Want to start 30 day shred with me?


I just ordered the 30 day shred from Amazon after reading a thread on here and seeing some great photos with awesome results. I have lost about 75lbs, having done little to no exercise, and now I'm finding that I need some serious toning. I feel so mushy every where!

I am hoping that the DVD will come in time to start on Monday. My kids are off school this week, so this is not the week to start, but once they are back to school I have a couple hours every morning and I'd like to do it then.

I am nervous about starting this and afraid I will fail! I was thinking it might help to do it "together" and form some support and accountability here online. Let me know if you'd like to join me!



  • twentyco
    twentyco Posts: 70 Member
    I'm in. I have had the DVD for awhile, but have been waiting -- for what, I don't know -- to start it. The videos are also on Youtube, which I'm hoping to use with my laptop or iPad when I travel. I'm hoping having someone else to do this "with" will keep me motivated and accountable. :-)
  • I am going to print this out this chart too, so I can physically mark off the days as I go. I think this will help motivate me. Though I feel a little bit like my son and his sticker chart for using the bathroom on his own! ha!


    Any thoughts on doing it every day vs taking rest days? I was thinking of doing it Monday through Friday might work best for me, but I am open to shooting for every day and doing the 30 in a row. I'm not really sure. I'm afraid I'll get to day 3 and keel over dead and it won't matter anyways! ha!
  • tundebo
    tundebo Posts: 61 Member

    I am in as well. I saw also the great results and I would like to try also.
    I saw it on the internet as well so I will do from the internet.

    Have a nice day!
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    I see the videos on youtube. What is the protocal? How long do you do level 1 before switching to Level 2, and then again Level 3? I may consider it!
  • The chart I printed (link above) looks like 10 days per each of the three levels. I think that is what I will aim to do. If for some reason I feel like I am ready to move on to a higher level before the 10 days then I may change at that point. But, I doubt that will happen!
  • twentyco
    twentyco Posts: 70 Member
    I think that usually it is ten days at each level, but some folks find that they need to do more than 10 days before moving on.

    In terms of how we do this, I am open to trying either way --- there may be some days that will be hard for me to do it, because at least once a week I leave for work at about 4:30 a.m. and get home around 10 p.m. --- so I may need to take a day or two off a week for that reason. My vote is to shoot for at least five times a week, but leave flexible the days that we do it. And if we can do more, great. I have about 35 days from Monday to my vacation, so my plan will be to try to fit it in on 30 of those days. For me, taking two days off in a row is probably a mistake -- I find that I can stick to things better if I keep to them on most days. Once I take a couple of days off straight, I tend to fall off the wagon.

    I love the chart and have printed it as well.

    I'm actually looking forward to this. Although I might die by day 3 also ....
  • I find that I can stick to things better if I keep to them on most days. Once I take a couple of days off straight, I tend to fall off the wagon.

    I am totally this way too! Though I have tried really hard to not be that way. I am doing better with it when it comes to my eating. A day or two messed up does not mean I have blown the whole thing, but when it comes to any kind of exercise routine, even just walking, it really messes up my head if I miss.
  • tundebo
    tundebo Posts: 61 Member
    The chart is really great I printed out as well . :smile:
  • geekmomof3
    geekmomof3 Posts: 18 Member
    I just finished L1 D4 last night. I am shooting to do this atleast 4-5 times a week. I do zumba and yoga the other days.
    I did have to take day 3 off because my legs hurt to much. the best thing about this DVD is that it is soooo short!
    it is hard to have an excuse not to do it.
  • Hab1978
    Hab1978 Posts: 57 Member
    I have this DVD, and have been contemplating starting it, but my knee is jank and I'm afraid the lunges and squats will KILL it...but I'm still on the fence. :ohwell:

    I'd love to try something new though and perhaps only doing Mon-Fri would be easier?! Never thought about that.
  • mmzeller
    mmzeller Posts: 1 Member
    I want to start 30 day shred. Will go tonight and get DVD to hopefulyl start tonight or tomorrow. Cant wait to lose some pounds!!! Look forward to blogging about this, it's a new thing for me!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    I'm in! I'm starting today, after starting and stopping 3 times this year so far... :blushing:
    Here's a link for a group, she created an excel chart to input our measurements each week... Extra accountablility... Hopefully this link works... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/12286-30ds-30-day-shred
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    I want to start 30 day shred. Will go tonight and get DVD to hopefulyl start tonight or tomorrow. Cant wait to lose some pounds!!! Look forward to blogging about this, it's a new thing for me!

    They have it on youtube... So you don't have to wait...
  • I'm in!! DVD delivered today :)
  • Mine got here yesterday so I am starting today!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Mine got here yesterday so I am starting today!
    I'm starting over today :) I actually only missed one day (I'm technically on day 8) BUT, I had a really rough week of eating. So I'd like to see what the shred does for me if I eat better :)
  • homegirl614
    homegirl614 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm starting as soon as I get my dvd, which should be today. Looking for extra support, I am really nervous because I heard it is tough. Anyone can add me :smile:
  • Ok, I did it. Whoa I am out of shape! But, I did finish. There were a few times I didn't quite push through to the end of the set, but I know that will get better. I'm questioning what is going to get me to do again tomorrow though. LOL
  • I'm in! I am on Day 3 of Level 1 - Love it so far but it's alot harder than it looks! whew, my legs hurt and I can't laugh too hard because my stomach muscles are killing me! :)
  • yep, im starting march 1st! ... for the third time :noway: