new and trying to stay motivated

blessedx5 Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself

I just started logging my food and exercise on here this week. It is an awesome site. I am a SAHM of 5 and also a homeschooling Mom. I have struggled with my weight for a long time but particularly after having my last 3 children. I am 5'3' and over 200 lbs. I am tired of being heavy and want to get healthy. I started doing herbalife shakes in Jan. but have only lost 10 lbs. I have not done a good job of writing my food down until this week and am hopeful that between logging food and exxercising more I will start to see better results. I have lost over 7 inches though and am pretty excited about that!

I also started the couch to 5k running program this week and my goal is to run my first 5k in October to celebrate turning forty.

Any and all tips/tricks of the trade will be greatly appreciated. I seem to be obsessed with food and my calories and am looking for snacks that others enjoy to help them between meals.



  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Well good luck to you! Just log EVERYTHING you eat and stay under your calories, watch your sodium, drink water and exercise when you can and it will come off. Be patient and don't give up! We are all different but one thing that helps me is watching my carbs and sugar and getting healthy lean protein.

    some good snacks I like

    light string cheese and almonds
    apples and peanut butter
    pure protein bars
    homemade fruit/protein smoothies (no added sugar ofcourse)

    The best advice I can give you is Log on to this website everday, even when it is not working or you get discouraged....your friends on here will give you advice and help get you back on track!
  • Welcome aboard!

    Some snacks I enjoy are:

    Almonds 1/4 cup serving
    Apple & Peanut Butter
    Orange & String Cheese
    Fiber Plus Bar
    Trail Mix
    Beef Jerky
  • Jeck
    Jeck Posts: 8
    It's hard staying at home with children and be able to lose weight. As Moms, we always put others first, so tend NOT to make time for exercise and healthy meals. I'm not the most educated on the subject. I've only lost 14 lbs. But- My best tips are to drink lots of water and keep moving. If you can't get outside to walk or run, at least stand while you fold laundry or teach the kids. Those things are small, but they add up.
    IF at all possible, find something that you love to do. I used to do a dance class called Zumba- it was tons of fun. We've just started taking MMA classes as a family and so far I love it too. I just can't force myself to do things I don't want to do (such as those boring workout videos)
    Make sure you make time for YOU. It may seem like you are taking something away from your children, but think of how much you'll be able to do with them when you are back in shape and think of how many healthy years you are adding to your life. You are doing this for you- but it benefits everyone in your house. You will be a great role model for your kids and hopefully they won't become overweight too! :) I wish you the best on your journey!!!
  • :smile: You already achieved the hardest step and that was logging into the site. You committed yourself to logging in every day and tracking your calories and exercise. I am a visual person so this just made good sense to me. I have been on the site for going on 4 weeks now and I have lost 5 lbs. I am 41 and realize how hard it is to get motivated. You are doing a fine job. We are here to support you. Good luck!
  • blessedx5
    blessedx5 Posts: 3
    Thanks for all the encouragement!

    BTW- my name is Wendy too! :)
  • Hi welcome! Congrats on your weight loss so far- 10lbs is a lot and a great starting point. Just make sure to log everything, even little handfuls of stuff. If you're anything like me, when your kids want a snack, you probably grab a small handful of whatever they're eating as well. Also, log any drinks with calories. I used to drink DP all the time and now have switched completely over to diet/no calorie drinks.
    It's tough being at home all day b/c the food is always there for you to eat on, almost tempting you. This site has really helped me put my eating into perspective. I was eating b/c I was bored before or stuffing myself b/c I hadn't eaten a big enough b-fast or lunch. It's all about balance and staying under 1400 calories is pretty easy these days. Especially if you're buying plenty of fruits and vegetables.

    Exercise is a HUGE part of weight loss, remember to start out small and managable so you don't strain yourself early on. C25K is a great program. I tried it about a month ago and then a few weeks in, my knees were in so much pain I had to stop. I have flat feet and some ankle issues b/c of it so that's why I'm taking a break from it. So it's important to visit a running store and get the right types of shoes for your feet. If you feel any joint pain don't hesitate to stop and walk instead.
    I hope to one day get back to the program as well, b/c I really did enjoy the feeling of running.

    Good luck with everything! Don't hestiate to ask questions here either, everyone is great at replying and helping out.
  • BellaBones
    BellaBones Posts: 136
    Hey there Blessed, I am in the same boat. I ve lost 15 pounds since the beginning of the year, but any loss is worth sticking to guns and not giving up. Also I I have kept it off, I found that the quicker I lost it, the quicker I gained it back.

    Stick with the program, get motivated, do things with your kids that get your heart pumping and that are fun. And make sure to be honest on your diary, then you can see what you need to work on and where you excel. :)

    It is the little things, Ive learned, that can make the biggest difference.

    Mustard instead of Mayo.

    No cheese on sandwiches.

    Fruit in the mornings

    just to start with.

    Good luck and have fun in your fitness trek.
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