I feel trapped in a 700lbs fat suit

Downside to not living in a basement apt is i finally feel like playing some DDR and i can't. =/ i am mentally feeling like a fat disgusting pig today despite 2 hours at the gym, 25 min walk, and the walk back and forth twice to the vet... feeling like a 700lbs tub of lard tonight =S Am i ever going to feel like i accomplished anything with my weight loss?!? When does this start to feel like anything??


  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    It has taken me a long time and there are days I feel the same way yet I am so close to my goal.. I think it comes down to us being heavy most of our lives and we still see ourselves as overweight.. I was told this can take a long time.. Just keep doing what you are doing.. Congrats on your loss so far..
  • 56 pounds is great. Keep working your plan. Look at other accomplishments besides what the scales say. Are your clothes looser, can you breath and walk without having to stop multiple times. Hang in there you're off to a great start.
  • ive never had a walking issue where ive needed to stop and ive not had to change any of my clothing yet
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Oh sweety I wish I could wish those feelings away for you. But remember YOU are making this adjustment to your physical appearance. Your brain/mind also is going to take a long time to adjust. Take it one day at a time. You are doing a wonderful thing. You are a beautiful person. Don't ever forget that.:flowerforyou:
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    Wow! 2 hours in the gym & walking - you are amazing! 56 lbs is nothing to sneeze at. Not gonna lie, it's hard but if you persevere the rewards are going to be SO great -- good health, more stamina, less aches and pains and a rockin' body to boot. Power to ya!!!
  • You are on the right track! 56 lbs is no small feat! Congrats on your success so far.

    When I'm feeling down about myself, I like to read the success stories of people who started at the same place as me or who have had it harder than me.

    If you haven't noticed any physical changes so far, I guarantee that you will soon. You've already proven that you can do this. Keep it up MissKrisstah!
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    Sometimes I feel like that too. I am at 58.8 lbs but I have to remember that it took me a while to put the pounds on, and I have been on the fitness route for only a year and a half. Try not to get too discouraged, maybe is it just one of those days.
  • chinakat72
    chinakat72 Posts: 21 Member
    56 lbs is an amazing accomplishment! I know some people see results in their clothes and body right away, and others it takes a while. But you must have noticed some changes? For me, it's been the little things. It's easier to bend over and pick things up off the floor. I have to scoot my seat closer to the steering wheel in the car now. My husband can put his arms around me a little further now. But, even if you can't think of anything you've noticed yet, try this. Go up and down a flight or two of stairs. Then put about 20-30 lbs of books in a back pack and take the stairs again. Your body adjusts as you lose the weight so you might not remember how it felt 56 lbs ago, but you will sure feel a difference carrying even with half that weight.

    Try to keep your focus on small goals and not the end result. Have you tried on new clothes? You said you haven't had to change clothes, but sometimes we don't realize that even if we "can" wear our old clothes, we look so much better in a smaller size! Go to the store and give it a try. It just might surprise you.
  • there have been no little changes, i am still the same disgusting fat person i was at 300 pounds
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Maybe you need to work on your self esteem issues. Would you call a friend fat and disgusting? Is your size a reflection of who you are inside? Do you think all the other overweight people here are disgusting or is it just you ? I suggest you focus on the fact you are actually working on your health and taking steps in the right direction rather than focussing on what you feel you are not achieving. This negativity will serve no purpose other than to potentially cause you to quit, and then what hope do you have ?
  • yea...
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    I think we have all felt like that a time or two. I will tell you that for most people it takes up to a year to really see the difference. Our eyes see one thing while our body is doing another. You have lost 56 lbs and that is wonderful and I'm sure something in you has changed. Are your clothes loser. Do you feel better? Stick with and hold your head high. Everytime you choose to eat better or go to the gym, your healthier for it.

    Remember we are her for you.

    I will send you a friend request
  • it is a slow process and every day is different, at least it was and continues to be for me. Some days I feel on top of the world! others, I want to throw in the towel and quit because i feel like it isn't going anywhere BUT then I remind myself that it IS. That EVERY single day I get through is going to get me closer to my goals. We all started somewhere. Keep your chin up, making the healthy choices you do every single day, and you will see results. It took about 3 months before I really noticed a difference!

    also I love LOVE DDR. Used to play that as a team a lot!
  • BorgieMN
    BorgieMN Posts: 116 Member

    Read my story at www.borgiesjourney.com

    Its not easy and it takes time, but believe me its worth it!!!!!
  • mlbqd3
    mlbqd3 Posts: 34 Member
    You have seen changes in the scale and even though you say you are in the same clothes I am SURE that you have made SIGNIFICANT changes in things like your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose levels and things of that nature. It NOT all about what the scale says. 56 pounds says to me that you are NOT a quitter... Hang in there. It will get better. Step outside your box and compare how you feel now as compared to 56 pounds ago... I am sure you are much less tired, etc. Don't be so hard on yourself, we are all a work in progress!

    Best of luck!!