Plateau help!

I have been bouncing between 158 and 155 since the beginning of December. During December I blamed it on holidays, but since the beginning of the year I have been good about logging EVERYTHING I eat and working out at least twice a week. I currently follow the TDEE -15%, which is about 1560. My BMR is 1530, so I can't really go much lower. I do heavy lifting 2-3x a week and I just added in some circuit training. I'm wondering if I should try eating at maintenance for a little while (about 1850 cals/day) or just stick to what I'm doing? If I eat at maintenance, how long should I do that before cutting again? I have changed up my workout routine by adding in circuit training, should I try changing it up even more? Stop lifting for a while? I am sick and tired of seeing the same numbers on the scale week after week. I know I have not been perfect about always logging, I have taken off a day or two here and there, but that seems to make no difference on the scale. Also, my measurements have not changed, nor has my pants size, so clearly it's not just muscle replacing fat.

Any tips/advice is GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!


  • Schmidty102
    Schmidty102 Posts: 168 Member
    It would probably help some members if you opened up your food diary. It could be a matter of cutting sodium, or carbs, etc.
  • msteen86
    msteen86 Posts: 1 Member
    Are you doing any cardio? And also when you eat are you eating healthy foods to fit in your calories or unhealthy ones. I have hit many plateaus with my weight loss and I found most of the time I needed to eat more or change up my routine. I was eating the same thing pretty much everyday besides dinner and my body got used to it so I stopped losing weight. Once I changed it up and started eat a bit more I started to see the scale move again.
  • angelpearls
    angelpearls Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in the same position and hope to hear some ideas. My workout is mainly cardio, I'm hoping that adding some strength training and changing some of my snacks to fruits and veggies will help. Possibly try adding more cardio into your workout.