Going out to eat, suggestions please!

this is where i'm going for dinner, Any suggestions on a good choice?
I have about 6-800 calories left for dinner.



  • IbettR
    IbettR Posts: 139 Member
    I would either get a Whole Wheat Margherita Pizza loaded w veggies, or the 'Create Your Own Salad' option. :smile:
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    Oh, the whole wheat margertia pizza!! I make this at home all the time.
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    I was going to suggest the same thing with the addition of the pomodoro pizza on whole wheat. Some of the sandwichs look good, but I would see if you could sub out the sides for fruit or a fresh tossed salad.

    BTW, decent prices for a NYC restaurant. Might have to give it a try next time I am up there.

  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    You should pick a place and check to see if the nutritional info is listed. Much easier that way.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I personally would create my own salad, and have a salmon sushi roll (one that doesn't have sauce). I woudn't get dressing just lemon wedge and pepper, maybe some EVOO if they can on the side. Looks like a very delic place if ever i'm in NYC I'll have to try it out! :)
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Low Fat Egg White salad platter looked yummy.

    Also French Panini.
  • wendylady123
    wendylady123 Posts: 24 Member
    Definately the Smoked Salmon. So good for you during weight loss. You can always ask for half portions (not sure, but 3-4 oz is only 170 calories) or doggie bag half of your food if it's more. And you can add on lots of veggies! Don't be afraid to ask for it. And I would say ixnay the bagel and cream cheese, or go for half of a bagel without cream cheese. VEGGIES VEGGIES VEGGIES!

    oh and VEGGIES ;)

    I'm not as familiar with sushi, so that'd be something to research, but I've heard its great for you if you watch adding sauces.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Avocado or salmon roll. Any of the sandwiches without cheese.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Tel Aviv Roll and a haifa roll with low sodium soy sauce. You can even get a side salad ti help fill you up.

    Or the whole wheat margarita pizza, but i would rather the sushi.
  • Richelle73
    Richelle73 Posts: 23 Member
    I heard an idea; ask for a to go container, box up 1/2 your food to take home and eat the other 1/2 while you are dining.
  • ropsnik
    ropsnik Posts: 68 Member
    I travel alot and have the MFP app on my iPhone. It is great tool for me by making meal choices while waiting to be seated or in helping me choose what I want to eat. Before I meet the waitress, I can pass the waiting time by scanning the food items on their menu. Most of the more popular restaurants have their food in the MFP data base. One thing I have found since using MFP is I know where I stand at all times, I got to know portions and what foods get me in trouble. And I am now choosing foods that are healthier.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Make your own salad or Margherita pizza with whole wheat crust. Sushi as well if you like it... I've heard great things about it being good for healthy eating but I don't eat it so I can't give suggestions.

    Some of the sandwiches look great as well, depending on what kind of bread they use. Except you don't want the soda or side... wonder if they would substitute something for it?