I get freezing after a hard workout?



  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I suspect this is your body cooling your blood in an effort to cool your body. It happens to most people.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    As soon as you finish exercising, immediately change into dry clothes, this should help, but for me it's not until I'm in the shower that I feel warm.
  • BioMechHeretic
    BioMechHeretic Posts: 128 Member
    I know it's not a realistic way to go about it, but I still think I can pull it off. I don't plan on losing it all and going back to the way I was. I plan on maintaining with fitness and such, maybe focus on building alot of good muscle. The thing for me though, is that it is a race. I don't want to do less then I know I can do. I got nothing to do all day except be on the computer and workout. I know that I'm a strong individual capable of this fitness rate.Also would like to point out I see a doctor/therapist every week so I'm in good hands.

    Yours is a plan that will fail. You're getting good advice from people who have been where you are and figured out how to make this weight loss thing work. You can listen....or you can set yourself up for failure. Your freezing cold body is already telling you that something is amiss. If you won't listen to experienced people and won't listen to your body, what difference does it make if you see your doctor on the regular? You won't listen to him either. Heck, you said yourself this is unrealistic. You aren't even listening to yourself.

    How am I setting myself up for failure? I know it's unrealistic, but it's not impossible. It's been done. I don't really feel like doing less then I know I can do.

    You've got at least 100 pounds to lose. Your current pace cannot be maintained for as long as that will take. There are 300,000 references as to why your plan is not a good way to do it on this site. There are 3,000,000 references on the web saying the same thing.

    Go ahead and try it your way. I'm going to go have some pancakes

    THIS. I give him credit for even taking the time to type it out and explain it to you over and over. 2 hours of super intense workout and no nutrition is going to end in your destroying your body and it shutting down, or you quitting and getting even bigger.

    Also, you need to track. I have a hard time believing that you are actually burning off 2K+ calories to begin with.
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    After a marathon, have you ever seen people wearing thermal blankets? That's because their evaporating sweat is cooling their body more rapidly than they'd like, and they've got to warm up. In addition, their bodies have just spent hours concentrating on moving muscles, maintaing heart rate, etc., and not so much on temperature regulation.
    This is exactly it, as I'm sitting here after a workout wrapped up with the heating on full blast. I've also had some nice hot food to refuel and will be having a warm bath to soothe my tired muscles.
    To the OP please please start tracking your calories and making sure you get plenty of healthy fuel for your body. You sound really determined to make this work for you so the only bit of advice I'd give you which works for me is to remember that if you want to lose weight to have a long and healthy life then starting habits you know you can maintain for life not just for now is the way it will last. Ask yourself, is this a diet I will be happy to still be eating in a year? 5 years? 10 years? Or will I feel deprived, exhausted and hungry in just a month or even a week?
  • . I'm going to go have some pancakes

    mmm.... pancakes
  • People must be taking in what I'm doing incorrectly... I'm not on a "crash diet" or anything, I'm eating fine. I'm not looking to slowly lose weight 1 or 2 pounds a week, although thatll probably happen quite alot, I'm looking to come to athlete-par health. Before this I had no point in life and now exercise alone makes me feel like living, if I can center my life around it then I'll be stoked. I'm not a busy person, all I got to do is focus on this weight loss, plus I'm not just losing weight, I'm building muscle.

    I'm not just ignoring advice, I acknowledge its better in the long run, but for me that's not the case. I'm not sprinting to the finish line, more like jogging. I'm looking to lose more then the suggested amounts but I'm not looking to lose something crazy.
  • Lavon_G
    Lavon_G Posts: 26 Member

    Is it my diet? Do I lack energy for the workout from this?

    Yes. And yes

    Bonus tip. There's no reason you need to be working out for 2 hours and burning 2k in calories. Eat a bit more, work out a bit less. This ain't a race

    Great words of advice.
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    People must be taking in what I'm doing incorrectly... I'm not on a "crash diet" or anything, I'm eating fine. I'm not looking to slowly lose weight 1 or 2 pounds a week, although thatll probably happen quite alot, I'm looking to come to athlete-par health. Before this I had no point in life and now exercise alone makes me feel like living, if I can center my life around it then I'll be stoked. I'm not a busy person, all I got to do is focus on this weight loss, plus I'm not just losing weight, I'm building muscle.

    I'm not just ignoring advice, I acknowledge its better in the long run, but for me that's not the case. I'm not sprinting to the finish line, more like jogging. I'm looking to lose more then the suggested amounts but I'm not looking to lose something crazy.

    It's great that you are loving exercise. But if you want to build muscle and lose weight at the same time, you definitely should track your calories to make sure you are fueling those muscles. You might have the energy to "jog" to the finish line now but if you want to actually get to the finish line, you need to listen to some of the advices people are giving you. Take a look at this post, it will benefit you