that should satisfy every craving.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I said screw it and had a cheeseburger and fries yesterday and then realized why I wanted one so bad. I tend to only really crave red meat for the iron when I have TOM.
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    Unfortunately I am allergic to "real" chocolate, so dark chocolate is out of the question. I don't like it anyway. And I don't do sugar-free anything! I get migraines from artificial sweeteners, and it tastes nasty! (sorry, don't mean to sound whiney).

    Mini peanut butter cups have been my or two a day this week (44 cals each). Popcorn made for a good salty snack last night. I have been trying not to weigh myself this week, but I can't help it! This is my first TOM while really watching my weight and it's kind of freaking me out. LOL

    I know I need to allow myself small amounts of whatever...otherwise I will binge also. But ice cream screams my name!!!! lol

    I also know I would feel better if I worked out a little. But, in trying to not be too personal (so sorry for the TMI), as heavy as I bleed, I'm afraid to do much. I really don't want to embarrass myself or gross anybody out with a mess...

    Ugh...why does nature have to sabbotage us??? lol
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    when i get the "sweet" craving I snakc on the chocolate quacker rice cakes. When the salt/sweet craving hits, nothing better than a Payday candy bar. I eat 1/2 the bar, just log in the calories. It is better than binging :):drinker:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    If heavy exercise makes you bleed too heavy, do some walking. I notice I bleed heavier if I do any kind of high impact activity but walking seems to make it actually less. Not sure why.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    if you need a sweet treat try coldstone for sorbet...i went last night and had a like it of raspberry sorbet with raspberries in it for only 185 totally curbed my sweet tooth without killing my days calories :) its all about moderation...i still indulge when i need to but in smaller servings...when i deny myself sweets (especially at that TOM), I end up eating way too much later! :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Honestly, when TOM is visiting, I have to just use all my willpower because I know I'm bloated and don't want to gain weight in the process. I usually drink a *kitten* load of water to keep me "full"... also diet green tea, and maybe one treat IF it fits into my calories. Working out helps my cramps... and usually whining a lot, haha!
  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    I have read you should try to get a good intake of fiber, I guess to feel fuller. Potato chips have fiber, don't they?..... lol!
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    2ND QUESTION!!!!!

    What about the energy drain? I'm sitting here at work, unable to keep my eyes open and having a hard time gripping my pen just to write my initials. It's a serious issue. I know I'm anemic during TOM... but geeze.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    2ND QUESTION!!!!!

    What about the energy drain? I'm sitting here at work, unable to keep my eyes open and having a hard time gripping my pen just to write my initials. It's a serious issue. I know I'm anemic during TOM... but geeze.

    I feel like I could have written this! TOM just hit yesterday for me, so I'm going through the same thing! As far as helping with water retention, I've found that taking green tea extract (or drinking it) and drinking lots of water is really the only thing to really work at all. This is the first cycle I've had in ages where I haven't bloated up several pounds!
    As far as energy...yeah...I take green tea, B6 and B12 and they help some with the energy that TOM takes away, but nothing seems to really make me normal. I feel like I'm dragging but usually it goes away by the third day.
    I just don't do high intensity exercise during TOM because I'm a heavy bleeder also-I'll do my stationary bike and walking-but no kettlebells or anything that would really wind me!!
    As far as cravings...if I really want it...I just eat it!! In moderation of course. Plus I'm always hungrier during TOM so I figure my body is telling me it needs more fuel and by the time it's over I haven't actually gained any weight from the extra food, so go figure! I don't know that I'll ever understand these hormones!! :laugh:
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    As far as energy...yeah...I take green tea, B6 and B12 and they help some with the energy that TOM takes away, but nothing seems to really make me normal. I feel like I'm dragging but usually it goes away by the third day.
    I just don't do high intensity exercise during TOM because I'm a heavy bleeder also-I'll do my stationary bike and walking-but no kettlebells or anything that would really wind me!!

    I need to start taking vitamins. I know it's bad that I don't. I'm just not disciplined in it, and they tend to upset my stomach. But I'm sure that is something I could get over. I have hear that taking pre-natal vitamins during PMS and TOM will help...but I've also heard of some side effect. Ugh... to do, or not to do... lol

    I think a bike, stationary or standard, sounds like my best bet for a work out. Walking is not good for me during this time, for so many reasons. lol Kettlebells or any kind of weights is just a bad idea!!! LOL

  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    ~*~*~Current Mood : Humbled and silenced~*~*~

    I must say that it humbles me to be able to share this so here goes ; "Chocolate is an enemy that I have put up a fight with ALL of my life. There is nothing that calms me more or brings me more satisfaction (physically) than chocolate. ANy and everyone who knows me knows this. However, I believe the one thing I have done to learn to cut back is observe those that "truly" care about me, react and respond to my (irresponsible & unhealthy) behaviors. When you love them just as much as they love you , you have a tendancy to want to see them happy and if being healthy as well as feeling great makes them happy then it brings you happiness as well. Coninue to be open about that with which you struggle when it comes to your habits and those of us who care will stay on you... :-) Trust me , my MoM does it to me.... :-) I hope that you are encouraged on today and everyday.

    ~*~*~Seeking : Truth~*~*~
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Not sure how much help I can be as I am 30 yearsold and am in the early stages of menopause. My TOM is practically non-existant, however, I still get cravings. I tried to drink a ton of water, but I just felt even more bloated. The only thing that worked for me was exercise and giving in a little bit to the cravings. If I am craving chocolate or something sweet, I will hit the peanut butter with low sugar strawberry least I get some protein. Recently, I have been trying to eat trail mix with the tiny candy bits in it. I usually gained about 3-5lbs during that week and my hunger used to be off the charts. I also tried adjusting my schedule to where I get up early and go to bed early so there is less temptation to eat.

    As far as the extreme fatigue, well I know it's bad, but I drink a full pot of coffee a day. I know, I know, awful...but sometimes that's the only way my eyelids will stay open. Maybe you could try deep breathing exercises to increase oxygen flow to your brain and blood, a quick 5 minutes of walking in place or jumping jacks (since you're at work, people might look at you funny, but hey if it works), or a shot of espresso as a last resort! Hang in there!
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    Maybe you could try deep breathing exercises to increase oxygen flow to your brain and blood, a quick 5 minutes of walking in place or jumping jacks (since you're at work, people might look at you funny, but hey if it works), or a shot of espresso as a last resort! Hang in there!

    My co-workers think I'm nuts anyway. Every day, around 2:00, my friend (who works an hour away) and I have a One Minute Dance Party. We stop working for one minute and dance to whatever is on the ipod or streaming online....or whatever is in my head! LOL It sounds so stupid, but it's a little jolt of energy and sure to make me smile. I think it kind of helps my co-workers too. It gives them something to smile or laugh about...and who couldn't use more of those things!?!? :laugh:

    I think everybody should join us!!!