30 Day Shred and Diet

I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred today and even though I've been working out every day for the past few months, it still kicked my butt. I have also been doing Weight Watchers since January and have lost 15-20 pounds. I needed some extra help losing weight because I'm kind of stuck so I bought the 30 Day Shred. After doing day one I have realized that I may need a bit of a diet change, at least before the work out, because I became super nauseous and weak half way through. I did finish the work out but I would like some advice. What should I eat before working out and after??


  • chellebubblz
    chellebubblz Posts: 84 Member
    Protein is good, I usually have either a bowl of cereal (my choice is Kix) or a piece of wheat toast with PB. And after I have a serving of pistachios. And I drink 16oz of water before AND after. I find that the water really makes the difference in my workouts.
  • JenniferDLP
    JenniferDLP Posts: 56 Member
    the first level is the best and easiest. She's right about getting started with protein. Drink a protein shake before and drink plenty of water before and during. You will see results though! I wanted to actually do it again. I'll start tomorrow!
  • ashkinlaw
    ashkinlaw Posts: 77 Member
    Today was day 5 for me and it is getting a lot easier. I started eating a protein bar, fruit, and a bottle of water before my work outs and then I have water and fruit afterwards and I feel so much better than I did on day one. I took a peek at level two today and I am a bit intimidated haha. I am trying not to weigh myself or take measurements until my 30 days are up so I'm not sure if any of that has changed but I can say that I feel a little tougher than day one.
  • ashkinlaw
    ashkinlaw Posts: 77 Member
    Does anyone know when you start seeing results? I heard around day 5 but today is day 7 for me and while I feel good, I don't really see a change in appearance.. So, I'm just curious as to when other people started seeing results.
  • imissbagels
    imissbagels Posts: 166 Member
    bump. just started 30DS today. Oh it KILLED! But i got through it. I have NO CLUE how im going to do this again tomorrow haha
  • ashkinlaw
    ashkinlaw Posts: 77 Member
    You will be amazed how easy it will be tomorrow. Yesterday, the funniest thing happened.. I told my husband how hard day one was and I guess he thought I was just being a baby because he said he wanted to try it. So yesterday he does FIVE MINUTES and gives out. All day today he has complained about how sore he is. Haha it makes me feel so tough!
  • miss_deeana
    miss_deeana Posts: 6 Member
    hey hun are you still doing this or did u finish it? sorry I am new here and I just started today it is hard but I think it works.
  • I just started the 30 day shred dvd! Lately I run/walk 3 miles every other day and do the dvd the days in between runs..its tough but makes me feel good after doing it. Can't wait to start seeing results!
  • miss_deeana
    miss_deeana Posts: 6 Member
    thats great!! keep it up!! :D