Do you think it's possible for...

Options to lose more weight despite me having a plateau for the past 6 months?

The photo of me was taken last August, I had started at 144lbs last January and by August weighed 124lbs, between August and Jan this year I stayed the same, I must add that I was doing Weightwatchers for the past 12 months.

In January I quit WW and started MFP, a week in I got the Winter vomiting bug and dropped 5lbs, I haven't really put that weight on, so I currently weigh 119lbs.

What I am wondering is, I am 5ft tall, my target weight is 105-110, do you think this is realistic?
I would love to slim down from the photo on my profile (although this is after dropping quite a bit of weight)

Plateaus are soooo frustrating!


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    If you haven't made any progress in 6 months that's beyond a plateau in my option, you need to look at what you are doing and make some changes, Because what you are doing now isn't working.

    There are ways of making progress outside of your scale weight, getting stronger, improving body composition etc
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I am also having trouble I ended up throwing my scale away because of it. I am losing inches everywher but my bust. I just began raising my activity level and dropping my calories to see if this would help me. I can relate to your problem. My friend Jessica is 4"10 and weights 122 she looks perfect for that. I think a more realistic for your height would be 110-115 pounds.
  • melcookson
    melcookson Posts: 146 Member
    Yeah I might find I'm happy at 110, maybe 115, I know I need to exercise more, for sure. It's just frustrating that I can't shift those last few pounds!
  • rougecrayon
    If you aren't losing weight, and you think you could slim down more, try using body measurments as your goals... You can focus on toning, rather than the number on the scale...
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    I stayed the same for at least 6 months, but I didn't log anything, I just got really good at maintaining and slacked off on the exercise! It's starting to slowly come off again now. My GW is 130 ish and I'm 5'7'' so doesn't sound too unrealistic for your height, but you need to be able to maintain it? Maybe mix things up, shock your body ,change your exercise routine or do a no carb few days or intermittent fasting (I can't do this, me and no food do not mix).

    I upped my calories and have started to lose again? I'll have a look at your diary but you should be eating near your maintaining cals now?

  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    If you aren't losing weight, and you think you could slim down more, try using body measurments as your goals... You can focus on toning, rather than the number on the scale...

    Or this :) xx
  • thechickentrain
    Eat more than usual for a couple of days, it will trick your body into thinking your not dieting, then start over your routine again.
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    I'd say definitely focus on toning rather than the number on the scale. Try working out once or twice more that you do already and make sure to incorporate strength exercises on top of cardio. Squats get you a cute but, planks get you a trim waist.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    If you aren't losing weight, and you think you could slim down more, try using body measurments as your goals... You can focus on toning, rather than the number on the scale...


    You look awesome in the pic! I would just focus on toning of you want. Don't worry about that that number on the scale says. It has nothing to do with how beautiful and awesome you are.
  • MMark2012
    MMark2012 Posts: 142 Member
    Of course you can! I am at around 118lbs, but weigh myself again tomorrow morning. :) I will look at your diary closer tonight, if I have time Melissa! :):smile:
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    It blows my mind that I've lost exactly your current weight. I used to walk around with you on my back all day every day.

    Personally I think you look great, but if you're not happy, then go for it. If what you're doing isn't working, try something else. There's lots of different ways to get to the same destination.
  • Honeybea86
    Once you get that small go for measurements and not the scale. My best friend was a size 00 at 115lbs standing 4'11 now she is 105lbs and a size 2! Still small but with her added muscle she was slimmer but weighed more!
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    Start lifting weights and everything's possible. That's one master key to changing your body composition however you want.

    And losing fat is an exact science. If you plateau for 6 months, then your equation doesn't add up.
  • melcookson
    melcookson Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks for all your help everyone, it amazes me how nice everyone is on this site with willingness to share suggestions!
    I am definitely going to try and tone a little more, and maybe, like most of you say, the way forward would be with toning rather than losing another 10lbs!