I need motivation please!!!

Hey I am getting married in summer 2013 and need to lose 3 stone in 6 months....I have been doing insanity workout and due to life changes I have dropped insanity for a good few weeks and I need motivation to get back into. I am finding this hard although there is nothing I want more than to reach my goals :( ...Any suggestions??


  • cindylushu
    Losing weight for my wedding was my motivation 2 years ago. I lost 25 lbs. in 5 months. If I knew then what I knew now, it probably could have been more. :) I haven't done insanity (my husband has) but I've done several other Beachbody programs and I can tell you that they work! You need to focus. Eyes on the prize...and on those wedding pics you'll be taking. :)

    Do you track your nutrition?
  • eblackaby
    eblackaby Posts: 1 Member
    I too started insanity and took a brak. I have no motivations to start back up. I just keep thinking about the pain I feel when I don't reach my goals. It's so depressing. I'm going to start back up tomorrow with day 5 of the workout. You should start tomorrow as well. No more excuses, your wedding is quickly approaching. When you're sweating your a** off tomorrow just remember you're not alone. Tomorrow at this time you'll be one day down in your workout and feeling a hundred times better. Good luck!
  • Katia_B
    First of all, congratulations!

    Even with a big goal and reward, it really helps me to set little milestones along the way that I reward myself for with a non-food treat (if I go to the gym all the days I intended this week, I get a mani/pedi this weekend; if I do it for a month, I get a massage). I like to break it into little achievable chunks that will help me reach a larger goal. I hold myself to it, too. I will postpone a massage or cancel a mani/pedi if I didn't make my goal. It really helps!!!

    It also helps me to focus on the action instead of the final number on the scale, which can be so discouraging and inaccurate. Doing my fitness activities of the moment (gym or bootcamp or whatever), eating well-balanced, nutritious meals, and tracking my nutrition and fitness, etc.

    You can totally do this.

    Also, whatever your weight on your wedding day, you will be absolutely radiant. I promise. I've never seen a bride who didn't look stunning on her wedding day, regardless of her size.
  • lcalvert21
    lcalvert21 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks girls for all your advice and support, I think for me its all about the healthy eating. I dont really like vegetables and all the healthy options and while doing my insanity dvd I never thought I was losing any weight. But now I am determined to eat healhy and reach my goals as it has really knocked my confidence. I plan to keep a food diary every day and see how that goes :). Its getting started thats the worst part! xo
  • Katia_B
    Thanks girls for all your advice and support, I think for me its all about the healthy eating. I dont really like vegetables and all the healthy options and while doing my insanity dvd I never thought I was losing any weight. But now I am determined to eat healhy and reach my goals as it has really knocked my confidence. I plan to keep a food diary every day and see how that goes :). Its getting started thats the worst part! xo

    I think that the food diary is key to helping me eat healthfully. Using the one on MFP is really fun for me because it turns it into a sort of game for me. I get to track how many calories I've consumed, and shed, what my net calories are, and how many I have remaining for the day. And I LOVE the feature that lets me see what I will weigh in 5 weeks when I "submit" it at the end of the day. Since it also helps me track my nutrition, I am making sure that I am getting adequate fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals (total consumed, versus goal, and the difference).

    Good luck! :happy:
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Motivation comes from within. No one can actually give it to you. You need to figure out what you really want and realize how bad you want it before any changes are going to happen.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    get your *kitten* off the couch and go.
  • t63h595
    The only way to get back into it is to get back into it. I know its a bit of tough love but the only one to do it is you. Just picture yourself in summer 2013 with a rockin' body and keep that image/feeling of accomplishment. Good Luck and congrats on the upcoming nuptials.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Motivation comes from within. No one can actually give it to you. You need to figure out what you really want and realize how bad you want it before any changes are going to happen.
    agree ^
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    Motivation isn't a gift, dear - I can't give it to you in a pretty little box. Motivation has to come from fear, from anger, and from displeasure with the way things are now.

    You're fat (well maybe you're not, but you want to lose weight, so I'm guessing here). So get off your *kitten* and make a change. Or don't, and look like *kitten* for your wedding. I don't care - I'm not marrying you.

    People come here and want others to convince them to start. That's stupid. How about instead of sitting on the internet, you get up and go for a run, or do some crunches, or sit-ups, or something.

    I'm not being mean, but I'm telling you that strength, motivation, and perseverance all come from within. For me, it was seeing a photo of myself on someone else's Facebook page and going "Oh my God I look like THAT?!" I hated it - I looked terrible. I was embarassed. I was angry and displeased with the way things were.

    So find your own motivation. Get angry about how things are. Or get excited for how things could be when you walk down the aisle. But in the end, you have to make the decision, and you have to stick with it.

    Good luck.
  • UsernameStillLoading
    Work out buddies :)
    Maybe tease your bridesmaid to join you
  • cocobuny
    cocobuny Posts: 32 Member
    Im also doing insanity alternating hip hop dance workout videos on yputube to keep me interested in working out.
  • TOMEKA18
    TOMEKA18 Posts: 103 Member
    Set up some type of exercise routine, drink lots of water don't go over your calories and you should be fine..I am currently doing Insanity and have lost 7 pounds..I even feel like giving up at times but I push myself through each workout.