TOUGH SUBJECT: Calling All Parents Who Have Lost Children...

Hello Friends,

I have never reached out like this before, but today it feels right... Maybe I can connect with someone who has dealt with the same struggles I have.

My precious baby girl, Sara Ruth, unexpectedly passed away just over 4 years ago. She was barely over one-year old. (Her first birthday was on January 17, 2009. She passed away on January 21, 2009.) Happy and healthy and perfect, she died just 12 hours after receiving the immunizations of her 1-year checkup. (Though my feelings regarding vaccinations are strong, this post is not meant for that debate.) The years immediately following Sara's death were absolutely hellish. So many things went wrong at once, and continued for years to go wrong. I thought my life was over.

For the past year, however, things have been going really well. Sara's dad (Stephen) and I are still together, and we are finally getting married this summer. Though life has recently changed for the better in a dramatic fashion, I still find myself struggling with the death of my daughter. Some days, I do really well. Other days are much harder. I am hoping to find some friends to talk to during both the good and bad times.

If you have lost a child, or know someone who has lost a child, then please respond. This is such a tough subject, but I know there are others out there like me... simply trying to live with the greatest tragedy a parent could face.

Below is a picture of my little girl, taken just 4 days before she died.

Thanks in advance for the support!!



  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    what a beautiful little girl.
  • mllst18
    mllst18 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear that. I have not lost a child myself, but I feel for what you must have gone thru. It's wonderful that you and Stephen have stayed together thru it all and is a true testament to your love and commitment to one another. Just remember, you DESERVE to be happy. She is beautiful :-)
  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    Sara is absolutely beautiful. I am sorry to hear of her passing. I have not lost a child but unfortunately have several friends who have. They are not, however, on MFP. They do talk about several social media sites specifically for parents who have lost children. I'm not sure what the main one is called but I know it has the word angels in it. I wish I could offer you more.