I am not sweating! Frustrated!



  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I do not sweat..I may get a bit moist..but I just dont. It doesnt mean I am not working my butt off...its just how my body works..
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    sweat is not a direct indicator of how hard a workout is. too many outside factors control it. ambient temp, diet, humidity, clothing fabric. you could work out in a unventilated closet and sweat a ton but it doesn't make the actual workout more effective.

    concentrate on your workout. not your cals burned or your sweat volume

    Agree, but also in some people it can be a sign of a health problem that can be fixed. Their overall performance and health can be improved. We are all different and as stated in my previous post I have seen so much improvement in my health I would not want to discourage someone from doing their research. It may turn out as you said to be an "outside factor" but my problem was not.

    everything is possible but most things are unlikely. i try to gear my statements to the 90% in the middle and not the 5% of outliers on either side. she didn't indicate fatigue, weakness or dizziness. she just said she wasn't as wet as the other people around her. i wouldn't send someone to a specialist for a round of testing based on that alone.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    come on over, i will make you sweat.
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    I wish I didn't! My friend is like that we weigh the same but she doesn't sweat and I look like I've ran a marathon. In fact, she did once when we did a boxing training class, we had to peel our clothes off :S xx
  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    If your not sweating.... you should go see your doctor about it. I had a friend that had this problem long time ago. We worked landscaping and all of us were dripping wet except him. The doc helped him, I forget what it was all about. But I'm just saying it could be a medical condition.
  • StacieHof
    StacieHof Posts: 97 Member
    sweat is not a direct indicator of how hard a workout is. too many outside factors control it. ambient temp, diet, humidity, clothing fabric. you could work out in a unventilated closet and sweat a ton but it doesn't make the actual workout more effective.

    concentrate on your workout. not your cals burned or your sweat volume

    Agree, but also in some people it can be a sign of a health problem that can be fixed. Their overall performance and health can be improved. We are all different and as stated in my previous post I have seen so much improvement in my health I would not want to discourage someone from doing their research. It may turn out as you said to be an "outside factor" but my problem was not.

    everything is possible but most things are unlikely. i try to gear my statements to the 90% in the middle and not the 5% of outliers on either side. she didn't indicate fatigue, weakness or dizziness. she just said she wasn't as wet as the other people around her. i wouldn't send someone to a specialist for a round of testing based on that alone.

    Again, I agree with most of your statement. The problem I had is VERY common especially in women, and the book "The amazing liver & gallbladder flush" you could pick up at your local library and check it out for free! I never had fatigue, weakness or dizziness and was very active all of my life. The symptoms are different when you do not convert well, your Thyroid output is fine and in my case it was better than average. Without getting into medical jargon (too much) the problem is caused by an unclean liver and gallbladder both can be treated at home for a low cost. Most of the symptoms for anyone interested are related to your hormones and in women it could be as simple as PMS and occasional breakouts. I am not for rushing anyone off to a specialist but if you do want a test to prove if there is a problem you can get a blood draw and testing T3 to T4 conversion for under $50 (but in no way is this necessary to do a cleanse).
  • StacieHof
    StacieHof Posts: 97 Member
    If your not sweating.... you should go see your doctor about it. I had a friend that had this problem long time ago. We worked landscaping and all of us were dripping wet except him. The doc helped him, I forget what it was all about. But I'm just saying it could be a medical condition.

    Great post, now that I do sweat I know that there was something wrong with me (I also intuitively felt that way before). Despite my well meaning Sweating friends telling me "we are all just different".
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    I go ridiculously red when I workout, I do sweat a bit but it takes a LOT of effort and a very warm room. I see others who are pouring with sweat and stay perfectly pale, not sure which I'd prefer but let's face it if you don't look a mess in some way then you aren't working hard enough lol

    Same here..
  • GUESS WHAT! Tonight in Body Pump I was in the middle of warm up, and I feel this cold dripping run down my arm... I look and it's a bead of sweat! Probably the only one! But I was so proud of that one sweat droplet!
  • I live in Central FL. I break a sweat just walking to the mailbox.