I'm new'ish, Friends please?

pittapatta Posts: 15
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all, I joined up roughly about 2 weeks ago, everything's going well - I've lost 4lbs up to now (only another 30 odd to go!)

I'd love it if I had a few friends on here, share tips, track each other's progress, support etc

please add me if your willing :)

hope you're all well and dandy


  • silican
    silican Posts: 7 Member
    Added :) I'm new too. Just started last night after feeling so low when my colleagues were talking about their marathon preparation. I have about 35 pounds to lose.
  • AndreeT
    AndreeT Posts: 191
    Added! Hello new friend and welcome! Congrats on the 4lbs lost! Remember to take it a day at a time.

  • Chuck1223
    Chuck1223 Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome welcome welcome :flowerforyou:
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    hi, great weight loss so far, keep up the good work

    i'll add you as a friend - i am always looking for new friends as well
  • pittapatta
    pittapatta Posts: 15
    thank you very much everyone :drinker:

    thanks for the feedback too, one day at a time, thats a good one!
    sometimes I get annoyed because I want it all off now, and end up slightly starving myself, which isn't the right way!

    thanks again :happy:
  • stephflo33
    stephflo33 Posts: 160 Member
    Added. I am new too!
    ILUVHORSES Posts: 12
    Hi nice to meet you...I joined about a month ago... its a good website....
  • CardioRS
    CardioRS Posts: 88
    Nice to meet u! I'm new too! Added!
  • Nice to meet you, i am new too. I have been doing this almost 2 weeks and am 7 lbs down. Just recently joined curves as my exercise vs walking nightly :) hopefully will see some good results soon! good luck!
  • pittapatta
    pittapatta Posts: 15
    Nice to meet you, i am new too. I have been doing this almost 2 weeks and am 7 lbs down. Just recently joined curves as my exercise vs walking nightly :) hopefully will see some good results soon! good luck!

    well done! 7lbs in 2 weeks, that seems almost unbelievable. I've only started myself and lost 4lbs in a week. but i'm guessing thats mainly due to fluid loss - couple of glasses of water and it'll be back on :tongue:

    i went on a bike ride today and a brisk walk, thats pretty much the only excercise i do. however i don't think it's enough. it's just what your normally ment to do :blushing:
  • Congrats on your success! I'm only on my second day and I am so encouraged by everyone's optimism! :)
  • charis2032
    charis2032 Posts: 64
    I'm new as well, just started yesterday. I decided it's time to take back control of my life, so...here I am! Please add me as a friend; like most, I can use all the encouragement I can get!:flowerforyou:
  • My600PdLife
    My600PdLife Posts: 57 Member
    Hello, another new one here.
  • vicki9792
    vicki9792 Posts: 31
    Hi! I'm a few weeks in and loving it so far. I'll add you! Good luck :)
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