quick weight loss



  • tharrington82
    tharrington82 Posts: 32 Member
    "Still trying to reach my goal of 135. I'm okay with it if i takes another year 1 1/2 to reach it, because I know I am doing this the right way. No fad diets here."

    Why change all of a sudden for a vacation? You've made progress; you should feel good about what you've done. You just acknowledged you are a fan of your arms. Focus on the positives and forget about the negatives.
  • tharrington82
    tharrington82 Posts: 32 Member
    "Still trying to reach my goal of 135. I'm okay with it if i takes another year 1 1/2 to reach it, because I know I am doing this the right way. No fad diets here."

    Why change all of a sudden for a vacation? You've made progress; you should feel good about what you've done. You just acknowledged you are a fan of your arms. Focus on the positives and forget about the negatives.
    You are absolutely right. I forgot I said that on my profile. To funny! I guess I just want to feel sexy on my vacation and I thought a drop in that number on the scale would help
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    "Still trying to reach my goal of 135. I'm okay with it if i takes another year 1 1/2 to reach it, because I know I am doing this the right way. No fad diets here."

    Why change all of a sudden for a vacation? You've made progress; you should feel good about what you've done. You just acknowledged you are a fan of your arms. Focus on the positives and forget about the negatives.
    You are absolutely right. I forgot I said that on my profile. To funny! I guess I just want to feel sexy on my vacation and I thought a drop in that number on the scale would help

    numbers on a scale =/= sexy.

    how you feel about you is all in your head.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Unless the numbers from your scale have been tatooed on your forehead no one but yourself will know what it said. Low salt, lower your carbs and keep up the strength training is all you can do for now.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    "Still trying to reach my goal of 135. I'm okay with it if i takes another year 1 1/2 to reach it, because I know I am doing this the right way. No fad diets here."

    Why change all of a sudden for a vacation? You've made progress; you should feel good about what you've done. You just acknowledged you are a fan of your arms. Focus on the positives and forget about the negatives.
    You are absolutely right. I forgot I said that on my profile. To funny! I guess I just want to feel sexy on my vacation and I thought a drop in that number on the scale would help

    I think it would be more reasonable to go shopping and find an outfit or two, or even a swimsuit (depending on your trip) that flatters your body as it is and helps you feel sexy. You won't enjoy your vacation if you spend the 10 days before dropping 10 pounds, whether it's water, muscle, or fat, and whether it's a quick fix or a long term plan. You risk being sick, grumpy, and miserable instead. Not worth the risk of ruining your vacation for a number.
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