Chubby all life long...Inspirations needed!

Hi - I've always struggled with my weight, I started gaining weight immediately after the 4th grade (9-10 yrs old). The least I've ever been was when in my teens when I was about 135-140. Since then I've been in the 150's, before my wedding I was 170 after we came back from vacation & I was horrified - I lost 22 lbs two years ago and was down to about 146 in about 5 months...since then it's been 2.5 years & AGAIN I've gained weight and more in the last 3 months of eating out - I'm the most I've ever been - 175 lbs.

I'm so scared that I'll always just gain weight over the years of losing weight & gaining back. Now I find it even harder to control my diet & harder to excercise.

Any inspirations would be helpful, I want to lose about 50 lbs over the next 6 months but I'd really like to lose my first 20 lbs quickly. I'm too embarrassed to go to parties, I can't fit properly in my clothes at the moment. This 10 extra lbs in the last few months have really hurt me.

Sometimes I think my body and metabolism is used to being overweight and it's like really making the tide go the other way when I try to lose weight. Please provide some inspiration, thanks in advance!!


  • Rosytakesoff
    You've come to the right place. We are all here to get healthy.

    Find a sensible and sustainable plan. Move more. It is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. You can do it.

    I went from 314 to 183, and I am still chugging along. If I did it, you can do it too.

  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Your problem is that you have been making temporary changes instead of LIFE changes. You can't expect to keep doing the things that have made you chubby all your life to suddenly allow you to be fit. I was FULL grown by the 6th grade and by full grown I mean I was 5'4'' 152 lbs and my weight only went up from there. I didn't loose the weight until a few years ago. Like you, once I lost the weight I got comfortable and started eating poorly and not exercising at all. I gained the weight back and none of my clothes fit and worst of all I was a year into a serious relationship, so feeling unattractive wasn't helping my situation at all. That was last year. Now I've lost the weight (plus more) I'm smaller than I've ever been in my life and I'm not stopping here. I'm going to continue to get more fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    None of this was easy for me but I had to do it in order to change. You can do it to!!!! You are NOT doomed to be chubby! :-)
  • Porschea26
    Thanks, I think this website is great actually. Maybe just what I need to be consisent :)
    Anything that particularly worked the best for you? No white carbs type of a rule or working out more ? I'm just trying to pick on like a few rules that are a MUST to follow.