Need help: motivation plus sugar addiction!

I seem to have hit a stumbling block or six, and have seen my weight loss stalled for the past couple of months. I don't mean 'I'm doing everything I can to lose weight and am stalled', I mean 'I've stopped trying and can't get started again'.

I always seem to hit a point in my efforts where I lose the motivation and willpower to keep chipping away at it, where I can't resist the cake and the chocolate, it's as if my self-control just vanishes. I don't pig out, I just have the little cakey/chocolatey snack things I'd have once or twice a day normally (usually about 100-150 cals or so), but multiplied by five. I think I have a sugar addiction, and I need to learn how to kick it!

This stalling point is always 10st 3lb. Doesn't matter where I start from, as soon as I hit 10st 3lb I can't keep going. I'm a 5'4" woman, pear shaped, and not particularly athletic. My goal weight is 9st 9lb, and I am hovering around 10st 4-5lb just now. I am managing to make sure I don't gain, but getting back to losing half to one lb per week seems impossible.

My exercise is limited at the moment because of a lupus flare that is taking its sweet time tailing off. I'm trying to get in as much walking etc as I can, but some days I just can't do anything beyond getting myself to work and back. I'm tending not to log my exercise, but I doubt I'm burning all that many calories to make it worthwhile logging it.

I lapsed around Christmas, but have gone back to weighing most things and trying to limit the c**p, but where I once was motivated to resist the cakes that are constantly in our tearoom, now my sweet tooth has taken over my mind. I start each day logging what I know I am going to eat, including dinner etc where possible, so I know how many calories I have 'spare', but all goes wrong! So if you were to look at my diaries, it looks like i'm not eating enough, but I'm not logging everything. I'm above 1500 cals every day, sometimes I'd estimate quite a lot above, but even when dieting full pelt I rarely went below 1400. I tried 1380 for a while but it wasn't working and I felt awful, so currently set at 1500 to lose 0.7lb per week. If only...

So, if you have stuck with me through that little essay, I would like to ask people that are familiar with my problem...can I get my motivation back, or do I just have to wait? Thinking of all the clothes I could get into, or what I could look like, etc etc, just doesn't seem to be doing it. I don't feel 'fat' any more, but I would like to lose these last 10lb and be comfortably in the 'healthy' BMI range for my height (I know BMI isn't always the thing to go by, but for me, I look pretty healthy and good at around 9.5 stone). Any tips on how to get back into it and resist the dreaded sweet tooth?


  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Have you heard of the Whole30? It can help kick the sugar cravings and also, help get you "back on track".
  • katymcd81
    katymcd81 Posts: 73 Member
    Have you heard of the Whole30? It can help kick the sugar cravings and also, help get you "back on track".

    This looks really interesting, I am reading through the website now :) Thank you!
  • blancokitty
    blancokitty Posts: 30 Member
    I also have a sugar addiction, the heck with food I just want sugar. I've been like this every since I was a child. Now weighing at 216 and 5' 2" I know I have to take charge. I began this program and also working out at Planet Fitness almost everyday for 1 hour. I tried to turn away from the addiction and now find myself chewing a whole pack of Orbit Gum to find out that one piece has 3 calories. I have bought loads of fruit to curb the cravings but heck can't fool the brain. I also need help and I could really feel your pain.
    Anyone that reads this post and could help please be my friend. OH and the Whole30 program, get real >>it is the Adkins Diets and they've chaged the name. Tried that also and 3rd day fainted. The program states its a 30 days program so what do you do for the rest of your life? Staying on this 1200 calorie count is the answer and also working out.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Have you heard of the Whole30? It can help kick the sugar cravings and also, help get you "back on track".

    This looks really interesting, I am reading through the website now :) Thank you!

    There's a ton of info out there. Here's a facebook group that I put together for anyone doing (or thinking of doing) a Whole30 anytime in 2013:
  • zanniew
    zanniew Posts: 26 Member
    Sugar addiction isn't quick to leave. It takes a slow, long, healing process. The best I've found--what's worked for me--is the Radiant Recovery program.
    It's a program for the long haul, that understands how some of us (me, for one) have to climb back on the wagon, over and over. It's committed to long-term, step-by-step, SLOW healing. The woman who began it worked first with recovering alcoholics, and noticed that her clients were putting on fat when they stopped using alcohol; she realized that they were using sugar for the same high/out-of-it that they'd just given up. Then she wrote herself a doctoral research program in addictive nutrition.