Chubby all my life...Need Inspiration!

Hi - I've always struggled with my weight, I started gaining weight immediately after the 4th grade (9-10 yrs old). The least I've ever been was when in my teens when I was about 135-140. Since then I've been in the 150's, before my wedding I was 170 after we came back from vacation & I was horrified - I lost 22 lbs two years ago and was down to about 146 in about 5 months...since then it's been 2.5 years & AGAIN I've gained weight and more in the last 3 months of eating out - I'm the most I've ever been - 175 lbs.

I'm so scared that I'll always just gain weight over the years of losing weight & gaining back. Now I find it even harder to control my diet & harder to excercise.

Any inspirations would be helpful, I want to lose about 50 lbs over the next 6 months but I'd really like to lose my first 20 lbs quickly. I'm too embarrassed to go to parties, I can't fit properly in my clothes at the moment. This 10 extra lbs in the last few months have really hurt me.

Sometimes I think my body and metabolism is used to being overweight and it's like really making the tide go the other way when I try to lose weight. Please provide some inspiration, thanks in advance!!


  • P.S. I'm new here, pls add me if you've had a similar experience but have overcome it or if you are in the same boat :)
  • luvinna
    luvinna Posts: 50 Member
    I lost 22 lbs two years ago and was down to about 146 in about 5 months
    There's your inspiration. You did it before, you can do it again.

    Back in 2009 I lost nearly 40 pounds. But then my work situation changed in 2010 (went back to working a desk job) and I put most of it back on over the next two years. I'd known that my weight was going back up even though I wasn't weighing myself anymore because hardly any of my clothes still fit. When I finally got back to watching what I ate and exercising last November I was only 7 pounds away from my heaviest ever. Hopefully this time I can make the good habits stick.

    So I know a little of where you're coming from. Yeah, it's hard, but I just remind myself that I did it before, I can do it again. And so can you. :smile:
  • kittyswing
    kittyswing Posts: 11 Member
    I understand. I had lost 70 pounds and was so close to my goal, and the life starting throwing me curveballs. Now, I have 30 to go. At first, I beat myself up over and over... how could I let the weight back on, yada yada.

    The truth is, where you are now is where you have to start. Ignore the voice in your head that says that you're losing this weight for the second time, that you didn't use to be this heavy, that you've done this already... You have to start right where you are. It helps me to pretend that I've never lost weight before, that this is my first shot.

    You've done this before.
    You can do it again.
    You are stronger than any number or any craving.
    And you are stronger than your THOUGHTS.

    Start where you are and jump back on that train.
  • Thanks guys, I'm so glad I joined this site today :) Really helps to be a part of a 'community' that is trying to achieve the same goals.
  • GroverBlue78
    GroverBlue78 Posts: 97 Member
    There are a lot of people like you on mfp. Take me for example. About 10 years ago I lost about 35 lbs. I maintained that for a few years. Then I started to get sloppy. I devoted more time to work and started eating bad and barely exercising. Now I am at the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I have been on mfp since June and while I have been struggling I know deep down that I can do it.

    I was looking through some old pictures the other day and I realized just how skinny I use to be. My goal weight is 165, which was around how much I would have weighed in those pictures. So I know it is possible and I CAN do it and do can you.
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Oh my Lord. Your story is mine. I have always been chubby, since the same about 9-10 years old. As I got older I would get heavier. Lose it, then put it back on, the whole yo-yo thing for YEARS.
    Then it was 2010, when I was really started to feel miserable. I was having trouble health wise. My dr visit didn't go well. She weighed me in at 213, my all time high. It was shocking. But you know it wasn't until I saw pictures of myself from a year before. I threw a surprise party for my dad. His 80th birthday. Well in those pictures my 80 year old father looked healthier than me. Me being 30 years younger. I was shocked, mad, disgusted, sad, every emotion, I was feeling.

    It has been a hard road, I have had many setbacks, but I don't turn away from my life goal and that is to teach myself to eat better.
    I am now at 172, I still have a long way to go, but I know so much more about myself than I have ever known.
    I don't kick myself, I don't fall off the wagon, I just brush myself off and move on.
    We can't keep kicking ourselves. We are good people. We are smart people. We just need to respect and love ourselves enough to want the best for ourselves.

    You can get to where you are wanting to go, just don't beat yourself up. Take it one day at a time.