Any recommendations for turbo kick dvds?

Finally took up turbo kick at the gym and took one class and I love it. Any recommendations?


  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    I'm told by my wife that Turbo Kick is similar or another name for Turbo Jam.

    You decide.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Turbo Kick is a more advanced version of Turbo Jam that is only instituted in a classroom environment. It places less emphasis on dance and more emphasis on traditional kickboxing. It is by the creator of Turbo Jam. Chalene Johnson created Turbo Jam because she felt that people wanted a home version of Turbo Kick (which has been around since the early 90s I think) but the more hardcore version conducted in group fitness classes was not advisable without an instructor monitoring as the potential for injury was too great. TJ was created out of this market demand for a home version of TK that was "tame enough" for the creator to be comfortable with the idea of people doing it without the watchful eyes of a certified instructor.

    EDIT: In essence, Turbo Jam is the closest thing you'll find to an official TK home DVD, though it is very watered down (primarily for safety reasons). Admittedly, traditional kickboxing style workouts, which there are a TON of out there, are probably closer to TK than TJ is.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    I like the more intense HIIT work out Turbo Fire. I did Turbo Jam to get the turbo kick work out at home and liked it, but I wanted something to take me to the next level, so I got Turbo Fire. I love it!!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    is there a particular dvd you recommend
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    TurboFire and TurboJam are only sold as sets. You can't buy individual DVDs. You can either buy the complete TurboJam base kit (which is the "watered down" version of TurboKick I mentioned earlier) for like 60 bucks or TurboFire (which is more intense but more like a dance boot camp than TurboKick) for like 100 bucks. As I mentioned TurboKick is a lot more intense than either of these two programs and is closer to orthodox kickboxing style workouts. Chalene Johnson (the creator) only sells the "watered down" versions on DVD because she herself does not feel comfortable having people practice TurboKick without a trainer watching due to the dangers involved. If you want something that's kind of close to TurboKick you can look into Les Mills Combat or TapouT XT (both also only sold as complete sets, not individual DVDs) or pretty much any kickboxing-inspired workout DVD. Be wary of ones that blend dance and kickboxing as they are usually farther along the dance spectrum than kickboxing (like TurboJam) and if you want TK you want more along the lines of more orthodox kickboxing workouts.

    It's important to note that Chalene Johnson, the creator of all these Turbo* programs, only sells DVDs under the Beachbody brand, and Beachbody does not sell individual workout DVDs. All of their programs come in the form of DVD sets that cost an average of 70-120 bucks each.